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Trails of Cold Steel 2 - September 6th (NA)


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This is what I've been waiting for! I bought the first game on a whim, because I thought the cover looked awesome (yes, that's actually why I bought it. I knew nothing of the franchise beforehand) and I loved it so much that I was stoked to find out that there was a sequel coming (that cliffhanger ending though... holy hell).

Trails of Cold Steel 1 definitely had some of the best world building I have ever seen in any game I have ever played and the characters were interesting and likeable as well, and lets not forget the awesome story... And here I go again, gushing over the amazingness of this game...

I haven't played the other The Legend of Heroes games, though I've heard they are also very good.

I was thinking of picking up Trails in the Sky for the Vita in the PS Store to pass the time until ToCS2 comes out. Good idea or bad idea?

hahahaha, judging games by covers is a classic. since it worked out, I dig it. I mean, I def pay more attention to games with cooler covers, and I enjoy them too, so I ain't judgin' you for that. XD

Yes, Trails in the Sky is what got me into the series, personally, and if I had played Cold Steel first, I might have dropped the series. While Cold Steel is more modern in... basically everything and has a bit more voice acting, Trails in the Sky feels like the superior game of its time due to the better writing/cast/etc. (and is arguably where the whole great world-building and characterization started, especially with XSEED taking the liberties they do to make the writing great and more appealing).

Not saying Cold Steel is bad, I just feel like Sky is definitely something anyone who liked Cold Steel will want to play at some point. What you think of it is up to you and will almost definitely be different from those who played the games in another order, but that's fine. :)

I remember something about them giving up because forcing you to stick with Sen I choices was troublesome

The PC versions are better, but I don't know how you play your games. Yes, picking up Trails in the Sky is definitely a good idea, though be warned it has a somewhat slow start.

I don't

but yeah, what he said, but the slow start is really nothing worse than Cold Steel IMO. tbh might be better than Cold Steel, depending on your tastes... lol.

I don't have a gaming PC nor do I have the money to get one, so I always play on console.

I'm used to games with slow starts. Pretty much any JRPG starts out slow and then there's the incredibly lengthy opening sequence of Okami. As long as the premise is interesting, I think I'll manage. Thanks :D

probz don't need one but that's cool, I like the Vita version due to portability, I played both FC and SC on PSP/Vita though I also have the Steam versions just to support them (didn't really get very far with Trails FC for Steam and didn't even bother with the Steam version of SC even though the Steam versions are, AFAIK, superior in every way except portability).

The Sky games are really lightweight so you shouldn't really need a gaming PC, even some mid/low end PCs from a few years back could probably play them fine

Unless the Vita portability is a priority for you, I'd recommend giving that version a try, besides being able to play with better image quality and framerate, the PC version has more up to date script (also 3rd will only be releasing on PC in English, so knowing you have an option to play that would be good)

yup yup, PC is the way to go with these series, it pains me to say it since I'm a console guy (especially handhelds since I'm a busy guy who can't find much time to sit down and play PC/console games these days) but yeah, it is what it is, and the 3rd isn't even coming to Vita as Tonton said, so QQ

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I don't

but yeah, what he said, but the slow start is really nothing worse than Cold Steel IMO. tbh might be better than Cold Steel, depending on your tastes... lol.

Well it doesn't matter anyway

FC has a slow start from a gameplay perspective as well though, as the crafts aren't very well thought out (it takes Estelle seven levels or so to get an offensive craft, for instance), and it takes a while until you can really make good use of its amazing Orbment system (unless you know what you're doing and rush Shadow Spear, lol). But yeah, storywise FC's pacing is probably better than ToCS's anyway.

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I don't have a gaming PC nor do I have the money to get one, so I always play on console.

I'm used to games with slow starts. Pretty much any JRPG starts out slow and then there's the incredibly lengthy opening sequence of Okami. As long as the premise is interesting, I think I'll manage. Thanks :D

It won't look like much at first, but FC is well worth it. And then there's SC, which is. . .well, you'll have to play through FC to understand. :P:

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