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How about the entire premise and themes of Genealogy of the Holy War and Path of Radiance? They were fairly mature.

You are confusing Mature with Dark. Dark in terms of literature and storytelling implies an atmosphere where choices are weighed heavily and things are generally much gloomier. That's basically it.

Mature in the terms of storytelling generally refers to how a subject matter was handled, how tastefully and how much the way it was presented actually makes you think about the matter in question. For example, Flora's death in Birthright is fairly dark but many would make a case for it being not very mature considering that it was seemingly thrown in for shock value.

By that same note, Child Hunts and such in FE4 are also considered rather dark and distrubing themes but with so little exposition and detail given to them a very strong case could be made for them not being Mature considering how little detail and attention is given to the matter.

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I don't give a crap if you diss me.

I give a crap if you use words and insults towards others in this extreme manner.

Man, if you're going to be the gatekeeper of Fire Emblem's "honor", I'd rather it turn into an ero VN.

If you love the non-censorship so much... why don't you, you know... learn Japanese and import the game?

Oh wait, that takes effort.

Unlike constantly throwing crap at people who localize games or people who don't share your dissatisfaction.

I was going to make a point about you needing something to back up your claim earlier, but I knew you'd give some eventually.

Honestly, that type of thing is part of the reason I dislike the internet as a whole. Scratch that, humanity as a whole. We're a pretty awful species when you really think about it. We treat each other like shit half the time.

As a side note, I'd love to learn Japanese. I actually really enjoy the language from what misc things I've learned and I think I'd use it more than frickin' Spanish.

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In regards to the jokes and memes

anyone who has taken a basic class on a second language can tell you that jokes don't always make sense when being translated into your language

and sometimes they will make a refrence that will fly over 99.999% of our heads

sometimes changes just have to be made to the dialoug, ask Vincent as he translated FE 12 for us

and direct translations sometimes make no sense as they are translated word for word rather than what they mean

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In regards to the jokes and memes

anyone who has taken a basic class on a second language can tell you that jokes don't always make sense when being translated into your language

and sometimes they will make a refrence that will fly over 99.999% of our heads

sometimes changes just have to be made to the dialoug, ask Vincent as he translated FE 12 for us

and direct translations sometimes make no sense as they are translated word for word rather than what they mean

For reference, compare FE3 Book 2's translation to FE12's. FE3's was a direct script translation, and it really fucking shows. FE12's feels like a legit localization at points with how well it was handled.

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*Laughs for 10 years*

It's ironic that you say those words when you're the one complaining about Fates localization at least every other post.

Everything you want is pretty much the Japanese version.

Except you want subtitles.

Which has references to their culture and behavior you probably wouldn't even get.



I don't give a crap if you diss me.

I give a crap if you use words and insults towards others in this extreme manner.

Man, if you're going to be the gatekeeper of Fire Emblem's "honor", I'd rather it turn into an ero VN.

If you love the non-censorship so much... why don't you, you know... learn Japanese and import the game?

Oh wait, that takes effort.

Unlike constantly throwing crap at people who localize games or people who don't share your dissatisfaction.

I'm mainly complaining about the cringe enducing memes they added into the game as well as all the characters they altered. Also, they turned Nyx into a modern day feminist. If all they literally did was remove the waifu shit and keep in everything else, then I wouldn't give two shits. Besides, I never said I wanted subtitles, considering every japanese thing I experience, I prefer having english voice acting.

As for the screenshot, which one were you, sakurademon or Cardcafex? You showed both replies on some video I commented on. Besides, imagine if companies like Viz or FUNimation started adding cringe worthy memes into their animes and censored blood, gore, swear words, religious references, significant story elements, character personalities, etc in the various animes they bring to the west. Wouldn't that piss you off?

Also, in the comments of the video, I was mainly complaining about the fact that Fire Emblem is turning into a waifu simulator and that newer fans are ruining the series and turning it into something I don't like anymore. The reason I tend to attack certain fans of ANY and I mean ANY fandom is because they affect the franchises' I used to love in very negative ways (i.e. by spending money on horrible games in various franchises). It's part of the reason I no longer like shit like Sonic. I used to like the series, but the fans had to keep buying the newer games ergo supporting the crappy low quality direction. Money speaks louder than words to these big companies.

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I'm mainly complaining about the cringe enducing memes they added into the game as well as all the characters they altered. Also, they turned Nyx into a modern day feminist. If all they literally did was remove the waifu shit and keep in everything else, then I wouldn't give two shits. Besides, I never said I wanted subtitles, considering every japanese thing I experience, I prefer having english voice acting.

As for the screenshot, which one were you, sakurademon or Cardcafex? You showed both replies on some video I commented on. Besides, imagine if companies like Viz or FUNimation started adding cringe worthy memes into their animes and censored blood, gore, swear words, religious references, significant story elements, character personalities, etc in the various animes they bring to the west. Wouldn't that piss you off?

Also, in the comments of the video, I was mainly complaining about the fact that Fire Emblem is turning into a waifu simulator and that newer fans are ruining the series and turning it into something I don't like anymore. The reason I tend to attack certain fans of ANY and I mean ANY fandom is because they affect the franchises' I used to love in very negative ways (i.e. by spending money on horrible games in various franchises). It's part of the reason I no longer like shit like Sonic. I used to like the series, but the fans had to keep buying the newer games ergo supporting the crappy low quality direction. Money speaks louder than words to these big companies.

"Crappy low quality direction is supported"

Considering Sega responded to Sonic Boom with Sonic Manic and Sonic 2017, both of which look really high quality and focused heavily on the fact that people who made high quality Sonic titles are the ones making them, for once, using the Sonic fanbase as a scapegoat doesn't actually work. Also, legit question here, are you seriously just gonna ignore people's points about why memes are "added" here, and claim we have double standards bullshit. Because if you are, all you succeed in doing is looking like an ass, and while I will openly admit to being an asshole and am proud of it, I doubt you want to be seen that way.

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I'm mainly complaining about the cringe enducing memes they added into the game as well as all the characters they altered. Also, they turned Nyx into a modern day feminist. If all they literally did was remove the waifu shit and keep in everything else, then I wouldn't give two shits. Besides, I never said I wanted subtitles, considering every japanese thing I experience, I prefer having english voice acting.

As for the screenshot, which one were you, sakurademon or Cardcafex? You showed both replies on some video I commented on. Besides, imagine if companies like Viz or FUNimation started adding cringe worthy memes into their animes and censored blood, gore, swear words, religious references, significant story elements, character personalities, etc in the various animes they bring to the west. Wouldn't that piss you off?

Also, in the comments of the video, I was mainly complaining about the fact that Fire Emblem is turning into a waifu simulator and that newer fans are ruining the series and turning it into something I don't like anymore. The reason I tend to attack certain fans of ANY and I mean ANY fandom is because they affect the franchises' I used to love in very negative ways (i.e. by spending money on horrible games in various franchises). It's part of the reason I no longer like shit like Sonic. I used to like the series, but the fans had to keep buying the newer games ergo supporting the crappy low quality direction. Money speaks louder than words to these big companies.

Why are you even comparing this with Viz/Funimation? I don't see where this is going.

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I'm mainly complaining about the cringe enducing memes they added into the game as well as all the characters they altered. Also, they turned Nyx into a modern day feminist. If all they literally did was remove the waifu shit and keep in everything else, then I wouldn't give two shits. Besides, I never said I wanted subtitles, considering every japanese thing I experience, I prefer having english voice acting.

As for the screenshot, which one were you, sakurademon or Cardcafex? You showed both replies on some video I commented on. Besides, imagine if companies like Viz or FUNimation started adding cringe worthy memes into their animes and censored blood, gore, swear words, religious references, significant story elements, character personalities, etc in the various animes they bring to the west. Wouldn't that piss you off?

Also, in the comments of the video, I was mainly complaining about the fact that Fire Emblem is turning into a waifu simulator and that newer fans are ruining the series and turning it into something I don't like anymore. The reason I tend to attack certain fans of ANY and I mean ANY fandom is because they affect the franchises' I used to love in very negative ways (i.e. by spending money on horrible games in various franchises). It's part of the reason I no longer like shit like Sonic. I used to like the series, but the fans had to keep buying the newer games ergo supporting the crappy low quality direction. Money speaks louder than words to these big companies.

The "Memes" were added because of reasons already stated; they mostly replace ones that don't make any sense in English. Not everything can be directly translated, bud.

I'm sorry, but when has Nyx ever been a feminist? Maybe I'm the one in the wrong here, but from my experience she is definitely not a feminist.

I can guarantee you he is neither of those people with 100% certainty.

What do ANY of those have to do with Fates? Censored blood? Swear words? That's cultural differences, aka LOCALIZATION, not censoring. When they remove curses and blood, that's not up to Treehouse or IS. That's entirely because of the cultural differences between the US and Japan. If you need something to actually complain to, go complain to America and video games themselves existing and growing as a nation over time.

Can someone please tell me why "Waifu Simulator" has to be the basis for EVERY DAMN COMPLAINT about Fates and Awakening?! Why can't we complain about the rushed story and Revelations? You know, something WORTH complaining about?

I guess we're going off topic now...

Considering Sonic Boom is the worst selling Sonic title, I think money did indeed speak louder than words. Then again, they DID listen to us with Fire and Ice, where that actually FIXED THE PROBLEMS with Shattered Crystal. They ARE listening to us. ALSO IT'S A SPIN-OFF.

In regards to the jokes and memes

anyone who has taken a basic class on a second language can tell you that jokes don't always make sense when being translated into your language

and sometimes they will make a refrence that will fly over 99.999% of our heads

sometimes changes just have to be made to the dialoug, ask Vincent as he translated FE 12 for us

and direct translations sometimes make no sense as they are translated word for word rather than what they mean

Indeed. You can probably skip this one by the way...

One example is a Spanish joke I know. I had to google the exact words, as it's been years, but I found it.

En un carrera de peces, ¿cuál llega el último?

¡El del-fín!

(Fín means end, delfín means Dolphin)

Which translates best to...

"In a race between fish, who would come in last?

The dolphin!"

See? It makes no sense in english, while is makes a lot of sense in Spanish!

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Also, legit question here, are you seriously just gonna ignore people's points about why memes are "added" here, and claim we have double standards bullshit. Because if you are, all you succeed in doing is looking like an ass, and while I will openly admit to being an asshole and am proud of it, I doubt you want to be seen that way.

I don't ignore them. I do try and read as many of the replies as much as I can, what I'm saying is that these practices are old and outdated. I'm aware some stuff is going to have to be changed for localization, but if you're going to change stuff, change things that make sense. Don't change a character's personality just to appeal more to a western audience. This just feels like something 90s anime localizers like 4Kids Entertainment or whoever localized Digimon would've done.

Why are you even comparing this with Viz/Funimation? I don't see where this is going.

I'm comparing Treehouse to them because Viz and FUNimation also distribute various japanese products with a lot of dialoge that need's translating, localizing, voice acting, etc. If they don't change a character's personality or remove references to guns, alcohol, blood, gore, religious references, important plot points, etc in their localizations of various animes, what's Treehouse's excuse?

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I don't ignore them. I do try and read as many of the replies as much as I can, what I'm saying is that these practices are old and outdated. I'm aware some stuff is going to have to be changed for localization, but if you're going to change stuff, change things that make sense. Don't change a character's personality just to appeal more to a western audience. This just feels like something 90s anime localizers like 4Kids Entertainment or whoever localized Digimon would've done.

I'm comparing Treehouse to them because Viz and FUNimation also distribute various japanese products with a lot of dialoge that need's translating, localizing, voice acting, etc. If they don't change a character's personality or remove references to guns, alcohol, blood, gore, religious references, important plot points, etc in their localizations of various animes, what's Treehouse's excuse?

...Except literally the only things changed/removed were the bathing suits. Everything else was still in, be it altered or whatever. Legit question, am I the only one who could describe the skinship feature without feeling like a fucking sex offender back when we had every reason to believe it would be in the US version? If I am, then I need to get the fuck out of this community. I don't care if it's a Japanese culture thing, the fact is, if it's coming to America as a Triple A title which Fates was actually able to do thanks to Awakening, having that in there could've turned into a huge clusterfuck, and it somehow still fucking did when Nintendo/Treehouse did the smart and logical thing of taking it out and replacing it with small conversations. I really didn't notice many character changes beyond Effie whose gimmick was tuned up a bit and Elise becoming a technical adult. Say what you will about Fates localization, but it's a fucking Godsend compared to POR's and RD's

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I don't ignore them. I do try and read as many of the replies as much as I can, what I'm saying is that these practices are old and outdated. I'm aware some stuff is going to have to be changed for localization, but if you're going to change stuff, change things that make sense. Don't change a character's personality just to appeal more to a western audience. This just feels like something 90s anime localizers like 4Kids Entertainment or whoever localized Digimon would've done.

I'm comparing Treehouse to them because Viz and FUNimation also distribute various japanese products with a lot of dialoge that need's translating, localizing, voice acting, etc. If they don't change a character's personality or remove references to guns, alcohol, blood, gore, religious references, important plot points, etc in their localizations of various animes, what's Treehouse's excuse?

That is LITERALLY the point of Localization. To change the game to both make sense in the language and appeal to their audience. That's how it has always been and will probably continue to be for a long time. It's why they changed Severa to be more bratty rather than Tsundere in Awakening, for one example. Maybe you don't think they should've changed it, but they may think that people in the west don't understand the trope of a Tsundere, so they changed her to something more understandable in western culture; a selfish bratty teenager.

Again, like I said, those types of changes have nothing to do with Treehouse or even Viz and FUNimation. It's changed like it is due to how the west views them. If they DIDN'T remove them, it's be either M rated or some other form of adult content rating, or not released entirely. There's nothing you can do about it, the rules are the rules.

When exactly did Fates "remove important plot points"? The story sucked in the Japanese version too you know, there aren't any differences to my understanding.

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That is LITERALLY the point of Localization. To change the game to both make sense in the language and appeal to their audience. That's how it has always been and will probably continue to be for a long time. It's why they changed Severa to be more bratty rather than Tsundere in Awakening, for one example. Maybe you don't think they should've changed it, but they may think that people in the west don't understand the trope of a Tsundere, so they changed her to something more understandable in western culture; a selfish bratty teenager.

Again, like I said, those types of changes have nothing to do with Treehouse or even Viz and FUNimation. It's changed like it is due to how the west views them. If they DIDN'T remove them, it's be either M rated or some other form of adult content rating, or not released entirely. There's nothing you can do about it, the rules are the rules.

When exactly did Fates "remove important plot points"? The story sucked in the Japanese version too you know, there aren't any differences to my understanding.

Hell, from my understanding, the localization actually IMPROVED the story which legit concerns me to how bad the Japanese story was, I still think RD was worse than American Fates as far as narrative is concerned, but Fates pushed it at points

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Hell, from my understanding, the localization actually IMPROVED the story which legit concerns me to how bad the Japanese story was, I still think RD was worse than American Fates as far as narrative is concerned, but Fates pushed it at points

Don't fucking spoil me on RD's story, I'm getting to it. Playing PoR right now actually.

Where did you hear that from? I'm willing to believe you, I'm just curious.

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Don't fucking spoil me on RD's story, I'm getting to it. Playing PoR right now actually.

Where did you hear that from? I'm willing to believe you, I'm just curious.

It's my own personal opinion tbh, I read a lot of the script changes when the localized version released, and I found US Fates to be a better story from the like 5 chapters I compared.

Would link the SF threads I got my comparisions from, but I believe they are buried in the sands of threads now

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It's my own personal opinion tbh, I read a lot of the script changes when the localized version released, and I found US Fates to be a better story from the like 5 chapters I compared.

Would link the SF threads I got my comparisions from, but I believe they are buried in the sands of threads now

Just check your topics tab on your profile page. Unless you've made like hundred of them since then.

I gotcha. I feel some of the writing is a bit meh Sophie's Paralogue but I didn't feel like there were any differences. Shadowofchaos would probably give us lecture on it. :Kappa:

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Just check your topics tab on your profile page. Unless you've made like hundred of them since then.

I gotcha. I feel some of the writing is a bit meh Sophie's Paralogue but I didn't feel like there were any differences. Shadowofchaos would probably give us lecture on it. :Kappa:

It's weird, like the story itself wasn't really changed, but the way characters acted towards each other felt more natural to me, well, as natural as characters could be in this clusterfuck of a story. My biggest example is Corrin's speech to Hans and Iago at the end of Conquest. The US version differs greatly from the Japanese version, and I'm almost positive the US version is part of the reason why, for some God forsaken reason, I like Nohrrin.

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It's weird, like the story itself wasn't really changed, but the way characters acted towards each other felt more natural to me, well, as natural as characters could be in this clusterfuck of a story. My biggest example is Corrin's speech to Hans and Iago at the end of Conquest. The US version differs greatly from the Japanese version, and I'm almost positive the US version is part of the reason why, for some God forsaken reason, I like Nohrrin.

Huh, cool. I'd really like to see the differences now.

I still hate Corrin as a character though.

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From a cut cutscene to this:

I don't ignore them. I do try and read as many of the replies as much as I can, what I'm saying is that these practices are old and outdated. I'm aware some stuff is going to have to be changed for localization, but if you're going to change stuff, change things that make sense. Don't change a character's personality just to appeal more to a western audience. This just feels like something 90s anime localizers like 4Kids Entertainment or whoever localized Digimon would've done.

I'm comparing Treehouse to them because Viz and FUNimation also distribute various japanese products with a lot of dialoge that need's translating, localizing, voice acting, etc. If they don't change a character's personality or remove references to guns, alcohol, blood, gore, religious references, important plot points, etc in their localizations of various animes, what's Treehouse's excuse?

TC, you have ONE chance to get this topic back to where it belongs, or I'm closing it the next time I'm here. I'm not impressed with your attitude, and I think that you're doing more harm than good at this point.

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TC, you have ONE chance to get this topic back to where it belongs, or I'm closing it the next time I'm here. I'm not impressed with your attitude, and I think that you're doing more harm than good at this point.

Wait, were we ever talking about the main topic in the first place? I mean, we debunked the main idea really quickly.

EDIT: We had about 9 posts about the main idea before we started devolving into what it became.

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Wait, were we ever talking about the main topic in the first place? I mean, we debunked the main idea really quickly.

EDIT: We had about 9 posts about the main idea before we started devolving into what it became.

Yeah. Don't be part of the problem.

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Yeah. Don't be part of the problem.

[spoiler=Please don't take this joke I kind of regret making seriously.]

Waaah! Eclipse is being mean to meee!

Please don't take me seriously with that. It was a dumb joke. I know your job is really important for us as a community.

Please do take me seriously with this:

I'll stay out of this unless something really concerns me in a serious way.

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