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Official Artwork Characters?

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I think that everyone has artwork; we just haven't seen it for most characters yet. If I recall, the only characters who have artwork are:

-The royals



-Takumi's retainers

-Leo's retainers

Our best shot is if Fates ever gets an artbook. Since Fates is quite popular and there's probably plenty of concept art lying around, it makes sense for one to be made eventually. Maybe if there's more DLC being made it will be announced after that (which I think happened with Awakening's artbook)? Though if one is made, hopefully it won't take four years for it to be localized.

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Oboro also has official artwork. [spoiler=Fuckin' massive!]c1K2Wu3.png

I'll try and find a better version.

I think that everyone has artwork; we just haven't seen it for most characters yet. If I recall, the only characters who have artwork are:
-The royals
-Takumi's retainers
-Leo's retainers

We don't have official art for Hinata, Odin or Niles.

We have both Corrins, all the siblings, Oboro because of the poll, Jakob because of the poll, and Felicia because Felicia.

Edited by TrueEm
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Oboro also has official artwork. [spoiler=Fuckin' massive!]c1K2Wu3.png

I'll try and find a better version.

We don't have official art for Hinata, Odin or Niles.

We have both Corrins, all the siblings, Oboro because of the poll, Jakob because of the poll, and Felicia because Felicia.

actually we do for leo's retainers at least


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actually we do for leo's retainers at least


Oh really? This is news to me! When did this drop?

EDIT: Is Niles holding a Killer Bow or is it just me?

I guess I have hope for everyone having official art now.

Where's my Ophelia?

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My theory is that IS don't have the budget for all the character official artwork right now, so not all of them exist. That's why they're slowly being released in tandem with official products--which may also exist to make back the money used to pay for the artwork.

So Oboro and Jakob were added for the home themes and the OST, then the drama CDs added Hinata, Niles and Odin.

Presumably once there aren't many characters left, they'll commission the rest for an artbook.

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