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Would you be down for remakes of past games ?


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there is no reason to use a janky, outdated support system other than your own personal bias

I legitimately cannot fathom that someone would dislike unlimited supports if they're done well

you literally want to limit the amount of writing you can even see and you're forcing yourself to do ten thousand playthroughs to complete the support logs

Lol outdated, you mean outright superior right? Because FE9's stomps on Awakening and Fates support systems in every single way imaginable.

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there is no reason to use a janky, outdated support system other than your own personal bias

I legitimately cannot fathom that someone would dislike unlimited supports if they're done well

you literally want to limit the amount of writing you can even see and you're forcing yourself to do ten thousand playthroughs to complete the support logs

GBA/FE9 supports were superior because they didn't force characters with no compatibility whatsoever to talk to the same extent as FE13/14.

I'm not saying FE6-9 didn't have bad supports scattered around. The opposite is true, in fact. But if the amount of supports is limited more effort can go into actually writing them. In addition, making not everything end in marriage is significantly more believable.

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there is no reason to use a janky, outdated support system other than your own personal bias

I legitimately cannot fathom that someone would dislike unlimited supports if they're done well

you literally want to limit the amount of writing you can even see and you're forcing yourself to do ten thousand playthroughs to complete the support logs

I feel like unlimited supports were done the best in FE 12. But overall, I think supports were done the best in FE 9. Those are conversations that take place over time throughout the game. You can feel a time gap throughout the conversations because there is one. The problem with Awakening/Fates is that time feels a bit distorted. Some characters conversations feel like they would take place over months, but in theory could take place in chapter 7, 8, and 9. While other conversations (Takumi and Sakura come in mind) have conversations that seem like it would be over a few days... a few weeks tops, but they could take place in chapter 11, 18, then 27.... not to mention there are conversations in which they straight up talk about things that haven't been introduced. Like in one of Arthur and Elise's supports, she wants him to make Xander laugh. But he can do that way before Xander joins the team. Also, some conversations don't flow well when placed in Revelation.

Don't get me wrong, the GBA games are guilty of this too. When you recruit L'arachel, you can support grind and characters in her C support will call her "Princess" even though the story hasn't revealed her as a princess. They also have conversations in the middle of the battle field. Some of the more long winded ones give you the feeling of "Should we really be talking about this right now?".... And I feel FE 9 remedies this by having support conversations done at the base. Not to mention base conversations to help flesh out characters.

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I'd be all for Gaiden getting one. Much as I like it on its own merits, it's aged pretty badly and could use some freshening up.

I'm ambivalent on everything else, as I don't think any other game really needs a touch up the way Gaiden does, but I wouldn't be against it so long as they didn't do pretty much everything that made New Mystery so aggravating to me.

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there is no reason to use a janky, outdated support system other than your own personal bias

I legitimately cannot fathom that someone would dislike unlimited supports if they're done well

you literally want to limit the amount of writing you can even see and you're forcing yourself to do ten thousand playthroughs to complete the support logs

I'm legit convinced you are a troll. Like, I even agree with this sentiment, but the way you worded this and several of your past posts convinces me you are a troll.

The older games had better written supports , tho I do feel the newer games have a better support system. Hell, I consider FE9's overrated af, since I'm OCD and INSIST on pairing Ike with Lethe, I have to see a green support blurb all the time, and it really gets on my nerves.

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