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Would you be down for remakes of past games ?


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I think it would be a great idea for people who discovered the franchise through Awakening to get to play the previous games as they're praised to be better like Shadow Dragon, Sacred Stones etc...

But would you be down for that ?

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It's a mixed bag, I very much enjoyed Shadow Dragon as a remake of FE1, but FE12 flat out offends me with some of the liberties it took. I don't consider FE12 bad by any means, but quite a few design choices prevent me from considering it superior to the original. I guess I'm all for it if they only change things that were flaws in the original, but don't go the New Mystery route of making the game barely recognizable as a remake.

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I dunno about America, but Rekka no Ken, Sacred Stones, and Shadow Dragon are all available on the European eShop. I feel if we're going to remake anything for newer audiences, I feel they should be remaking the older games that never released outside of Japan, to give people a chance to enjoy to story without having to emulate. I generally don't buy remakes unless I've never played the original game, or no longer have a way of playing the original game, so remaking something I already have access to would be pointless to me.

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Not by the IS of today. If I trusted IS to remake the games faithfully without shoving in unnecessary avatars and marriage between all the characters in the game, I'd be more all right with it. But after FE14, no. Just no. Also, FE12 gives a poor precedent for remakes with an avatar in it.

Edited by Sunwoo
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No. Just no. Shadow Dragon killed any hope I had for remakes, in addition to being one of the most disgusting pieces of media I've ever played. Hell, I refuse to call it a remake, because it'd insult remakes that were actually decent. Which I honestly consider a crying shame, because there are some older FEs that would need a lot of refining for me to even WANT to play them.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Haha, honestly, I'd be up for a Genealogy remake.

I see why some people hate Chris/Kris in New Mystery, but I actually liked him (and the rest of the remake). His blandness worked well as a foil for the other characters and he never stole the limelight from Marth, except in his *own* missions.

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I hope it's not too much of a problem if I pull my post from the last remake topic over here.

I voted of course that I don't trust IS. Fire Emblem is my favourite media franchise and Awakening is the most disgusting piece of media that I've ever consumed, among other unflattering superlatives that I would use to describe that game. So experiencing the Awakening Edition of those games might just about break my heart. I hate to imagine my favourite characters being degraded like Marth was in FE12, just for the sake of shameless ass-kissing. And who knows what else they would do to those characters. It was easy to enough to ignore in the last two games since it's an all new cast so I don't actually need to care what IS does to them. But it utterly sickens me to imagine characters like Mist in My Room or whatever.

Edited by BrightBow
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I don't trust IS to do that. Like MCP said, I'm worried they might take too many liberties and include unnecessary Awakening/Fates-izing which I would be very disapproving of.

Not by the IS of today. If I trusted IS to remake the games faithfully without shoving in unnecessary avatars and marriage between all the characters in the game, I'd be more all right with it. But after FE14, no. Just no. Also, FE12 gives a poor precedent for remakes with an avatar in it.

I hope it's not too much of a problem if I pull my post from the last remake topic over here.

I guess I'm just a mix of these three views... there is a lot of potential, but in my mind, not the sort the current company can pull off, unfortunately.

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Actually, I would like to see KAGA remake FE 4 and 5. I want to see if he could polish up on what he has done in the past.

Depending on how Vestaria turns out, I may or may not agree with this.

Also, someone above mentioned the hatred towards Kris, while I certainly didn't like him which is odd for me as the other 3 FE avatars I adore, he's not why I consider FE12 inferior to the original. FE12 just took WAY too many liberties with the original's FANTASTIC gameplay. Sure, FE3 had a few chapters that needed to die in fire, but FE12 doesn't fix the two I'm thinking of. In fact it makes one of them worse. I don't hate FE12, in fact, I had a lot of fun with it, but I just prefer the original FE3 book 2 to FE 12

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Depending on how Vestaria turns out, I may or may not agree with this.

Also, someone above mentioned the hatred towards Kris, while I certainly didn't like him which is odd for me as the other 3 FE avatars I adore, he's not why I consider FE12 inferior to the original. FE12 just took WAY too many liberties with the original's FANTASTIC gameplay. Sure, FE3 had a few chapters that needed to die in fire, but FE12 doesn't fix the two I'm thinking of. In fact it makes one of them worse. I don't hate FE12, in fact, I had a lot of fun with it, but I just prefer the original FE3 book 2 to FE 12

Speaking of, I'm not sure if FE1 had any chapters that were really bad, but Shadow Dragon took one chapter that originally wasn't too bad and made it much, MUCH worse (Chapter 13). Also, what chapters are you referring to?

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Speaking of, I'm not sure if FE1 had any chapters that were really bad, but Shadow Dragon took one chapter that originally wasn't too bad and made it much, MUCH worse (Chapter 13). Also, what chapters are you referring to?

Anri's Way and the one where you recruit Matthis. The one where you recruit Matthis is made somehow worse by the game locking TWO recruitables by making you take the most tedious route possible in any game not named FE4, which is flat out fucking mean.

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Anri's Way and the one where you recruit Matthis. The one where you recruit Matthis is made somehow worse by the game locking TWO recruitables by making you take the most tedious route possible in any game not named FE4, which is flat out fucking mean.

locking 2 recruitables?
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locking 2 recruitables?

One of the axe fighters is in a village along the long way I believe. Since only Marth can visit them, two recruitables. It's been awhile since I played FE12 tho, so I may be misremembering

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I feel remaking Gaiden would give me an actual excuse to play it (I really should play this game though).

I'd be all up for Binding Blade / Rekka no Ken though, there's a lot of things they could tweak to make it wonderful.

Based on the remake reputation though, I feel that people wouldn't like it for similar reasons from Shadow Dragon / New Mystery (I am talking about the GBA games though and I do love them). Although, I didn't mind New Mystery. Felt good enough.

Edited by TheVinceKnight
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I don't even see why people are spraying mace and saying "BAD INTSYS" because there's literally nothing they could do that doesn't involve modernising it.

Who cares if you don't trust Intelligent Systems? Gaiden is so barebones and unfitting to modern gaming to the point that the Awakening treatment is the only way. It's full of silent, palette swap characters with giant unwieldy maps and shrines that no longer are viable with modern gameplay. Gaiden was even the precursor to Awakening and even My Castle with the walkable maps.

Gaiden had monsters, grinding, a world map, characters that need fleshing out desperately, shrines that could be reworked in a number of different manner, and walkable spaces that could easily become My Castle. There probably can't even be an Avatar when there are two different, separate routes and there's no actual way to make one Avatar be on both Alm and Celica's routes. They happen concurrently.

The over-the-top phobia of Awakening and Fates is really ridiculous. So what if Grey the Villager #3 ends up in My Room? That would be dialogue that he definitely didn't have in the original game.

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Or they could make it play like Sacred Stones and give it a more GBA/FE9 combo type support system.

I like that idea more.

And I wouldn't put it past IS to make the Avatar have magic warp powers so they can screw everyone and steal spotlight.

I want to see Gaiden updated and all, but not by present-day IS.

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there is no reason to use a janky, outdated support system other than your own personal bias

I legitimately cannot fathom that someone would dislike unlimited supports if they're done well

you literally want to limit the amount of writing you can even see and you're forcing yourself to do ten thousand playthroughs to complete the support logs

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