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Conquest Pairings!


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Having a little trouble with some of the pairings. Here's who I know that I know that I'm going to put together:

Sabrina x Odin

Niles x Elise

Xander x Selena

Laslow x Camilla

Leo x Felicia

Keaton x Mozu

Arthur x Beruka

Silas x Effie

So it leaves Jakob, Benny, and Kaze as the Dads and Azura, Peri, and Charlotte or Nyx for Moms. Any suggestions?

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Dwyer is best with Charlotte or Peri as his mother out of the four. Nyx doesn't actually give him good magic compared to the strength he gets from these two. Peri offers less Defense, but more Resistance, while Charlotte gives him meh in both defense and res. Overally I'd pick Charlotte for the amazing Strength he gets, but Peri isn't a bad option.

Midori gets very average, but very good, growths from Peri. Strength, Skill, Speed and Luck are all 42.5, although her Defenses and HP is lacking. Granted, that's just how Midori is. Azura also offers great growths for her, with less Defenses for much better Speed and Strength. Overall, I'd pick Azura.

Ignis doesn't want Azura or Nyx flat out. I guess then he gets defaulted to Peri, which still doesn't look the best for him, but it's manageable I guess. He'll be really good if you swap him over to Paladin or Berserker.

So I'd say...

Kaze x Azura

Jakob x Charlotte or Peri

Benny x Whoever is left of above

EDIT: After looking at some things, I kinda take back what I said about Ignis. While Peri still isn't the best mother for him, his growths are still very good, with his Strength reaching 75% as a Berserker. It's just that his Defense is a bit lacking outside of being a General.

Edited by TrueEm
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I just have a quick question. I remember you making a Thread for some other Conquest Pairings a couple weeks ago. Did you start/complete that run or are you revising them? Regardless, I suggest taking this query over to the Pairing Thread in order to avoid creating slightly different threads focusing on the same topic.

Edited by Avalanche
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@ TrueEm: The main kids I would be running are Nina, Ophelia, Velouria, Soliel, Forrest, Percy, and Siegbert. I also tried to stay away from duplicating any of the pairings that I had from my last Conquest run when I actually married Silas. So that is why I kinda stayed away from Elise! Ophelia, Camilla! Velouria, Charlotte! Siegbert (didn't really like that pairing that much), and Effie!Percy (even though that is one of the easiest pairings to get one because you get Arthur and Effie together).

Charlotte and Jakob are 2 of the least favorite units in the game. So I guess I can definitely put that pairing together and just run them in the DLC maps. I stop using Jakob once I get Felicia in Chapter 15.

I actually thought about doing Peri and Benny together because it's so easy to do. In fact it's the reverse of my Silas and Effie. Silas usually carries Effie around, so I guess Peri can carry Benny around.

@ Avalanche: It's still the same run. Just revising the back part of the kids. :D

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@ TrueEm: The main kids I would be running are Nina, Ophelia, Velouria, Soliel, Forrest, Percy, and Siegbert. I also tried to stay away from duplicating any of the pairings that I had from my last Conquest run when I actually married Silas. So that is why I kinda stayed away from Elise! Ophelia, Camilla! Velouria, Charlotte! Siegbert (didn't really like that pairing that much), and Effie!Percy (even though that is one of the easiest pairings to get one because you get Arthur and Effie together).

Charlotte and Jakob are 2 of the least favorite units in the game. So I guess I can definitely put that pairing together and just run them in the DLC maps. I stop using Jakob once I get Felicia in Chapter 15.

I actually thought about doing Peri and Benny together because it's so easy to do. In fact it's the reverse of my Silas and Effie. Silas usually carries Effie around, so I guess Peri can carry Benny around.

@ Avalanche: It's still the same run. Just revising the back part of the kids. :D


On to the actual topic, I'd go with what TruEm suggested. Kaze x Azura is a favorite of mine, Charlotte gives Dwyer the Growths and Mods to make most Physical classes work and Peri gives Ignatius surprisingly good growths as a Paladin. I haven't tried it yet, but I've heard good things.

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