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All Female Units cliché/fantasm list.


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So I have been thinking a lot about it and to be honest playing through Fates made me think a lot of time " Yo this thing isn't a bit cliché ?" and some characters are in fact cliché, other however are more so fantasm {Personality wise that is} rather than clichés. I also thought it would be a fantastic topic to talk about

So without further do I am going to give you a list of all the female units cliché/fantasm

However before we get started we have some honorable mentions for the characters that are luckily not cliché or particular fantasm:

Nyx - She is arguably the most original character that isn't a cliché. She isn't the physical enbodiement of a certain partiuclar

psychological fantasm. Her backstory is original and explains her appearance quite well due to it being linked to a curse.

Reina - Bloodthirsty, yes but not enough to be a cliché, her goal to please her parents is very human thus I consider her not a cliché.

Mitama - She is a lazy girl who likes poetry, you couldn't have more normal.

Midori - Despite being a science girl and the Dora version of FE. I think she is not a cliché nor a psychological fantasm.

I think I am pretty much done here for the honorable mentions. Let's go then

Azura and Beruka - Anti-socials

Thanks to the forum's great help I've realised my mistake and remade this one. Like many said someone who wants to be with Azura needs to be very patient but it goes the same way for Beruka as the two don't like being surrounded in crowds and enjoy being all by themselves. You could say they are "Lost in thoughts all alone" haha... No? Okay my bad. Jokes aside though this behavior is quite troublesome as they both run away from contact with others and get offending to their surroundings a lot of times. They even struggle to show actual emotions as Beruka is always like that and Azura barely is able to show she is angry in her Support Conversation with Keaton but also finds Laslow funny even though she keeps a straight face while saying that. Further more, the reason behind all these weird behaviors is the result of them having a tragic past which is by far one of the most common ways used in story telling to explain anti-socialism.


There are no actual words to truly define her character but to make it as clear as possible she is the embodiment of a lady's man in a woman's body therefore being Inigo Laslow as a girl as many would say. Reason behind that is her ability to seduce girls better than her dad but also due to a small piece of dialogue in my castle where she says she is milking cows to train on "something". I'll let you figure out what it was but her character itself is a definition of a guy in a girl's body. One could say it's heavily linked to the fact that she is a tomboy since she is seen most of the times with men but you need to take in consideration her relationship with her father who is a model to her. It's only a speculation but her being a tomboy could explain why she is comfortable stripping in front of people but then again it could be just her not having any sense of modesty + considering the fact that Japan loves stripping scenes shown in many animes. Although she is Laslow it's easy to believe she is less elegant in her way of seducing women as she just goes straight forward in her way of talking and whatnot that she wants what is under.

Sophie, Setsuna and Felicia - Clumsy is sexy

That one is a general japanease cliché and quite macho if you think about it. To get it let's take this as example.

A person trips and falls on the ground either A you laugh or B you feel sorry for them. Implify the B feeling and you get the need to show some love as the person who triped is somewhat more frail than you. Thus it makes Setsuna and Felicia look like masterless dogs who were lost in the waves {It was done on purpose} and since they are so cute you come help me. In this sense the person consider them as weak women when in fact they're not. By these ideas you could think that's also how Camilla treats Corrin

Sakura and Elise - Oni-chan cliché

You cannot make a cliché list without put this in. That it is more orientated towards Japanese culture. Apparently having cute little girls call you big brother is a attractive to certain males and that's all there is to say it's just a result of weird Japanese male tastes. One could add that Sakura could fall on the "Shy girl" cliché/fantasm as apparently being shy is sexy too according to Japanese men standards.

Velouria and Selkie - Kemonomimi

To be honest i had a hard time puting a tag to this. It's just so weird and once again linked to Japanese culture, however this is a bigger macho version of "clumsy is sexy".

So Japan has a thing for catgirls and whatnot and Selkie and Velouria are basically cats and dogs, not only does this portray women as frail creatures but more so pets.

Ophelia - Chuunibyou

Odin thinks he is a hero, Ophelia thinks she is a hero therefore plays hero like most of the young kids do. It's a big reference to nerdy kids who seek women that enjoy comics and video games, this way we basically have a woman for those types of men.

Orochi - The Trickster

She is a cliché however she was so well written to be that cliché. Basically it ties in with her appearance and also her job: diviner.

Orochi is basically that woman who lies about being able to see the future and manipulates most males in the game to satisfy her selfish needs. She is misleading and so is her appearance. As perverted as it sounds, it's a clever way to give big breasts to a diviner as it represents how easily distracted people are when thinking about a bright future. It's all part of the magician plan to give you nice pictures and take your naive self as a pawn.

Orochi is a cliché but a well-written one.

Kagero - Yamato Nadeshiko a.k.a Flower of Japan {Gee I wonder where the "Traditional Wife" title came from}

You can't talk about Orochi without talking about her bestie Kagero. Aside from being Mikoto's previous retainers and the females with the largest breasts in the Hoshidan army{That's actually true},both a cliché with reference to their appearance. Yamato Nadeshiko in Japan refers to the epitome beauty and grace {Therefore elegance}, the ideal woman established during the Meiji{Feudal Era before the US came} restoration era. What's left now is to prove she fits the criteria. So you need to be elegant then let me tell you my friend, Kagero is in fact elegant. Though there is actually no one to my knowledge who ever called her elegant, her support with Kana will help us out to find the answer. Basically in Kana's B-Support with her mother she wishes to show her beautiful flowers she found. Those flowers are suppose to represent a main trait of the mother. When Kana shows the flower each mother gives her impression of it: Camilla said they look sensual, Orochi said mysterious and Kagero thought of them as elegant. Guess what Kana answered:

" They kind of remind me of you Mama."

Now we know she is elegant but what else ? The physical portrait. Most of the times the Yamato Nadeshikos have long black haired, in Kagero's case they are brown however brown hair and black hair falls into the category of "brunette" therefore her hair color is that of a Yamato Nadeshiko. Further more she has a clear calming voice but also have the right personality since she follows the ideals of Confucian{Japanese Religion} :unwavering loyalty, sense of duty and caring, motherly nature. All those traits can be found in her attitude with Ryoma but also with Kamui. Her sense of duty is heavily linked to her job: a ninja. Ninjas do what they are told to even if it means dirtying their hands because they are loyal to their lords. Her motherly nature may come from the fact that she is very patient with other like Hayato but also that she protects Corrin by following him around. Her wielding weapons is also part of the Yamato Nadeshiko cliché since before the Feudal Era caste system was abolished they used to be daughter of Samourai. Had Hana been feminine she may have had the chance to join Kagero. One big trait about them is that they respect authority figures like the Father of a family which is why whenever you wake her up she thinks you're upset and is all her fault :

"You're back! I apologize for dozing off."

"My apologies! I didn't realize you'd get upset that I was dozing."

Camilla and Peri - Yandere

Sometimes when feeling down everyone needs some love. But with her it's too much. It appears as though people in Japan like those types of women who passionately love their partner however become psychopathic monster when they go against them, therefore willing to torture the partner in order to have him back in her room. What makes her more likeable to male audience is yes you guessed it, her over exaggerated curves and outfit. This shows us why Camilla is a cliché but to be honest, it was one of the easiest to pick up on. Peri is a yandere because she will eviscerate anything that comes between you and her.

Rhajat - Notice me Senpai

Japan loves those ladies. It's so generic it hurts. Seeing that one girl chasing that one dude who doesn't realise or ignores the fact that she is in love with him. Even if he knew or realised what was going on he will proceed to not clarify the thing as both characters are in love with someone that like them as a friend in most cases. The reason why Rhajat isn't a yandere is that unlike Tharja she doesn't threaten her loved one and is even willing to give up stalking him if that disturbed him too much.

Scarlet, Hana, Rinkah, Hinoka and Effie - Exaggerated Tomboys/Otenba

So I've read an article stating that apparently it's okay for girls to be tomboys as long as they're not wild and overly masculine... huh? Alright so I think Intelligent Systems exagerated on this one to be honest because Rinkah and Effie are clearly women with body builder men especially Rinkah grinded with nice and powerful abs that put Xander and Ryoma to shame. It's probably a way to create a character out of a japanese taboo. However in Hana and Hinoka's case being a tomboy is some sort of respect. Tomboys in Japan are heavily respected and they distinguish themselves from other ladies by wearing long length robes rather than skirts. In schools Tomboys are very charismatics and highly respected even by the toughest boys which give them high popularity. This is probably done on purpose as Hinoka's personal skill motivates her troop, not counting the fact that she becomes Hoshido's Queen in CQ, and Hana is an inspiration for women fighting against stereotypes since she became a samouraï to prove that girls can be as good as men {Which could explain why most men in the camp praise her skills, even Ryoma is said to be impressed and happy to see that Sakura is in good hands}. Hana and Scarlet unlike the 3 other tomboys still has a bit more of femininity which made me quite hesitant to put her on this list.


There is no real tag to put in here because she is just the cliché of a builded average anime hero : lost her parents, has great potential in fighting and hyped up to be able to accomplish great things.

Charlotte - Valley Girl

After reconsidering my choice, I came across the fact that Charlotte, despite being a nice person is the embodiment of a female stereotype.

Basically it is a more fancy way of saying " gold digger". It way be a reference to an era post the slaughter of the indians where anyone who had gold was praised by all the women around, they feel the need to appear rich in order to feel great. Her seducing techniques could also refer to the way ladies intentionally pose in bars and restaurants while serving the meals in order to attract customers or gain extra tips.

Oboro - Fashionista

To be honest it's not a cliché that makes you cringe honestly, it's sort of like being an understood artist. When she sees potential in someone who could look very stylish she dedicates herself to try and helping them out like Mozu and Saizo. This end having her bothering people. Though she does it to help it's sort of a cliché that girls who enjoy fashion are all like this but to be fair it is just Oboro's way of asking people if she wants them to look prettier.

Selena - Tsundere

So for some reason Japanese people enjoy having girls that hard to seduce, that reject them most of the time and don't even care about them to begin with. It's almost as generic as "Notice me Senpai" only this time it's more so sexual harasment because the guy end up liking being rejected and continues with more passion to try and seduce the girl until she herself takes amusement in rejecting the guy. This applies to Selena as most of her potential partners end up enjoying her personality even though she is rude and mean to them 24/7

Caeldori - Number One Pretty Girl

Returning again. I believe it all refers back to school where the perfect pretty girl with the best grades everywhere is around and impresses everyone. She does it with such ease it's not even funny. When it comes down to it Caeldori is probably supposed to Male Character X's love interest which he has to go through multiple types of intense training to possibly feel worthy of dating the girl. That's more how it feels like because you could feel some sort of competition with males Caeldori if we assume that they will marry {Because the decision is the player's}

Flora - I live to serve

This tag is made especially for Flora herself for females that is, for males we have Jakob. Basically by using this genric quote from Gunter I wish to make you understand how little Flora values her life compared to Corrin. It makes people think of themselves as important if someone values their life less than his and thinks that any mistake they make towards the person they serve, they deserve death. It's shown as Flora insists on making Male Corrin clean but also on not accepting any gifts from Female Corrin when going through the Mountain Hill. Those people are sort of blessed when receiving compliments as well but that's just the craziness of unconditional love. Regarding the person in love with someone like Flora it could be a reference to the need of feeling powerful and having someone ready to do anything for you, a common trait of narcissistic nobles. It was also very common in Medieval Times and even nowadays in certain countries for men to cheat on their wives with their loyal maids and have the maids keep the secret in order to leave or just by loyalty. Corrin being the nice fella he is, turns the relationship on the brighter side.

Nina - Fujoshi

The name's origin is a reference to the female audience of japanese gay porn. Fujoshi can be translated as rotten girl/woman therefore you have a girl that enjoys Yaoi{Gay Male Porncomics} but just in general love between men. Fujoshis are known to have crazy imagination and a lot of time linked to female gay fanfics authors as most of the time they try put into scene their theatrical love story. It's no-brainer as to why Nina is in this list, her favorite hobby is basically to ship men together like shown in her support conversations with Corrin when she acted like two male objects had a love story but also that in many of her support where she sees two males she tend to daydream about them being in love. One of the first examples of that are seen when she joins the party and starts looking at your male soldiers, she even dared gazed Silas when he was talking with Niles and God Knows what she was thinking about.

There you have it ! My list of clichés and fantasms in fates. I really hope I can get your feedback on it, worked 1-2 hours to get this done and I hope we can enhance this list to make it as accurate as possible to what it truly is.

Also thanks for taking the time to check it out.

Keep in mind, although these characters are clichés and fantasms that doesn't mean we can't love them.

Edited by WinterOkami
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Flora definitely falls under the "Notice me senpai" category, same for Caeldori, although she also fits in the category she's already in.

The term for Ophelia and Odin's personalities is Chuunibyou, which translates from Japanese as "Middle School 2nd Year Syndrome".

Oh, and the term for Selena's personality is Tsundere. Same for Keaton if you do the men.

Edited by TrueEm
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Flora definitely falls under the "Notice me senpai" category, same for Caeldori, although she also fits in the category she's already in.

The term for Ophelia and Odin's personalities is Chuunibyou, which translates from Japanese as "Middle School 2nd Year Syndrome".

Oh, and the term for Selena's personality is Tsundere. Same for Keaton if you do the men.

Thanks for your help, the bigger the knowledge the greater our chances to make this as accurate as possible

Though I am not sure to understand why Flora is in the notice me senpai category as well as Caeldori, could you elaborate a bit more please.

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Every character in the game is a cliche, even the ones you say aren't. Nyx, as the above poster said, is the legal loli, the one who looks like a little girl but totally isn't so people don't feel bad about waifuing her; Soleil is a particular type of trope in Japan, the girl who fetishes other girls as a phase before moving on to men as is proper (JAPAN'S DEFINITION, NOT MINE)l Mozu is the orphan, a character who loses their home in a monster attack, gets sucked into an army, and becomes part of something greater, usually the hero of a story, but not always; Kagero is the loyal servant, normally a maid, who has served her master for years. Etc.

(Nitpicky, but it was Corrin/Azura's REV supports where the bath thing happened, not CQ. And I definitely didn't get a "mother soothing her baby" vibe from the dragon scene. It was a classic "maiden calms the beast" literary scene. "Mother soothing the baby" is most of Camilla's stuff)

Now, just because they fall into a cliche/trope category doesn't make them bad, because nothing is truly original--everything draws inspiration from something else. It's only if they don't have a rounded personality, but are defined by that trope, that is bad. And that's where I disagree with most of your list--a lot of the girls you called cliche are pretty fleshed-out, while some of the ones (cough Soleil cough) you said aren't cliche, are flat and one-note.

Edited by Abvora
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Every character in the game is a cliche, even the ones you say aren't. Nyx, as the above poster said, is the legal loli, the one who looks like a little girl but totally isn't so people don't feel bad about waifuing her; Soleil is a particular type of trope in Japan, the girl who fetishes other girls as a phase before moving on to men as is proper (JAPAN'S DEFINITION, NOT MINE)l Mozu is the orphan, a character who loses their home in a monster attack, gets sucked into an army, and becomes part of something greater, usually the hero of a story, but not always. Etc.

(Nitpicky, but it was Corrin/Azura's REV supports where the bath thing happened, not CQ. And I definitely didn't get a "mother soothing her baby" vibe from the dragon scene. It was a "maiden calms the beast". "Mother soothing the baby" is most of Camilla's stuff)

Now, just because they fall into a trope category doesn't make them bad, because nothing is truly original--everything draws inspiration from something else. It's only if they don't have a rounded personality, but are defined by that trope, that is bad. And that's where I disagree with most of your list--a lot of the girls you called cliche are pretty fleshed-out, while some of the ones (cough Soleil cough) you said aren't cliche, are flat and one-not.

Those that I said weren't clichés, well I meant in an non-physical way. More like on their personalities although I have to admit Mozu really looks like the main character like you said.

I don't feel as though I said that the bath thing was in CQ but I believe the confusion comes from me moving from CQ to REV

If you disagree with me then it's great because that's the point, to argue which category they truly fit in.

Don't get me wrong I do love the characters of Fates, they are fantastic though I thought it was great to list their clichés

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Thanks for your help, the bigger the knowledge the greater our chances to make this as accurate as possible

Though I am not sure to understand why Flora is in the notice me senpai category as well as Caeldori, could you elaborate a bit more please.

Flora is in the notice me senpai thing because she has unrequited love with Jakob. Caledori is because a main thing with her is that she falls in love easily and it always ends in unrequited love.

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Flora is in the notice me senpai thing because she has unrequited love with Jakob. Caledori is because a main thing with her is that she falls in love easily and it always ends in unrequited love.

Such similarities with Cordelia, alright!

But don't you feel like she got over it it's like when we heard Kagero and Saizo used to date before they had ideals clashing with each other.

Although I do feel like Flora is a character of it's own tier and I've finally figured it out.

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Thanks for your help, the bigger the knowledge the greater our chances to make this as accurate as possible

Though I am not sure to understand why Flora is in the notice me senpai category as well as Caeldori, could you elaborate a bit more please.

He said that because Flora has a crush on Jakob. It's revealed when Jakob fight her in Birthright and in Conquest and in their halloween DLC support. Like Cordelia, she blushes a lot in that DLC even if Jakob is already married and if she's married to the avatar. Though I guess that we shouldn't take that too seriously. Even if Cordelia gets over it with other characters, she still likes Chrom after all. It's just that characters lost development when they talk to other characters even if they got development previously.

I pretty much agree with what Abvora and TrueEm said.

I forgot what is Soleil's trope name but it's basically girls who "loves" other girls, likes to flirt with them and other stuffs but are not lesbians. She's also a yuri fan.

Nina is a yaoi fangirl.

Flora and Felicia also share the maid fetish. Jakob could be seen as a bishonen (beautiful boy) butler.

Camilla and Rhajat are yanderes.

Peri seems to be a yangire, a psycho who become violent because of a past trauma and snaps out irritation in general. Contrary to a yandere, they are not motivated because they love someone and commit murders or other cruel things by their own will. Reina is a milf.

Hana, Rinkah, Hinoka and Effie are tomboys and strong girls. Same with Scarlet I guess. Camilla and Hinoka are also Onee sans (big sister). Sakura and Elise are imoutos (little sisters). Elise seems to be the energetic type and Sakura the shy one. They are also lolis like Nyx and Midori.

Azura and Beruka are kuuderes because they are cold and barely show any expressions at first but warm up later on.

Velouria and Selkie are kemonomimis or something like that, human girls with animal parts like ears, tails. Selkie is a Kitsune. Kitsunes are popular Youkais/japanese monsters, they are also popular monster girls.

They are probably some others that I forgot.

Edited by Thunderstar
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Velouria and Selkie are kemonomimis or something like that, human girls with animal parts like ears, tails. Selkie is a Kitsune. Kitsunes are popular Youkais/japanese monsters, they are also popular monster girls.

True, but that's a bit more physical rather than personality-wise.

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He said that because Flora has a crush on Jakob. It's revealed when Jakob fight her in Birthright and in Conquest and in their halloween DLC support. Like Cordelia, she blushes a lot in that DLC even if Jakob is already married and if she's married to the avatar. Though I guess that we shouldn't take that too seriously. Even if Cordelia gets over it with other characters, she still likes Chrom after all. It's just that characters lost development when they talk to other characters even if they got development previously.

I pretty much agree with what Abvora and TrueEm said.

I forgot what is Soleil's trope name but it's basically girls "loves" other girls, likes to flirt with them and other stuffs but are not lesbians. She's also a yuri fan.

Nina is a yaoi fangirl.

Flora and Felicia also share the maid fetish. Jakob could be seen as a bishonen (beautiful boy) butler.

Camilla and Rhajat are yanderes.

Peri seems to be a yangire, a psycho who become violent because of a past trauma and snaps out irritation in general. Contrary to a yandere, they are not motivated because they love someone and commit murders or other cruel things by their own will. Reina is a milf.

Hana, Rinkah, Hinoka and Effie are tomboys and strong girls. Same with Scarlet I guess. Camilla and Hinoka are also Onee sans (big sister). Sakura and Elise are are imoutos (little sisters). Elise seems to be the energetic type and Sakura the shy one. They are also lolis like Nyx and Midori.

Azura and Beruka are kuuderes because they are cold and barely show any expressions at first but warm up later on.

Velouria and Selkie are kemonomimis or something like that, human girls with animal parts like ears, tails. Selkie is a Kitsune. Kitsunes are popular Youkais/japanese monsters, they are also popular monster girls.

They are probably some others that I forgot.

Holy smokes. For a country with such a low birth rate and where the lack of interest in real romantic relationships is a nation-wide problem, Japan sure has a lot of strange tropes and fetishes.

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He said that because Flora has a crush on Jakob. It's revealed when Jakob fight her in Birthright and in Conquest and in their halloween DLC support. Like Cordelia, she blushes a lot in that DLC even if Jakob is already married and if she's married to the avatar. Though I guess that we shouldn't take that too seriously. Even if Cordelia gets over it with other characters, she still likes Chrom after all. It's just that characters lost development when they talk to other characters even if they got development previously.

I pretty much agree with what Abvora and TrueEm said.

I forgot what is Soleil's trope name but it's basically girls "loves" other girls, likes to flirt with them and other stuffs but are not lesbians. She's also a yuri fan.

Nina is a yaoi fangirl.

Flora and Felicia also share the maid fetish. Jakob could be seen as a bishonen (beautiful boy) butler.

Camilla and Rhajat are yanderes.

Peri seems to be a yangire, a psycho who become violent because of a past trauma and snaps out irritation in general. Contrary to a yandere, they are not motivated because they love someone and commit murders or other cruel things by their own will. Reina is a milf.

Hana, Rinkah, Hinoka and Effie are tomboys and strong girls. Same with Scarlet I guess. Camilla and Hinoka are also Onee sans (big sister). Sakura and Elise are are imoutos (little sisters). Elise seems to be the energetic type and Sakura the shy one. They are also lolis like Nyx and Midori.

Azura and Beruka are kuuderes because they are cold and barely show any expressions at first but warm up later on.

Velouria and Selkie are kemonomimis or something like that, human girls with animal parts like ears, tails. Selkie is a Kitsune. Kitsunes are popular Youkais/japanese monsters, they are also popular monster girls.

They are probably some others that I forgot.

Thanks for helping out.

I agree but it's better to seize the strongest trait rather than the smaller ones. Therefore I feel like adding Beruka in her own tier and keep Felicia with Setsuna and Sophie.

Rhajat isn't much a yandere, I mean she just needs Corrin's attention all the time but when she felt like disturbing him she said she was going to stop stalking him to not bother "her hero".

I am tempted to say Hana is a tomboy like Hinoka and Rinkah with Effie

However Hana is shown to be girly like when she took the girly toys of Hayato, she is just being athletic I believe because unlike Hinoka and Rinkah she can act like a lady.

Holy smokes. For a country with such a low birth rate and where the lack of interest in real romantic relationships is a nation-wide problem, Japan sure has a lot of strange tropes and fetishes.

I know right.

Edited by WinterOkami
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Thanks for helping out.

I agree but it's better to seize the strongest trait rather than the smaller ones. Therefore I feel like adding Beruka in her own tier and keep Felicia with Setsuna and Sophie.

I am tempted to say Hana is a tomboy like Hinoka and Rinkah with Effie

However Hana is shown to be girly like when she took the girly toys of Hayato, she is just being athletic I believe because unlike Hinoka and Rinkah she can act like a lady.

I know right.

Hana LITERALLY has a Skill called Tomboy.

Hana's Personal Skill in the Japanese Version is called Tomboy, rather than Fearsome Blow.

So yes, Hana is indeed a tomboy.

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Holy smokes. For a country with such a low birth rate and where the lack of interest in real romantic relationships is a nation-wide problem, Japan sure has a lot of strange tropes and fetishes.

Who's not to say the two are related? I read a blog once that speculated the reason incest shows up a lot in Anime is because some writers wonder what it would be like to grow up with a sibling, and write such things to satisfy their curiosity. I'll PM you the link to the blog.

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Who's not to say the two are related? I read a blog once that speculated the reason incest shows up a lot in Anime is because some writers wonder what it would be like to grow up with a sibling, and write such things to satisfy their curiosity. I'll PM you the link to the blog.

Oh I know, I've talked with people about that as well. I won't pretend to be an expert on an entire country's take on sex, but it would shock me if the situation in Japan didn't influence its colorful entertainment industry. I doubt it's limited to just a fascination with incest, too.

Edit: I can't believe you sent me a PM titled "Japan's weird fetishes". You made me laugh out loud with that title, I'll have you know.

Edited by Thane
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This makes sense it would also get the reference as to Camilla's backstory since she didn't receive any love from her mother and feels the need to give that love she never had to others. It's really sad.

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Isn't "fantasm" another word for "ghost"? Which is strange since you don't include any of the girls revived by Anankos...

Azura - The Perfect Waifu

The funny thing is how he married her in REV, Mr.Corrin was nicely admiring Azura's butt before proposing and what does Azura do ? Not even get angry, not find it too weird and just says she forgives him even though it wasn't an accident.

No, no, you're confusing their S-support for Kozaki's birthday picture of her.

Azura's posterior aside, Corrin actually did stumble upon her by accident and he only saw her back and only for a second, get it right. She probably would have been less forgiving if she wasn't already in love with him. Though oddly enough Corrin/Azura's supports are some of the few that don't include a marriage proposal...

Basically I agree with everything Abvora, TrueEm, and Thunderstar said, so I don't have anything to add on that front.

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Isn't "fantasm" another word for "ghost"? Which is strange since you don't include any of the girls revived by Anankos...

No, no, you're confusing their S-support for Kozaki's birthday picture of her.

Azura's posterior aside, Corrin actually did stumble upon her by accident and he only saw her back and only for a second, get it right. She probably would have been less forgiving if she wasn't already in love with him. Though oddly enough Corrin/Azura's supports are some of the few that don't include a marriage proposal...

Basically I agree with everything Abvora, TrueEm, and Thunderstar said, so I don't have anything to add on that front.

Fantasm can refer to ghost yet also dream representing what you wish. It's a term more used towards dream partners

I mean I played with the French version and Corrin said he saw " le bas du dos" translating to the down of the back. When asking my mother who is a biological pharmacist she said it was the beginning of the butt.

Basically that small line you see from your butt is the small glimpse of what Corrin saw.

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Oh I know, I've talked with people about that as well. I won't pretend to be an expert on an entire country's take on sex, but it would shock me if the situation in Japan didn't influence its colorful entertainment industry. I doubt it's limited to just a fascination with incest, too.

Edit: I can't believe you sent me a PM titled "Japan's weird fetishes". You made me laugh out loud with that title, I'll have you know.

Yeah, well apparently the blog I linked doesn't even talk about them much. I just read that one page I linked, thought it was very informative and interesting, and decided to see what else it had since I just referred to you. It does not have much really. Most of it seem to be looking into scenes from manga and anime too much, and some just seem to be dramatically summarizing the implications of a scene. Like they weren't easy to pick up on. Rarely does it examine themes that show up in Anime, like yandere or the obvious tsundere trope. Seriously, why does Japan love that trope? To me Tsunderes are either somewhat amusing, or just annoying.

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The word you're looking for for the case of Selkie and Velouria is "kemonomimi". Basically a Japanese trope of having girls who have some animal characteristics while also appearing largely human, such as by having animal ears and tails. Cat girls, fox girls, wolf girls, and dog girls are common examples of this trope.

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True, but that's a bit more physical rather than personality-wise.

Yep. Here I was talking about their designs and their appeals not really about their personality. I guess that I should have mentioned that.

Thanks for helping out.

I agree but it's better to seize the strongest trait rather than the smaller ones. Therefore I feel like adding Beruka in her own tier and keep Felicia with Setsuna and Sophie.

Rhajat isn't much a yandere, I mean she just needs Corrin's attention all the time but when she felt like disturbing him she said she was going to stop stalking him to not bother "her hero".

I am tempted to say Hana is a tomboy like Hinoka and Rinkah with Effie

However Hana is shown to be girly like when she took the girly toys of Hayato, she is just being athletic I believe because unlike Hinoka and Rinkah she can act like a lady.

I know right.

You're welcome!

True about Rhajat. She's less a yandere than Tharja and Camilla since I believe that she doesn't threaten to kill the avatar if they back out or "left"/"betray" her unlike the other 2. But like some others, she's still a stalker, has an obsession with them and loves them.

Hana is one even though she likes girly things. She plays and trains with swords even when she was kinda young according to her support with Takumi. And like TrueEm said, her japanese personal skill name is Tomboy.

Holy smokes. For a country with such a low birth rate and where the lack of interest in real romantic relationships is a nation-wide problem, Japan sure has a lot of strange tropes and fetishes.

Japan sure is an interesting country, right?

and he only saw her back and only for a second, get it right.

Fantasm can refer to ghost yet also dream representing what you wish. It's a term more used towards dream partners

I mean I played with the French version and Corrin said he saw " le bas du dos" translating to the down of the back. When asking my mother who is a biological pharmacist she said it was the beginning of the butt.

Basically that small line you see from your butt is the small glimpse of what Corrin saw.

He is just a lucky boy like Chrom with Female Robin. It's an accident after all! It reminds me of a common thing which happens in a lot of animes where a male character looks at a female character bathing or changing her clothes by accident.

Not sure why they changed the back/lower back thing but it doesn't seem to matter much since Azura said that he was around for a bit and then he told her that she's beautiful after Azura says nothing about the lower back/back comment so he probably saw other things.

Yeah, well apparently the blog I linked doesn't even talk about them much. I just read that one page I linked, thought it was very informative and interesting, and decided to see what else it had since I just referred to you. It does not have much really. Most of it seem to be looking into scenes from manga and anime too much, and some just seem to be dramatically summarizing the implications of a scene. Like they weren't easy to pick up on. Rarely does it examine themes that show up in Anime, like yandere or the obvious tsundere trope. Seriously, why does Japan love that trope? To me Tsunderes are either somewhat amusing, or just annoying.

I believe that like kuuderes, they like them when they warm up and show their "dere"/nice sides. I guess that some people could find them cute when they are pissed. Though it's a fetish so there is probably not a good reason like most of them or at least they are very varied.

The word you're looking for for the case of Selkie and Velouria is "kemonomimi". Basically a Japanese trope of having girls who have some animal characteristics while also appearing largely human, such as by having animal ears and tails. Cat girls, fox girls, wolf girls, and dog girls are common examples of this trope.

Ah I see that I wasn't wrong about the term then. Thanks for clarifying that.

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I mean I played with the French version and Corrin said he saw " le bas du dos" translating to the down of the back. When asking my mother who is a biological pharmacist she said it was the beginning of the butt.

Basically that small line you see from your butt is the small glimpse of what Corrin saw.

Ah. The English version said:

Corrin: I can't stop apologizing, Azura. I was coming here to talk to you, and... I didn't see anything, I swear!

Azura: Nothing at all? I had a feeling someone was around for a bit before you spoke up...

Corrin: Well... OK, maybe I saw your back. But only for a moment!

Azura: ...

Corrin: You're a beautiful woman, Azura! I couldn't look away.

Azura: But peeping on someone who is bathing? That's just...ugh. I'm a bit upset, but I'll forgive you this one time.

Perhaps the French localizers just took "back" in the dirtiest possible way.

Dang, I told myself I would STOP talking about Azura's butt

Edited by Lightchao42
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