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All Female Units cliché/fantasm list.


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Oh thanks but I didn't mind that but thanks for helping out.

There may be a male edition though it will be tougher. I'll have to do a lot more researches because it's easier to study females when you are a male yourself.

I'll have to take a lot of studies. But I'll do my best.

So it's the last one we need, only Nina and we're done for the count.

????? I just... I tend to easily find female stereotypes too and I'm a girl? What did that last part mean?!

Once again, Nina is a fangirl. Her archetype mainly focuses on her obsession with boys. Specifically shipping boys with each other. She is a fujoshi and a mojyo (or unpopular girl).

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I hope the Olympics are sponsored at Serenes so you guys can take home the gold medals in Thread Derailment.

I second the idea of doing another thread for the guys, although I agree that it's easier to recognize the female archetypes.

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Well this thread blew up while I was gone :/

When does that NOT happen?

You leave to go to school, work or something else time consuming, and everything goes up by like 10 replies at the very least.

I also third the idea of a male version of this thread.

Well, technically I agreed to it earlier in the thread so FIRST.

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I hope the Olympics are sponsored at Serenes so you guys can take home the gold medals in Thread Derailment.

I second the idea of doing another thread for the guys, although I agree that it's easier to recognize the female archetypes.

New rule of Serenes: Every topic about Fire Emblem Fates will turn into a conversation about the plot of Conquest or the characters morality.

So more like a perverted girl so to speak ?

Ehh... kind of?

She's a fujoshi definitely.

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New rule of Serenes: Every topic about Fire Emblem Fates will turn into a conversation about the plot of Conquest or the characters morality.

That's been a rule since Fates released in February.

I'm not even being sarcastic really. Literally every thread turns into it.

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Ehh... kind of?

She's a fujoshi definitely.

I mean, she does watch Dwyer in the bath, and one of her fantasizing moments happens when she's watching two guys wrestle, and then there's those notebooks she doesn't want her mother to see...

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I mean, she does watch Dwyer in the bath, and one of her fantasizing moments happens when she's watching two guys wrestle, and then there's those notebooks she doesn't want her mother to see...

Yeah, but I feel like there's a better word to describe it then just "pervert girl."

I wish I knew one right now though, unfortunately...

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Thank you all for your support throught the building up of this list. I am glad to see it actually interested a good part of you all.

We managed to actually breaks through haha.

Thanks again for your support, it's crazy to see we've been through 6 pages to solve this.

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However before we get started we have some honorable mentions for the characters that are luckily not cliché or particular fantasm:

Soleil -

She's literally her dad but with boobs. Same was Ophelia, yet you have the former listed under original.

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She's literally her dad but with boobs. Same was Ophelia, yet you have the former listed under original.

During the time of the writing I didn't actually had Soleil on my army, now that I've done I see your point thanks!



Edited by WinterOkami
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