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Is this pair good?


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I did a pair of Rinkah/Ryoma and it seems (I don't know the maxes, new profile) and Shiro was born, then I turned him into a Blacksmith, and I don't know if I should put him on my WiFi team. (His skills are Seal Defense, Swap, Swordfaire, Rend Heaven, and Lancebreaker. Castle Name : Ft. Invert. North American version. The team name is The Inverted Ones.)

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I did a pair of Rinkah/Ryoma and it seems (I don't know the maxes, new profile) and Shiro was born, then I turned him into a Blacksmith, and I don't know if I should put him on my WiFi team. (His skills are Seal Defense, Swap, Swordfaire, Rend Heaven, and Lancebreaker. Castle Name : Ft. Invert. North American version. The team name is The Inverted Ones.)

Rinkah's best for children you want to be tanky. Shiro is pretty good as a tanky unit, so that's just fine for him.

I prefer Kagero!Shiro. he hits hard and fast.

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Rinkah's best for children you want to be tanky. Shiro is pretty good as a tanky unit, so that's just fine for him.

I prefer Kagero!Shiro. he hits hard and fast.

Shiro's actually has a -1 Defense cap naturally, so Rinkah and Avatar are the only ones who can bring it up to positive actually. Everyone else makes it worse (-4 on a few), or 0.

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