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Advice for surviving the earliest Fire Emblem games?


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If you want some advice on gaiden, here's my advice: Try to create postioning that benefits your units. What I mean by this, is keep to certain formations (like a wall of your units to protect a healer) or box in some dude that is piss easy to let die. Use your terrain as best you can, and make sure that you have some sort of magic user on the alm side of things. (Ryuto is not going to get as far as you would think. Who's Ryuto? ....oops.)

If you want to, you can check out a playlist of map guides I have on my Youtube channel. They are not good in terms of quality, but I give a ton of information that would be helpful for new gaiden players. (I don't explain things in the video, but I post a TON of information in the description)

Link to the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEoSVFJ_BVK9esL0oCepZCjHco7zMNd6M

However, it looks like everyone in this thread is doing what I can't do very well in the first place.

Edited by Lord Tullus
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If you want some advice on gaiden, here's my advice: Try to create postioning that benefits your units. What I mean by this, is keep to certain formations (like a wall of your units to protect a healer) or box in some dude that is piss easy to let die. Use your terrain as best you can, and make sure that you have some sort of magic user on the alm side of things. (Ryuto is not going to get as far as you would think. Who's Ryuto? ....oops.)

If you want to, you can check out a playlist of map guides I have on my Youtube channel. They are not good in terms of quality, but I give a ton of information that would be helpful for new gaiden players. (I don't explain things in the video, but I post a TON of information in the description)

Link to the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEoSVFJ_BVK9esL0oCepZCjHco7zMNd6M

However, it looks like everyone in this thread is doing what I can't do very well in the first place.

I'll check it out, but I don't want everything spoiled for me; just enough to make sure I don't mess up too badly because of the language barrier or the unfriendly UI. Thanks a lot for the suggestion!

I just beat the first game. Took a lot longer than I thought it would.

But...in the end...I failed. I failed Barts. He saved me so many times, but I let him get locked inside with three Wyvern Riders. I just got impatient and forgot about the potential reinforcements.

Oh, and Marth's sister, but whatever.

Edited by Thane
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If you want an idea how FE3 works i'm currently running Book 2 on my channel, I also have a complete book 1 run , although since its more focused on gameplay I skim the story unfortunately. Book 1 is basically an abridging/revamp of FE1, while Book 2 is a new game (which later got remade in FE12). Although do note, my runs are kinda goofy haha.

When you get to them that is, my general advice for Gaiden is pretty much what other people have been telling you, and that Pegasus are good haha.

Edited by Jedi
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If you want an idea how FE3 works i'm currently running Book 2 on my channel, I also have a complete book 1 run , although since its more focused on gameplay I skim the story unfortunately. Book 1 is basically an abridging/revamp of FE1, while Book 2 is a new game (which later got remade in FE12). Although do note, my runs are kinda goofy haha.

When you get to them that is, my general advice for Gaiden is pretty much what other people have been telling you, and that Pegasus are good haha.

Hey thanks man. Unfortunately I can't play FE3 or FE4 because I don't have a New 3DS, which is what's needed to play a 20 year old game. I might be able to borrow a friend's, but like me he lives far away from his home town, so I wouldn't know when he'd go get it.

I've noticed that the Pegasus Knights are brutal. However, I feel as if though the RNG in that game is weird. I level up super slowly but only get like one stat when I actually reach a new one, and I miss absolutely all the time, even if the enemies don't have the absurd terrain bonuses.

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Hey thanks man. Unfortunately I can't play FE3 or FE4 because I don't have a New 3DS, which is what's needed to play a 20 year old game. I might be able to borrow a friend's, but like me he lives far away from his home town, so I wouldn't know when he'd go get it.

I've noticed that the Pegasus Knights are brutal. However, I feel as if though the RNG in that game is weird. I level up super slowly but only get like one stat when I actually reach a new one, and I miss absolutely all the time, even if the enemies don't have the absurd terrain bonuses.

Ahh I gotcha, well maybe you can take at least a look to see what its like! If you're a little curious.

Yeah Gaiden is funky, and the growth rates are pretty low. I think they are actually the lowest in the series (someone correct me if i'm wrong please), I forget how hit and stuff is calculated unfortunately, but I do recall missing quite a few hits myself.

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Gaiden actually has a secret "Easy Mode" that let's you level up twice as fast.

I heard about that, but I don't think I'd want that.

I say "think" because I just entered chapter 4, and the game pretty much stopped being a strategy game or even fun - I don't want to walk around in swamps and deal with summoned units and rely only on a handful of units who can deal with them and let the rest of them fall even further behind.

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