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What difficulty do you comfortably play your Fire Emblem Games on?

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Generally I play on the middle difficulty. Sometimes I'll play easier modes if I'm just messing around, and I'll usually play the hardest mode of a game at least once to give it a go (though I still haven't tackled Luna+ in Awakening yet...). However, I generally enjoy playing with characters that I like as opposed to optimizing, so more middle-range difficulties suit me well.

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All are on Classic

FE2: I'm comfortable on both, so it depends on if I want to try something silly

FE4: actually haven't played on Hard yet so I dunno

FE5: Normal

FE6: Hard


FE8: Hard

FE9: Hard

FE10: Normal

FE11: H3

FE12: Maniac; still not quite good enough at some of the early maps for Lunatic to be comfortable

FE13: Lunatic

14CQ: Lunatic

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I generally play on Hard for Sacred Stones and Awakening, and Normal for every other game. Was considering playing Gaiden on Easy/Paragon Mode next time, though, mostly to save time, since in my experience it starts getting grindy later on in Normal Mode. I always play Classic mode in games with the Classic/Casual mode split.

Edited by Topaz Light
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Kinda varies.

FE7: Hector Normal

FE8: Eirika Hard/Ephraim Normal

FE9: Normal

FE10: Easy (cuz i do some batshit things in this game, you guys)

FE13 Hard Casual/Lunatic Casual. Hard Casual is the default but im known to Loony.

FE14: Hard Casual across the board.

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