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Opinions on that DLC chapter


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Rogues and Redeemers is the only DLC I regularly played in order to get Limit Breaker for Streetpass. I always thought it was cheap that they gave Lethality to Jaffar, making there be a random chance that you'd get killed no matter how good your units are.

I still need to play Future Past.

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Rogues And Redeemers: really difficult but Limit Breaker is actually worth trying to get if yer into roflstomping, Apotheosis, or streetpass trolling. I dont usually play this one but sometimes i get the wild hair to do so. I dont really care about the characters as much as skill loot.

Future Past: im gonna be honest. I dont really care for it. It doesnt explain anything i really want to know. Like why Grima wants to destroy the world and stuff. It does kinda explain why the Morgans have no memories, but not in a very satisfactory way. It is kinda cool to see the kid units do stuff and i am grateful its not like Fates DLC with fixed units. The ban on Rescues still rankles me tho

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Alright, finally going to post again. Didn't play Rogues and Redeemers, so naturally I'll skip.

Future Past

If there's one thing that I'm glad Fates did, it was borrow from this series in its own DLCs and work on it from a gameplay standpoint so that the Gen Ones were as uninvolved as possible. I know not everyone likes the idea of working with fixed units, but I liked it better than bringing in broken units to fight broken units while protecting relatively feeble units, because that's basically what the main game and "Insanity rank" DLC packs are. I'm always down for different challenges than usual as long as they're fair. Though the assessment that they're terrible for grinding is a rational assessment.

Don't let my opening rhetoric fool you, though. I really like Future Past. I mean, it was kind of annoying grinding so many of my units up so that they could take on the final chapter while still being able to talk to and leave the children alive. But the story... I'm not one that is so often attracted to bleak and horrific stories, but since the game (rightfully) assumes that you've spent a good amount of time with all the children, they put so much more emotion into it and you get to understand why some of the characters are the way they are.

Between Cynthia always maintaining her optimism in spite of a situation that left all her comrades saying "farewell" to one another, Owain and Inigo standing their ground against impossible odds to save Yarne and Brady, and Lucina and the others fighting bravely against Grima in the face of death, there's a lot to make you feel for all the characters, even if you don't particularly like some of them. And I personally loved seeing Lucina finally being allowed to be the hero, even though her parents and her comrades' parents are dead. She deserves the spotlight, IMO.

Edited by Ertrick36
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