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I apologize for steering this so far off topic, that certainly wasn't my intention.

Getting back on topic now.

I don't support either candidate really, however if either is elected, I'm not going to cry and complain.

Edit: Like it or not, I have to live here for the time being. I'm not debating who is a better candidate, I'm saying we should all work on being better people, what's so wrong about that?

Edited by Cynthia
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On the off topic subject, I think I just want to say that I myself would not use those words lightly, but I won't say that a person is wrong for doing that. I don't have the authority to say either yes or no to it.

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I apologize for steering this so far off topic, that certainly wasn't my intention.

Getting back on topic now.

I don't support either candidate really, however if either is elected, I'm not going to cry and complain.

Edit: Like it or not, I have to live here for the time being. I'm not debating who is a better candidate, I'm saying we should all work on being better people, what's so wrong about that?

No one is forcing you to live here

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So now you're calling me a racist? WTF?

I remember you making a topic and saying the N word. I could be wrong, but I think I remember that.

No he didn't I just went through his entire lists of topics he created to see that he didn't.

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Except my parents, the government, and lack of money...

No one can force anything on you, in life there all no rules, you do as you please, everything we do id driven by want so if you wanna go, go

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No he didn't I just went through his entire lists of topics he created to see that he didn't.

It still might've been another topic someone else made.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong.

But no person's opinion is wrong. It's their opinion. Even if they're the most dispicable scum, their opinion is not incorrect. It may be morally incorrect, but that's who they are.

And it's you're freedom to hate that person as much as you want as well.

Edited by Damon Feath Settrock
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No one can force anything on you, in life there all no rules, you do as you please, everything we do id driven by want so if you wanna go, go

You know I have a hard time believing this Doom. Especially if the government can tell you wants safe for you and whats not

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No one can force anything on you, in life there all no rules, you do as you please, everything we do id driven by want so if you wanna go, go

Except you need a passport, and to get one you have to be 18.

And you need money, and that takes time to save up. Not to mention my parents can just force me to come back if I'm not 18.

It's not as simple as you make it sound, because it's NOT simple.

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Nigger. Cunt. Shit. Fuck.

Okay now that that's out of the way, let's talk about the debate and make it a topic as to what the original poster intended.

My political science class watched the debate as our class today. I left at 7 (there was a half-hour left for you non-PST people) because I have had it with Obama.

I can't believe people are buying his bullshit. How can you not raise taxes and increase government spending as much as he wants to? You can't. It's impossible. Money has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is the American tax payer. I don't want the money I work hard for going into the pockets of people that aren't working. It's my damn money, and he's going to raise my taxes. He's going to increase taxes on big companies, meaning they won't have as much money to invest back into the economy, which means they will have to CUT BACK ON JOBS (you see that, you prick Obama? You're going to hurt the economy and destroy jobs), meaning it will be that much harder for me to find work.

I have never been so angry before. And people are buying that bullshit. That's the thing. People actually believe it. You guys know that Clinton said he was going to increase government spending without raising taxes when he ran for office? He won on that. But you know what? He got in the White House, realized he had to raise taxes to cover his new programs, and therefore taxes were raised.

McCain/Palin 2008.

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Nigger. Cunt. Shit. Fuck.

Okay now that that's out of the way, let's talk about the debate and make it a topic as to what the original poster intended.

My political science class watched the debate as our class today. I left at 7 (there was a half-hour left for you non-PST people) because I have had it with Obama.

I can't believe people are buying his bullshit. How can you not raise taxes and increase government spending as much as he wants to? You can't. It's impossible. Money has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is the American tax payer. I don't want the money I work hard for going into the pockets of people that aren't working. It's my damn money, and he's going to raise my taxes. He's going to increase taxes on big companies, meaning they won't have as much money to invest back into the economy, which means they will have to CUT BACK ON JOBS (you see that, you prick Obama? You're going to hurt the economy and destroy jobs), meaning it will be that much harder for me to find work.

I have never been so angry before. And people are buying that bullshit. That's the thing. People actually believe it. You guys know that Clinton said he was going to increase government spending without raising taxes when he ran for office? He won on that. But you know what? He got in the White House, realized he had to raise taxes to cover his new programs, and therefore taxes were raised.

McCain/Palin 2008.

All that is exactly right. I don't think I even need to add to that.

Nor should I cause I'd probably screw it up.

Edited by Damon Feath Settrock
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Nigger. Cunt. Shit. Fuck.

Okay now that that's out of the way, let's talk about the debate and make it a topic as to what the original poster intended.

My political science class watched the debate as our class today. I left at 7 (there was a half-hour left for you non-PST people) because I have had it with Obama.

I can't believe people are buying his bullshit. How can you not raise taxes and increase government spending as much as he wants to? You can't. It's impossible. Money has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is the American tax payer. I don't want the money I work hard for going into the pockets of people that aren't working. It's my damn money, and he's going to raise my taxes. He's going to increase taxes on big companies, meaning they won't have as much money to invest back into the economy, which means they will have to CUT BACK ON JOBS (you see that, you prick Obama? You're going to hurt the economy and destroy jobs), meaning it will be that much harder for me to find work.

I have never been so angry before. And people are buying that bullshit. That's the thing. People actually believe it. You guys know that Clinton said he was going to increase government spending without raising taxes when he ran for office? He won on that. But you know what? He got in the White House, realized he had to raise taxes to cover his new programs, and therefore taxes were raised.

McCain/Palin 2008.

That really wasn't necessary.

I'm a little disappointed such a thing would come from you.

Edited by Cynthia
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My issue is Palin, not taxes. Obama and McCain are both equal candidates, but I cannot see myself voting for her.

You aren't voting for HER though. You're voting for McCain or Obama.

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Look at John McCain's health record (and this isn't even all of it, he refuses to release it publicly so there must be something he wants to hide, it makes me laugh at the hypocrisy that he wants to get the "truth" about Obama out but can't even stand to do the same). He has recurring mesotheleoma and a 60% chance of it recurring in the next two years, if it recurs it will definitely effect his capacity to lead and should it spread throughout his entire body he has a very slim chance of survival. What do we get (god forbid) that ever happens? President Palin, a political retard (watch the Katie Couric interview) who believes humans rode on dinosaurs 4000 years ago that can only make a good point after 3 straight weeks of preparation. However don't get me wrong, I don't like John McCain either but Palin is the absolute deal sealer for me, I will not vote for him.

Edited by Arch
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1.I cant help but to call you an idiot for pinning the saying of the N word on me because its known that im black

2.It was that Canas Betream Rolo guy who made a topic using the N word using -ger instead of -ga and i went off on him telling him the different meaning of the two. Notice how he's never come back after that topic?

I was just saying in that topic-post that I had made a mistake on a different forum because I was cracking a joke and had used that word, it got me banned (for longer than was nessacary but that was a mistake on their part, right arch??)

But, back to the topic, I think the next president (possibly the next two) will die anyway, I think that mccain might die of health problems , and obama might get dhot by a fringe group, and it's possible that 3 years from now the american people will get so fed up with the way washington is working that there might be a new revolution and the government will be redone, but it could happen that nothing will happen and the next president will do absolutely nothing.

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I missed this debate, but I'd like to comment on something that bothers me anyway.

If you've been paying attention to what's been going on lately, you'll notice there's certain things that are taking over common sense in who votes for who. The critical issues that are discussed in debates suddenly become lost, and people put prejudices above stances. I'm sick of hearing about how people won't vote for Barack Obama because he's "an Arab" or won't vote for John McCain because of how Sarah Palin is portrayed on Saturday Night Live. It just shows the ridiculous biases we have.

First of all, the "Arab" statement. A lot of people, some being supporters of McCain (and if you happened to see the old woman who said she couldn't trust Obama because of him being an Arab, which has been all over the news, you know what I mean) use Obama's "heritage" as the primary reason not to vote for him. I have no idea where this rumor about Obama being a Muslim actually came from, but it's absolutely ridiculous nonetheless. Why should Obama's heritage bear any sort of importance on this election? Even if Obama WAS of Arab heritage, why should it matter? Why should it influence his chances of becoming the next President? It doesn't mean that he's un-American or that he's some kind of terrorist. Why are people letting their racist ideals come before their views in this election? There are plenty of Muslim-Americans and Arab-Americans in this country; when did it become morally right to distrust them solely for their skin color?

It's also foolish to simply base views off of Saturday Night Live, which has certainly been more than biased against Sarah Palin. While the skits may be amusing, it is improper to judge Palin as "foolish" or "stupid" solely based on what is seen on Saturday Night Live. These skits hurt McCain's campaign because of the portrayal of Palin, yet they shouldn't. Palin certainly appears to be a complete fool on SNL whether it's in the vice presidential debate skit, or the Palin/Clinton skit, or any other that exists or may exist in the future. SNL is meant for comedy, NOT to be taken seriously. Why do people judge based on what they see on a comedy show, rather than the candidate's actual performance in debates? It certainly shows a degree of ignorance. Some people may be concerned about Palin based on what they see in ACTUAL debates and on the news, which is fine because it shows general awareness and lack of ignorance in the regard. However, it's more than obviously not right to judge by what's on a comedy show.

I certainly have my views, and if I could vote I certainly know who I would vote for. However, my vote is based upon my views and reasoning. I have a stance on the war in Iraq, I have a stance on how the economy should be handled, I have a stance on gay rights, I have a stance on immigration, among many others. I judge who I support based on my stances, and certainly not race or improper depiction. Biases against each side have gone too far and prove the ignorance of some Americans, no matter their political affiliation. I am concerned about how much ignorance is and will be playing into this election, as it's unfair to not only the candidates, but ourselves as Americans.

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Nigger. Cunt. Shit. Fuck.

Okay now that that's out of the way, let's talk about the debate and make it a topic as to what the original poster intended.

My political science class watched the debate as our class today. I left at 7 (there was a half-hour left for you non-PST people) because I have had it with Obama.

I can't believe people are buying his bullshit. How can you not raise taxes and increase government spending as much as he wants to? You can't. It's impossible. Money has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is the American tax payer. I don't want the money I work hard for going into the pockets of people that aren't working. It's my damn money, and he's going to raise my taxes. He's going to increase taxes on big companies, meaning they won't have as much money to invest back into the economy, which means they will have to CUT BACK ON JOBS (you see that, you prick Obama? You're going to hurt the economy and destroy jobs), meaning it will be that much harder for me to find work.

I have never been so angry before. And people are buying that bullshit. That's the thing. People actually believe it. You guys know that Clinton said he was going to increase government spending without raising taxes when he ran for office? He won on that. But you know what? He got in the White House, realized he had to raise taxes to cover his new programs, and therefore taxes were raised.

McCain/Palin 2008.

Obama will raise taxes for the more wealthy, just not the middle and lower class, and Palin is a fucking moron anyone who disagrees is one, I actually hate her, yes I Hate Her

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I for one, base my Palin opinions on many other things, not SNL.

- Her interview with Couric was tragic. She clearly didn't know what she was talking about.

- She did quite poorly in the debate, SNL didn't just decide to make up these things.

- Her rallies are more like hate mobs.

I mostly agree with some of her religious views, but I do not want her using the government (if she comes to power) to force them on unwilling citizens.

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I for one, base my Palin opinions on many other things, not SNL.

- Her interview with Couric was tragic. She clearly didn't know what she was talking about.

- She did quite poorly in the debate, SNL didn't just decide to make up these things.

- Her rallies are more like hate mobs.

I mostly agree with some of her religious views, but I do not want her using the government (if she comes to power) to force them on unwilling citizens.

And I'm glad you base your opinions on that. And personally, I completely agree with you. However, I'm aware that some people are affected by SNL, which...is kind of sad, to say the least. Like I said, I have a side, but I believe that people (no matter their party, of course) really need to get a grasp on the candidates and vote for them based on their views and what they actually do.

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Religion in politics is still a dumb idea, debate still sucked, Obama still sounds defensive, McCain surprisingly sounded like a true douche when he brought up "a majority of Americans obviously disagree with this guy's views on abortion, like obviously."

My parents are barely above the $250,000 a year line. Their taxes are getting raised under Obama. They're voting for him.

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