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Ultimate Kana?


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Yes, Kana has to be a third generation child to achieve the highest of a certain area.

Highest STR Kana: have Effie or Charlotte marry Keaton, then have +STR/-(MAG, SPD, DEF, RES) male Corrin marry the resulting Velouria; Kana will end up having +11 STR mod

However, male Kana can beat out female Kana when landing highest damage in a single hit due to access to the Ballistican class, which has almost as much STR as the Berserker class and can do bonus damage when VS flying units.

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Adding to the above, the ultimate speed Kana would be something like this:

1. Get a speed boon and a bane that doesn't affect speed (i.e. Mag, Res)

2. Have Azura marry Kaze.

3. (If male) have Corrin marry Midori or (if female) have Corrin marry Shigure.

4. ???
5. Profit!

Apparently, you can get similar results with a Setsuna!Selkie, but I think the above method might be the better option in terms of speed mods. I don't really know since I haven't tried it yet. But I might, now that I think about it.

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