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Tell Me When We Get There - endofsilence!

XD Betcha wondering what that is. Are you are you???

It's a song my brother wrote! And that's our band! =) I sorta wrote the piano for it... a bit...

My brother wrote the guitar based on the guitar our bassist/guitarist wrote.

It's not completely a finished song, but it is enough for it to be stuck in my head!

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We would, but we haven't completely gotten everything... Our singer was grounded for 16 days! D= idk why it was 16 though! XD

We've been trying for many days to have a meeting where every single person in the band would be able to meet up since we never have once the entire time we've been together... Our singer has many things getting in the way. =(

But if we do eventually get something, showing everyone on here will be my first thing to do.

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