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Mismanagement of CG in Anime - BriHard


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The Mismanagement of CG in Anime

I watched it entirely.

The video made me ask several questions in regard to CG and its relation with anime, but in the end I ended up with the conclusion that it is the intention of the artist/director behind the project.

I don't particularly dislike CG, but when it's terribad, I'll pass.

What is your opinion on using CG in anime? Any relatable experience if you wish to share?

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Some shows use it well, other's don't, just like in Western media.

Fate/Zero uses it pretty effectively for Berserker, as the strange contrast between the CG and the rest of the show helps to cement how alien he is.

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The few anime that I have watched either use CGI very sparingly (Madoka) or use it only in the OP and look amazing (JJBA). Back when I had a Sailor Moon wiki phase (too lazy to watch the anime) I was really disappointed by Crystal's use of 3D animations which still look ugly. I think more dramatic scenes should be hand drawn and CGI should be used for more mundane things so that no one even notices.

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The video already does a comprehensive overview of the topic that I entirely agree with. The biggest problem, I think is how unnatural it can look at times, particularly in regards to movements and facial expressions. Berserk, Ajin and the dot hack GU movie, to name a few examples, look good a lot of the time but every so often you get a really weird face or the movements pull you out of the show. For Berserk in particular, the difficult to follow shots was a greater issue than the CGI itself. I generally prefer traditional animation more but CGI doesn't have to look bad.

Edited by NekoKnight
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