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[Creativity Spot] Your own classes (Promotion Variations)


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Have you ever tried to design your variations of promoting base classes and thought how they would work out?

Would they be underpowered, or broken if used? Let's share our classes in this topic! Also, feel free to state opinions for other people's classes.

(Sorry for wall of organized text)

----- My Classes -----

Promotes from - Myrmidon

First Variation - Swordmaster (would replace current version of swordmasters)


Speed oriented fighters that wield dual blades for extreme offense.

Have inmense speed growth, but HP and general defenses growth lowered by a lot.

(Great damage output based on speed and avoid-tanking, but can die in a single round if hit)

Class Specifics/Opinions

Can dual wield off-hand swords (tend to wield light swords - off-hand swords give +50% might but their weight is not ignored)

Every attack instance strikes twice (each strike can hit or miss on its own, up two 8 strikes with dual brave swords)

Skills are indirectly strengthened because of the above (e.g.: Astra will hit up to 40 times, but resulting in 250% total damage output instead of every attack at half damage for balancing)

Compared to the current swordmaster, has less hp and defenses but is faster and always hits twice.

Second Variation - Samurai


Accurate fighters that strike hard and precise.

Speed stat limited on purpose, has high HP, skill and defenses growth.

(Can act as a lesser version of the General, though I think this class will surpass them in utility)

Class Specifics/Opinions

Speed is limited to a certain limit raised by level, exceeding speed is converted to skill (this is marked as bonus stat, does not affect towards normal growth cap).

Critical strike chance is raised to 150%, but deal x2.5 damage.

Counter (class specific) - (low to medium chance of activation upon being hit) Return the next incoming damage back to the attacker.

Though they can tank and return full damage without being hurt, they are slow and expected to be doubled most of the time.

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EDIT: So it turns out I might have misinterpreted what this topic was about, but I'm gonna leave this here anyway unless someone objects to it.

Funnily enough, I actually had an idea for a Samurai class prior to Fates' calling Myrmidons that. Ironically, it was actually designed in the vein of a Knight, rather than being a renamed Myrmidon.


Tier 1


Wields: Swords, Bows
Promotes to: Shogun

Class Roll Description: Steadfast warriors with strong defenses who wield swords and bows in defense of the innocent.


Tier 2


Wields: Swords, Lances, Bows

Promotes from: Samurai

Class Roll Description: Decorated Samurai who have become fearsome warlords. They dominate the battlefield with blades, bows, and polearms.

Edited by Topaz Light
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So is this about how we'd change existing classes or original classes?

Anyway here's my idea for Dancers and their promotions.


Tier 1

Wields: Sword

Promotes to: Blade Dancer, Water Dancer

Description: Primarily a support unit with less speed and strength than Myrmidon/Samurai and Mercenaries, respectively. Poor defenses and relies on dodging to escape death.

Special: Naturally has the 'Dance' command which can be used to give another unit an extra action. Dance gives the recipient a 'charge' which refreshes them, which means that they can receive the charge before or after they have taken an action. When a Dance capable unit is the support unit in a Guard Stance, instead of letting the lead unit Dual Guard, the lead will automatically be refreshed after acting. Dancers can't refresh other dancers.


Lv. 1 (Luck + 4) Luck +4

Lv. 10 (Special Dance) Str, Mag, Def, Res +2 for 1 turn for the recipient of this user's Dance.

Blade Dancer

Tier 2

Wields: Swords, Daggers

Promotes from: Dancer

Class Role: Offensive Support. Relatively low defenses but higher avoid and critical hit chance. Can support allies with Dances, lowering enemy stats, as well as direct combat.

Special: Same as Dancer.


Lv. 5 (Blade Rush) Select "Blade Rush" to double your amount of available attacks. After combat, Strength, Magic and Skill -1 for each attack.

Lv. 12 (Last Dance) Units affected by Dance will gain +25 to skill activation rate until end of turn.

Water Dancer

Tier 2

Wields: Swords, Staves

Promotes from Dancer

Class Role: Dedicated support. Can restore the health and status of allies with Dances and staves. Weak in combat but indispensable as a support unit.

Special: Same as Dancer.


Lv. 5 (Luck Aura) Luck +4 to allies in a 3 tile radius.

Lv. 12 (Invigorate) Dance let’s up to 4 adjacent allies act again.

Promotes from - Myrmidon

First Variation - Swordmaster (would replace current version of swordmasters)


Speed oriented fighters that wield dual blades for extreme offense.

Have inmense speed growth, but HP and general defenses growth lowered by a lot.

(Great damage output based on speed and avoid-tanking, but can die in a single round if hit)

Class Specifics/Opinions

Can dual wield off-hand swords (tend to wield light swords - off-hand swords give +50% might but their weight is not ignored)

Every attack instance strikes twice (each strike can hit or miss on its own, up two 8 strikes with dual brave swords)

Skills are indirectly strengthened because of the above (e.g.: Astra will hit up to 40 times, but resulting in 250% total damage output instead of every attack at half damage for balancing)

Compared to the current swordmaster, has less hp and defenses but is faster and always hits twice.

I like the first variant the best. Dual wielding is neat but I think it would be cool if they incorporating Iaido (sword drawing technique) into something, however. One idea I had was an Iai Stance (either as a class mechanic or skill) that would give you automatic Vantage and increased critical hit chance in exchange for only one sword swing.


Tier 1


Wields: Swords, Bows
Promotes to: Shogun

Class Roll Description: Steadfast warriors with strong defenses who wield swords and bows in defense of the innocent.


Tier 2


Wields: Swords, Lances, Bows

Promotes from: Samurai

Class Roll Description: Decorated Samurai who have become fearsome warlords. They dominate the battlefield with blades, bows, and polearms.

I like the weapon choice, but samurai weren't particularly known for their strong armor. Even for classes that wear visible armor, only Knights and their promotions get the "Armored" trait, because they're wearing full plate armor.

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I've been making plans for a potential hack for a good while now, and made a couple of new classes for it (Along with messing with existing classes). Just an example

Name: Corsair (I know, 7 technically had them, but they were just inland pirates.)

Promotes from: Pirate, Sea Bowman (Another new class, just archers able to walk on sea tiles. Probably needs a better name.)

Wields: Axes, Bows (Where they'd also get access to guns as a speciality, but they're intended to be heavy, unwieldy and powerful.)

Description: Fierce raiders who strike fear on towns that they attack. They can smash through garrisons with firearms, axes or bows.

Would not have as high strength as Warrior, but would get similar speed and higher skill. Enemy Corsairs would get a decent growth rate across all three stats, while getting good HP growth.

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Oh ho ho. Have I ever. I've tinkered with practically every generic class seen in the series so far (and included quite a number of unique classes too)


Hey would you look at that. Serenes let's me embed my full class tree now (might have to right click open in new tab if its too small). That's absolutely delightful.

Edited by Jotari
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I like the weapon choice, but samurai weren't particularly known for their strong armor. Even for classes that wear visible armor, only Knights and their promotions get the "Armored" trait, because they're wearing full plate armor.

Yeah, true. I was basing it half off of Final Fantasy's Samurai Job, which is a heavyweight physical fighter, and half off of the fact that a lot of real-life samurai armor gives me "slow, sturdy, and powerful" sort of vibes.

More practically, there are already three speed-slanted swordfighting footsoldier classes; Mercenary, Myrmidon, and Thief. A fourth would just be getting a little silly.

Although that sort of thing doesn't seem to have stopped Intelligent Systems from creating a grand total of eight axe-using infantry classes over the series' lifespan, but I digress.

Edited by Topaz Light
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three speed-slanted swordfighting footsoldier classes; Mercenary, Myrmidon, and Thief

I mean, can you really call Mercenary speed-focused?

I'd think of it as like, the base version. Anyway...

[spoiler=Stand proud!]Centurion

Promotes from: Lancer/Spear Fighter, Mercenary

Weapon Proficiency: fefates-icon-sword.png (A), fefates-icon-lance.png (A)

Role: Offense

Description: Leading the charge into battle, the Centurion valiantly strikes down foe after foe, and can easily wipe out enemies foolish enough to attempt attacking them. Though they lack the extreme Speed or Skill of Swordmasters, they make up for it in durability and Strength.


[Lv. 05] Strong Formation - When initiating battle while being the leading unit in Guard Stance, +3 damage dealt/-3 damage taken.

[LV. 15] Parry - When dodging a physical attack at 1-range while not initiating battle, inflict damage equal to [Enemy's MT+ Unit's STR - Enemy's DEF] back to the enemy.

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Here is an idea I had for a different Fighter line. I'm going to shameless copy other peoples' templates because I like pretty data tables.



Promotes to: Warrior, Sky Hunter

Weapon Proficiency: fefates-icon-axe.pngB

Role: Offense

Description: Stocky fighters that swing powerful axes. They aren't the fastest but they strike hard and can take more than few hits themselves.


[Lv. 1] HP+5 - HP+5
[LV. 10] Sturdy: If a enemy would perform a followup attack, subsequent hits do 50% less damage.


Promotes from: Fighter

Weapon Proficiency: fefates-icon-axe.pngA fefates-icon-sword.pngB fefates-icon-lance.pngB

Role: Offense

Description: Seasoned fighters that have practiced with all manner of weapons. Their durability is only matched by their strength.


[Lv. 5] Battle Hardoned - Negate enemy critical hits.
[LV. 12] Cleave: When you initiate combat, enemies adjacent to your target will take the same damage.

Sky Hunter (Griffon mount)

Promotes from: Fighter, Griffon Rider

Weapon Proficiency: fefates-icon-axe.pngA fefates-icon-bow.pngB

Role: Offense

Description: Lords of the sky that specialize in hunting down other fliers. Their arrows hit hard and true.


[Lv. 5] Air Superiority - Hit Rate and Avoid +30 when fighting a flying enemy.
[LV. 12] Lancebreaker - Hit Rate and Avoid + 50 when fighting an enemy equipped with a lance.

Yeah, true. I was basing it half off of Final Fantasy's Samurai Job, which is a heavyweight physical fighter, and half off of the fact that a lot of real-life samurai armor gives me "slow, sturdy, and powerful" sort of vibes.

To your credit, the GBA General armor, particularly the faulds, are reminiscent of the layered samurai armor.

I mean, can you really call Mercenary speed-focused?

I'd think of it as like, the base version. Anyway...

[spoiler=Stand proud!]Centurion
Promotes from: Lancer/Spear Fighter, Mercenary
Weapon Proficiency: fefates-icon-sword.png (A), fefates-icon-lance.png (A)
Role: Offense
Description: Leading the charge into battle, the Centurion valiantly strikes down foe after foe, and can easily wipe out enemies foolish enough to attempt attacking them. Though they lack the extreme Speed or Skill of Swordmasters, they make up for it in durability and Strength.
[Lv. 05] Strong Formation - When initiating battle while being the leading unit in Guard Stance, +3 damage dealt/-3 damage taken.
[LV. 15] Parry - When dodging a physical attack at 1-range while not initiating battle, inflict damage equal to [Enemy's MT+ Unit's STR - Enemy's DEF] back to the enemy.

Sort of, as of Fates they have 15 speed growth which puts them above most Nohrian classes and tied with most Hoshidan classes. Perhaps it could be said that have slightly above average speed.

Cool class idea, btw.

Edited by NekoKnight
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I mean, can you really call Mercenary speed-focused?

I'd think of it as like, the base version. Anyway...

Most pre-3DSFE Mercenaries tend to have above-average Speed, although granted a good number of those games had them and Myrmidons as being a single class. Even so, characters like Deke, Ogier, and Raven are generally pretty fast, as I recall. It sorta varies, but Mercenaries do almost always fall between "average" and "above average" for Speed, while many other balanced classes tend to get some "below average" too. So, Mercenaries are on the speedier half of the speedy versus slow spectrum, but I do concede that they aren't "speed-focused" in the same sense as Myrmidons and Thieves are.

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Weapons: Daggers/Shurikens

Promotes From: Bard

Promoting from a Bard to a Gleeman gives the unit the ability to attack with Daggers as well as the ability to buff party members as well as granting them additional moves.

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Here is an idea I had for a different Fighter line. I'm going to shameless copy other peoples' templates because I like pretty data tables.

Sort of, as of Fates they have 15 speed growth which puts them above most Nohrian classes and tied with most Hoshidan classes. Perhaps it could be said that have slightly above average speed.

if it works, it works

A little above average doesn't really put them into speed category, but I suppose it could be attributed to "swords need some way to compensate for lower damage output" also what non-speedy sword classes are there

[spoiler=Stand proud!]War Magus

Promotes from: Dark Mage

Weapon Proficiency: fefates-icon-tome.png (A)

Role: Defense

Description: Practiced users of magic that have taken to the frontlines, their stout defenses keeps physical weapons at bay, but magic easily pierces their armor. While not as slow as Dark Knights, they nonetheless will not easily double enemies.


[Lv. 05] Armsbreaker - +15 Hit/Avoid when battling enemies wielding an Axe, Lance, or Sword.

[LV. 15] Hellbreaker - Skill * 1.5% chance for half of enemy's Magic (if a physical weapon is being used to attack) or Strength (if a magical weapon is being used instead) onto final damage.

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if it works, it works

A little above average doesn't really put them into speed category, but I suppose it could be attributed to "swords need some way to compensate for lower damage output" also what non-speedy sword classes are there

[spoiler=Stand proud!]War Magus

Promotes from: Dark Mage

Weapon Proficiency: fefates-icon-tome.png (A)

Role: Defense

Description: Practiced users of magic that have taken to the frontlines, their stout defenses keeps physical weapons at bay, but magic easily pierces their armor. While not as slow as Dark Knights, they nonetheless will not easily double enemies.


[Lv. 05] Armsbreaker - +15 Hit/Avoid when battling enemies wielding an Axe, Lance, or Sword.

[LV. 15] Hellbreaker - Skill * 1.5% chance for half of enemy's Magic (if a physical weapon is being used to attack) or Strength (if a magical weapon is being used instead) onto final damage.

That's a ridiculously good skill if it can be transferred to other classes.

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Here's mine from a blah the Prussian thread:

[spoiler=Shield Wall!]Hoplite


Role: Front line combat unit

Description: The first line of defense or attack. Their shields are able to guard against most magic, but their poor armor leaves them vulnerable to physical units, particularly mounted ones.


[Level 01]Formation: If in attack stance, both units are treated as being the primary attacker.

[Level 10]Thrower: nullifies disadvantages when using thrown weapons


Weapon:fefates-icon-lance.pngA fefates-icon-sword.pngB

Role: Front line combat unit

Description: The best trained Hoplites. Their massive shields protect them from both magical and physical units, but can be worked around with a small enough weapon.


[Level 05]Phalanx: switches placement in Guard Stance if front partner takes damage.

[Level 15]Go For Broke: Sets Weapon Ranks to max if not in Attack or Guard Stance.


Weapon: fefates-icon-lance.pngB fefates-icon-kunai.pngS

Role: Defense/Finisher unit

Description: Trusted Hoplites that are a lord's most staunch defenders... and their harshest critics. Their tactics are more suited to infiltration than actual combat, but they can overcome just about any obstacle.


[Level 05]: Reaver: When user enters combat with an opponent armed with a green weapon, target suffers Str and Spd -3.

[Level 15]: Stonebreaker: +50 hit/avoid when facing a unit with a Dragonstone or Beaststone equipped.

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So I had another idea, this one more on-topic:

BALLISTICIAN fefates-icon-bow.pngfe8ballista.gif

Tier 1


Promotes to: Fleet, Mechanist

Class Roll Description: Powerful long-range attackers with high defense, but their ballistae slow them down.

Lv. 1 - Rifled Barrel: Select the "Rifled Shot" command to fire siege weapons in a cross-shaped spread pattern. (Fates-style Siege Weapon attack. Can be applied to on-map siege weaponry, even if carried over to a non-Ballistician-line unit.)

Lv. 10 - Precise Aim: Rifled Shots from siege weaponry will not hit allied or NPC units, even if they fall within the target area.

FLEET fefates-icon-bow.pngfe8ballista.gif

Tier 2


Promotes from: Ballistician

Class Roll Description: Ballisticians whose upgraded chariots allow them to ride the waves. Land movement is still slow.

Lv. 5 - Swift Sailing: While stationed on a water-based tile, Hit/Avo+50 when under attack.

Lv. 15 - Maritime Expertise: Allows the user to traverse water-based tiles as though they were plains.

MECHANIST fefates-icon-kunai.pngfefates-icon-bow.pngfe8ballista.gif

Tier 2

Promotes from: Ninja, Apothecary, Ballistician

Class Roll Description: A puppet maker skilled in the use of shuriken, yumi, and siege weaponry.

Lv. 5 - Construct: Create an Automaton to aid in battle. Only one Automaton can be created at one time. The Automaton's strength depends upon the Mechanist's level.

Lv. 15 - Mechanical Expertise: Allows the use of all on-map siege weapons regardless of class.

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This topic has grown to a nice size, I like it.

Anyways, got another promotion variations to post today :V

Promotes from: Knights & Mercenary (only second variation)

1st Variation - Goliath (Feel free to suggest another name... oh well.)


Sluggish, heavy armoured knights that have the most of defenses.

Class specifics/Opinions

Reinforced Armour - Takes 25% less damage from weapons that are not armour specialized.

Devastating Blow - Skill/4% chance to stun the opponent until next phase.

The Fortress - Stays in place, taking 50% reduced damage until dropping down to 30% health or cancelled early. Will take any ranged attack targeted at any ally behind. (talking of behind, the Goliath must be between the ally and the attacker for the absorption effect to take place)

Even slower than the current General class, the Goliath is solely dedicated to soak damage, with a little bit of crowd control effect to offer.

While it is capable of holding on its own on closed spaces, effectiveness is severely reduced in open areas.

2nd Variation - Sentinel (Mercenaries can promote to this)


Sentinels sacrifice a portion of their defenses to become mobile, supporting units.

Class Specifics/Opinions

Their movement is a bit worse than heroes.

Guardian Shield - Chooses an ally to protect. Target ally within a 3-tile radius benefits from extra defense and resistance (gets weaker when getting away from the Sentinel), and periodically blocks attacks (takes 50% damage from critical strikes). Scales with level. Choosing can occur again after two turns.

Interception Charge (requires Guardian Shield ally within 5-tile radius) - If ally to protect is attacked, rush foward and force the attacker to initiate battle with you. Can only occur once per enemy phase.

Strong Bonds - Guardian Shield and Interception Charge will generate charges per performed action while near each other (half charge from each). At 3 charges, both you and protected ally with gain a damage boost, can reach the other on the map and both Guardian Shield and Interception Charge have boosted effects (will block more frecuently, 25% damage from critical strikes, Interception Charge can occur up to three times per enemy phase.). Lasts the current turn and has a two turn cooldown.

Dedicated shield to a valuable unit. Make your decision.

While weak by itself, it is strongest when paired with your protected unit.

Edited by MasashiH
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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Intellectual

Tier: 1

Uses: Tomes, Swords

Skills: (LV1) Improvised weaponry: If in range 1 without a range 1 weapon equipped, give this unit a mt 2 weapon that always loses the weapon triangle. (LV10) Androgynous: This unit may use items that would normally be exclusive to specific genders/classes/characters. (Have fun wielding Falchion!)

Promotions: Academic, Gamer, Strategist

Base stats: 20HP, 4 in all other stats

Max stats: 60HP, 6 movement, 23 in all other stats

Growths: 40% HP, 0% movement, 10% all other stats

Concept: A balanced unit that should be viable in most situations. Maybe a class for the avatar?

Name: Academic

Tier: 2

Uses: Tomes, Staves, Swords

Skills: (LV5) Observation: when this unit is attacked first, negates the opponent's defensive skills. Broken against late-game bosses. (LV15) Mastery of strategy: all units within 2 spaces gain hit/avoid/crit/dodge+5

Promotes from: Tactician, Intellectual, Troubadour

Promotes to: Lecturer, Elite grandmaster

Base stats: 22HP, 4 strength, 10 magic, 7 skill, 9 speed, 3 luck, 0 defense, 10 resistance, 4 movement. Always has avoid+5

Max stats: 85HP, 30 strength, 41 magic, 32 skill, 35 speed, 26 luck, 25 defense, 42 resistance, 7 movement.

Growths: 30% HP, 20% magic, 10% skill, 10% speed, 0% luck, 0% defence, 15% resistance, 0% movement.

Concept: A tank which focuses on dodging and doubling, rather than taking hits. Can support or attack, making it a versatile magic unit.

Name: Gamer

Tier: 2

Uses: Tomes, swords

Skills: (LV5) Spam! Luckx0.75% chance of activating, throws 4 attacks at half accuracy. (LV15) Master the roster: Grants the ability to use any weapon type, and can go up to rank B.

Promotes from: Intellectual

Promotion: Esports gamer, Elite grandmaster

Base stats: 27HP, 6 in all other stats.

Max stats: 90HP, 8 movement, 33 in all other stats

Growths: 40% HP, 0% movement, 10% all other stats

Concept: A class that's viable in all situations!

Name: Lecturer

Tier: 3

Uses: Tomes, Staves, Swords, Lances

Skills: (LV5) Boring speech: Magicx0.5% chance of putting an enemy to sleep when attacking. (LV15) Prestige: Hit+5, Mag+3, crit-5.

Promotes from: Academic, Grandmaster, Great Lord, Strategist

Base stats: 29HP, 6 strength, 11 magic, 11 skill, 7 speed, 8 luck, 7 defense, 10 resistance, 7 movement

Max stats: 110HP, 50 strength, 89 magic, 71 skill, 75 speed, 63 luck, 65 defense, 81 resistance, 9 movement

Growths: 0% movement, 15% everything else

Concept: A very powerful tank who is viable in almost all situations.

Name: Esports gamer

Tier: 3

Uses: Tomes, Swords, Lances

Skills: (LV5) Praise the RNGods: Hit, Avoid, Crit, Dodge, skill activation +10%. (LV15) Clutch victory: When under 1/2 HP, crit+30

Promotes from: Gamer

Base stats: 33HP, 8 in everything else.

Maximum stats: 100 HP, 10 movement, 70 everything else

Growths: 40% HP, 0% movement, 15% everything else

Concept: A unit that could be anything it likes...

Name: Elite grandmaster

Tier: 3

Uses: Tomes, swords, staves

Skills: (LV5) Rising wind: If holding a wind tome, ignore negative terrain effects (the wind tome loses 2 durabilty per turn). (LV15) Ultimate knowledge: This unit may use 2 other skills (if earned), making a net limit of 6.

Promotes from: Many

Base stats: 30HP, 8 Strength, 8 magic, 10 skill, 6 speed, 5 luck, 7 defense, 9 resistance, 7 movement

Maximum stats: 103HP, 71 strength, 75 magic, 84 skill, 63 speed, 61 luck, 70 defense, 79 resistance, 10 movement

Growths: 40% HP, 0% movement, 10% everything else.

Concept: A better version of the grandmaster class who can also heal. A very powerful magic unit.

Edited by The_antithesis
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These classes are designed to fit into the Fates class system. I really would have like to have seen Nohr get a Shuriken-wielding base class.

Name: Servant

Tier: 1

Weapons: Knives-B

Stat Build: High HP/Def/Res, Average Skl/Lck, Low Str/Mag/Spd, 5 mov

Descriptions: "Servants of noble houses, who carry items and use knives for their charges."


Lv. 1 - Courier: Gains +1 Spd/Lck for every item (non-weapon, non-staff) in inventory

Lv. 10 - A Cut Above: +1 to all debuffs against enemies (as in, -2 Str, -2 Mag becomes -3 Str, -3 Mag)

Promotes to: Maid/Butler, or Bodyguard

Name: Bodyguard

Tier: 2

Weapons: Knives-A, Lances-B

Stat Build: High HP/Def/Res, Average Skl/Lck, Low Str/Mag/Spd, 6 mov

Description: "Seasoned servants who use knives and lances to defend their charges."


Lv. 5 - Guardian: Offers +2 Def/Res in pair-up bonuses

Lv. 15 - Blockade: Prevents enemy attacks "through" this unit (as in, the enemy can't perform a ranged attack, in a cardinal [N/E/S/W] direction, against an adjacent ally in the same cardinal direction)

Promotes from: Servant

If I were fitting these classes within Fates, I would keep Felicia and Flora as maids, but make their base class Servant (Jakob's base class would remain Troubador). I would also add Servants and Bodyguards as enemy units, particularly in BR chapters where you go up against Nohrian royals.

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Name: Bodyguard

Tier: 2

Weapons: Knives-A, Lances-B

Stat Build: High HP/Def/Res, Average Skl/Lck, Low Str/Mag/Spd, 6 mov

Description: "Seasoned servants who use knives and lances to defend their charges."


Lv. 5 - Guardian: Offers +2 Def/Res in pair-up bonuses

Lv. 15 - Blockade: Prevents enemy attacks "through" this unit (as in, the enemy can't perform a ranged attack, in a cardinal [N/E/S/W] direction, against an adjacent ally in the same cardinal direction)

Promotes from: Servant

Interesting ideas. I also think there should have been a basic knife wielding class in Nohr. Some comments: I like the Guardian skill but it might not work well with Blockade since one skill requires the unit be paired up and the other requires them to be separate. Maybe Blockade could be made it so 2 range attacks are automatically blocked if the Bodyguard is paired up.

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On a whim I was suddenly inspired to work on something Fire Emblem, and here is some results of those efforts. It is not complete, but here is most of the basic classes alongside promotions.

These theoretical classes follow a different ruleset compared to mainline Fire Emblem. They follow a combination of various concepts introduced throughout the series.

1: There is no more reclassing or shared promotions. So, no more Knights and Cavaliers being able to promote to Great Knights as it is now solely a Knight promotion.

2: There is the classic Weapon Triangle (Sword -> Axe -> Lance) and Magic Triangle (Light -> Dark -> Anima). Bows and Daggers are outside the triangles.

3: Staves are now wielded like in the Radiance series, making staff users vulnerable. Bishops have a skill that allow them to counter with magic even with a Staff equipped.

4: Skills are reduced in number, typically only having one skill per class. Personal skills still exist but are outside the topic of this post.

5: Currently, there are no plans for the pair up system.

6. "Laguz" and Manaketes are intended to be included, but are not yet made.

[spoiler=Class Tree]

Teal - New Class

Myrmidon -> Swordmaster, Asura
Fighter -> Warrior, Berserker
Soldier -> Sentinel, Weaponmaster
Mercenary -> Hero, Adventurer
Knight -> General, Great Knight
Pirate -> Corsair, Swashbuckler
Thief -> Rogue, Assassin
Archer -> Sniper, Ranger
Outlaw -> Fugitive, Trickster
Mage -> Sage, Mage Knight
Shaman -> Druid, Summoner
Monk, Nun -> Exorcist, Confessor
Priest, Cleric -> Bishop, Oracle
Cavalier -> Paladin, Dark Templar
Troubadour -> Strategist, Avenger
Pegasus Knight -> Falcon Knight, Seraph Knight
Wyvern Knight -> Wyvern Lord, Abyss Knight

[spoiler=Detailed Descriptions]


Promotes To: Swordmaster, Asura

Weapons: Swords

Skill: Vantage – At the start of battles, if user is under 50% HP, user attacks first.

Description: An agile sword wielder who uses speed to defeat his foes.


Weapons: Swords

Passive: +10 Critical, +10 Avoid

Skill: Astra – Skill x 0.5% chance of triggering 5 consecutive hits with half damage.

Description: Type me!


Weapons: Swords, Anima Magic

Passive: +15 Avoid

Skill: Anima Blade – Always deals damage according to the enemy’s lowest Defense or Resistance stat.

Description: A sword wielder who combines speed and elemental power to overcome foes.


Promotes To: Warrior, Berserker

Weapons: Axes

Skill: Overwhelm – When defeating an enemy, excess damage is returned as HP to the user.

Description: A burly warrior with high attack but low defense.


Weapons: Axes, Bows

Skill: Colossus – Skill x 0.5% chance of dealing damage triple of the user’s Strength.

Description: A fighter who has picked up the bow for ranged combat.


Weapons: Axes

Passive: +20 Critical, -5 Critical Evasion

Skill: Frenzy – Command. Attacks a unit until either the enemy or user dies.

Description: A mighty fighter with no regard for personal safety.


Promotes To: Sentinel, Weaponmaster

Weapons: Lances

Skill: Riposte – When successfully evading an enemy attack, Skill% chance for a riposte attack.

Description: A common combatant wielding a lance. Has no real strengths or weaknesses.


Weapons: Lances

Skill: Impale – Skill x 0.5% chance of dealing triple damage.

Description: A veteran soldier who has reached the pinnacle of skill.


Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances

Skill: Overpower – When attacking, doubles the effectiveness of the weapon triangle as well as slayer weapons.

Description: A seasoned soldier who can wield various weapons.


Promotes To: Hero, Adventurer

Weapons: Swords

Skill: Good Fortune – Luck% chance of recovering 20% and removing status ailments at the start of the user’s Turn.

Description: A wandering sword wielder looking for pay.


Weapons: Swords, Axes

Skill: Sol – Skill% chance of restoring half the damage dealt to the enemy

Description: A proud individual who has accomplished great feats.


Weapons: Swords, Staves

Skill: Scavenge – When defeating an enemy, Luck% change to obtain a random item.

Description: A seasoned traveler who wields swords and staves.


Promotes To: General, Great Knight

Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances

Skill: Swap – Select the “Swap” command to swap places with an adjacent ally on the map. After swapping, the user can still take an action, such as attacking or using an item.

Description: Armored soldiers who are slow but have high Defense.


Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances

Skill: Pavise – Skill% chance of halving damage from Physical attacks.

Description: Juggernauts of steel that wield swords, axes, and lances.

Great Knight

Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances

Skill: Luna – Skill% chance of ignoring half the enemy’s Defense (if user has a physical weapon) or Resistance (if user has a magical weapon).

Description: Knights that ride heavily armored warhorses, adept in swords, axes, and lances.


Promotes To: Corsair, Swashbuckler

Weapons: Axes

Skill: Dirty Fighting – Skill% chance of inflicting a random effect. (Poison, Stun, Half Damage, Stat Seals, etc.)

Description: A sailor on the high seas that has taken to raiding and pillaging.


Weapons: Axes

Skill: Dual Wield – Doubles the user’s available strikes but deal half the damage. This skill is locked to the Corsair and cannot be removed.

Description: A pirate who specializes in hand to hand combat with two weapons.


Weapons: Swords, Axes

Skill: Counter – Returns damage when attacked by an adjacent enemy (except damage that KOs the user).

Description: A privateer who prefers one on one combat.


Promotes To: Rogue, Assassin

Passive: +10 Avoid

Weapons: Daggers

Skill: Locktouch – Opens chests and doors without requiring keys.

Description: An individual skilled in the sleight of hand.


Weapons: Daggers, Swords

Passive: +15 Avoid, +5 Critical Evasion

Skill: Steal – Command. Allows the user to steal an item from the target, including equipped weapons.

Description: An experienced thief that can rob anyone blind.


Weapons: Daggers

Passive: +5 Hit, +5 Critical, +5 Avoid, +5 Critical Evasion

Skill: Lethality – Upon a successful critical, instantly kills the enemy.

Description: A deadly shadow that kills quickly and efficiently.


Promotes To: Sniper, Ranger

Weapons: Bows

Skill: Endless Quiver – Upon defeating an enemy, Skill% chance to attack again. This can be repeated as long as there are targets in range.

Description: A person armed with a bow, excelling at hitting their marks.


Weapons: Bows

Passive: +1 Range for Bows

Skill: Deadeye – Skill x 0.5% chance to deal double damage and put the enemy in sleep status.

Description: A person armed with a bow, excelling at hitting their marks.


Weapons: Bows, Swords

Passive: +10 Hit, +10 Avoid

Skill: Disable – After battle, enemy Strength, Magic, Defense, and Resistance -6.

Description: A skilled individual with a trusty steed sent out on solo operations.


Promotes To: Fugitive, Trickster

Passive: +10 Avoid

Weapons: Daggers, Bows

Skill: Pass – User can pass through tiles occupied by enemy units

Description: A vicious criminal who wields daggers and bows.


Weapons: Daggers, Bows, Anima Magic

Passive: +15 Avoid

Skill: Ambush – When attacking, uses all the strikes at once. (So, if attacking, the sequence of attack, counter, attack, counter will be transformed into attack, attack, counter, counter.)

Description: A mastermind of crime who takes his victims by surprise.


Weapons: Daggers, Bows, Staves

Passive: +10 Avoid

Skill: Rewind – Command. After taking an action, returns the Trickster to its starting location.

Description: A glamorous phantom.


Promotes To: Sage, Mage Knight

Weapons: Anima Magic

Skill: Focus – Command. When used, grants +5 Magic to your next action. This effect does not stack.

Description: A mage specializing in the elements.


Weapons: Anima Magic, Staves

Skill: Flare – Skill x 0.25% chance of negating Resistance and recovering HP equal to damage done to enemy.

Description: An Elementalist with a mastery over Anima magic. Can also wield staves.

Mage Knight

Weapons: Anima Magic, Swords

Skill: Anima Barrier – Skill% chance to add half of the user's Defense (if being attacked with Magic) or Resistance (if being attacked with Physical) to damage reduction.

Description: A mounted battle mage with a small emphasis on defense.


Promotes To: Druid, Summoner

Weapons: Dark Magic

Skill: Vengeance – Skill x 1.5% chance of adding half the user’s (Max HP – Current HP) as damage.

Description: A scholar who studies ancient magic.


Weapons: Dark Magic, Staves

Skill: Forbidden Rite – Command. Deals damage based off users Magic x 2 to everyone within 2 spaces, including the user. If this attack defeats enemies, the user gains EXP as normal.

Description: A follower of the ancient ways of magic and forbidden knowledge. Can also wield Staves.


Weapons: Dark Magic

Skill: Summon – Command. Summons a Phantom based off the Summoner’s level. The Phantom acts as normal unit and anything it defeats is counted for the Summoner. If the Phantom is defeated, the Summoner is dealt damage of 20% of max HP.

There is a maximum of one active Phantom at a time. The Phantom can be unsummoned without consequence.

Description: An ancient magic user that can summon otherworldly beings.

Monk, Nun

Promotes To: Exorcist, Confessor

Weapons: Light Magic

Skill: Inner Fire – At the start of the turn, the user and adjacent allies gain +1 to all stats. The effect wears off at the start of the next turn.

Description: A follower of the light that can wield it as a weapon.


Weapons: Light Magic, Staves

Skill: Exorcism – Skill x 0.5% chance to deal damage directly to the opponent’s HP based off the user’s Magic stat. If normal damage is higher, the normal attack is carried out instead.

Description: A master of the Light who can cleanse the unworthy. Also wields staves.


Weapons: Light Magic, Staves

Passive: +50 Hit when using Offensive Staves

Skill: Repentance – When countering with a Staff, puts the attacker to sleep.

Description: A light mage with a specialty in offensive staves.

Priest, Cleric

Promotes To: Bishop, Oracle

Weapons: Staves

Skill: Miracle – Luck x 0.5% chance of completely negating an enemy attack.

Description: An unarmed staff wielder who supports allies.


Weapons: Light Magic, Staves

Skill: Staff Mastery – Allows the user to counter with Magic even if a Staff is equipped.

Skill: Corona – Skill x 0.5% chance to deal double damage and put the enemy in blind status.

Description: A staff user who has learned to wield light magic for defense.


Weapons: Staves

Passive: +10 Avoid, +10 Critical Evasion

Skill: Voice of Peace – At the start of each turn, all allies recover 10% HP.

Description: A staff user dedicated to the path of peace and supporting allies.


Promotes To: Paladin, Dark Templar

Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances

Skill: Rescue – Takes in the adjacent ally at the cost of halving Speed and Skill while they are carried.

Description: A soldier riding a horse into battle. Wields swords, axes, and lances.


Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances

Skill: Aegis – Skill% chance of halving damage from Magical attacks.

Description: A distinguished knight riding a warhorse to battle.

Dark Templar

Weapons: Lances, Dark Magic

Skill: Terror – Enemies within a 2 tile radius suffer -20 to Hit.

Description: A Cavalier who has been tempted by the ancient arts. Wields lances and dark magic.


Promotes To: Strategist, Avenger

Weapons: Staves

Skill: Inspire – At the start of each turn, adjacent allies gain +2 to Defense and Resistance. The effect wears off at the start of the next turn.

Description: A traveler who roams the land, reciting poetry and song.


Weapons: Staves, Anima Magic

Skill: Rally – Command. When used, grants allies in a 2 tile radius +4 to all stats. The effect wears off at the start of the next turn. (Stacks with Inspire)

Description: A mounted tactician who leads allies into battle.


Weapons: Staves, Axes

Skill: Renewal – Recovers 30% HP at the start of each turn.

Description: A mounted healer that takes up arms to avenge the fallen.

Pegasus Knight

Promotes To: Falcon Knight, Seraph Knight

Weapons: Lances

Skill: Rend Heaven – Skill x 1.5% chance of adding half the enemy’s Strength (if user has a physical weapon) or Magic (if user has a magical weapon) as damage

Description: A mounted warrior riding the agile Pegasus to battle.

Falcon Knight

Weapons: Lances, Swords, Bows

Skill: Stun – Skill x 0.5% chance of stunning the enemy in combat, dealing x2 damage and immobilizing it. (The Stun status effect will fade at the start of the next Enemy Phase.)

Description: A veteran Pegasus Knight. Wields lances, swords, and bows.

Seraph Knight

Weapons: Lances, Light Magic, Staves

Skill: Galeforce – Allows the user to do two actions per turn. (Two attacks, two staff uses, item use then attack, staff and attack, etc.)

Description: A magical Pegasus Knight. Wields lances, light magic, and staves.

Wyvern Knight

Promotes To: Wyvern Lord, Abyss Knight

Weapons: Axes

Skill: Lunge – Select the “Lunge” command to swap places with an enemy after an attack

Description: A mounted knight riding a mighty Wyvern. Has high defense and attack.

Wyvern Lord

Weapons: Axes, Lances

Skill: Sky Superiority – The user’s Flying weakness is nullified and they receive terrain effects.

Description: Awe-inspiring lords who have mastered their Wyvern and combat.

Abyss Knight

Weapons: Axes, Dark Magic

Skill: Abyssal Power – When defeating an enemy, gain +1 to all stats to a max of +10. Effect expires after the map is cleared.

Description: A Wyvern Knight who has mastered dark magic. Uses axes and dark magic.

Edited by Sire
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On a whim I was suddenly inspired to work on something Fire Emblem, and here is some results of those efforts. It is not complete, but here is most of the basic classes alongside promotions.

These theoretical classes follow a different ruleset compared to mainline Fire Emblem. They follow a combination of various concepts introduced throughout the series.

1: There is no more reclassing or shared promotions. So, no more Knights and Cavaliers being able to promote to Great Knights as it is now solely a Knight promotion.

2: There is the classic Weapon Triangle (Sword -> Axe -> Lance) and Magic Triangle (Light -> Dark -> Anima). Bows and Daggers are outside the triangles.

3: Staves are now wielded like in the Radiance series, making staff users vulnerable. The dedicated healer class (Priests, Clerics, Bishops, Confessors) have a skill that allow them to counter with magic even with a Staff equipped.

4: Skills are reduced in number, typically only having one skill per class. Personal skills still exist but are outside the topic of this post.

5: Currently, there are no plans for the pair up system.

6. "Laguz" and Manaketes are intended to be included, but are not yet made.

[spoiler=Class Tree]

Teal - New Class

Blue - Modified Class

Myrmidon -> Swordmaster, Asura

Fighter -> Warrior, Berserker

Soldier -> Sentinel, Weaponmaster

Mercenary -> Hero, Adventurer

Knight -> General, Great Knight

Thief -> Rogue, Assassin

Archer -> Sniper, Ranger

Outlaw -> Fugitive, Trickster

Mage -> Sage, Mage Knight
Shaman -> Druid, Summoner
Monk, Nun -> Exorcist, Confessor
Priest, Cleric -> Bishop, Oracle
Cavalier -> Paladin, Dark Templar
Troubadour -> Strategist, ???
Pegasus Knight -> Falcon Knight, Seraph Knight
Wyvern Knight -> Wyvern Lord, Abyss Knight

[spoiler=Detailed Descriptions]

For the sake of brevity, most classic classes have been omitted from this, even if they also have some modifications (mostly in skills).

Asura - Tier 2

Promotes From: Myrmidon

Weapons: Swords, Anima Magic

Skill - Ignis: Skill% chance of adding half the user’s Strength (if user has a physical weapon) or Magic (if user has a magical weapon) as damage

Description: A sword wielder who combines speed and elemental power to overcome foes.

Weaponmaster - Tier 2

Promotes From: Soldier

Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances

Skill - Overpower: When attacking, doubles the effectiveness of the weapon triangle as well as slayer weapons.

Description: A seasoned soldier who can wield various weapons.

Adventurer - Tier 2

Promotes From: Mercenary

Weapons: Swords, Staves

Skill - Scavenge: Luck% chance upon defeating a foe to obtain a random item.

Description: A seasoned traveler who wields swords and staves.

Knight - Tier 1

Promotes To: General, Great Knight

Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances

Skill - Reposition: Allows the user to swap places between itself and an allied unit. The user can take still action after Repositioning, such as attacking or using an item.

Description: Armored soldiers who are slow but have high Defense.

General - Tier 2

Promotes From: Knight

Weapons: Swords, Axes, Lances

Skill - Pavise: Skill% chance of halving damage from Physical attacks.

Description: Juggernauts of steel that wield swords, axes, and lances.

Outlaw - Tier 1

Promotes To: Fugitive, Tricker

Weapons: Daggers, Bows

Skill - Pass: User can pass through tiles occupied by enemy units

Description: A vicious criminal who wields daggers and bows.

Fugitive - Tier 2

Promotes From: Outlaw

Weapons: Daggers, Bows, Anima Magic

Skill - Concealment: Allows the user to hide within terrain features that boost Evasion. When hidden, enemy units cannot see the user unless they are adjacent to the unit.

Description: A mastermind of crime who hides in plain sight.

Trickster - Tier 2

Promotes From: Outlaw

Weapons: Daggers, Bows, Staves

Skill - Rewind: After taking an action, returns the Trickster to its starting location.

Description: A glamorous phantom.

Mage Knight - Tier 2

Promotes From: Mage

Weapons: Anima Magic, Swords

Skill - Anima Barrier: Skill% chance to add half of the user's Defense (if being attacked with Magic) or Resistance (if being attacked with Physical) to damage reduction.

Description: A mounted battle mage.

Confessor - Tier 2

Promotes From: Monk, Nun

Weapons: Light Magic, Staves

Skill - Staff Master: Allows the user to counterattack with magic instead of an equipped staff.

Skill - Repentance: +20 to Hit when using Offensive Staves.

Description: A light mage with a specialty in offensive staves.

Oracle - Tier 2

Promotes From: Priest, Cleric

Weapons: Staves

Skill - Serenity: Allies within a 2 tile radius recover 20% HP at the start of the user’s Turn

Description: A staff user dedicated to the path of peace and supporting allies.

Dark Templar - Tier 2

Promotes From: Cavalier

Weapons: Lances, Dark Magic

Skill - Terror: Skill% chance to prevent an enemy from striking the user. Does not work on all enemies. (This is done in combat, before the enemy strikes.)

Description: A Cavalier who has been tempted by the ancient arts. Wields lances and dark magic.

Falcon Knight - Tier 2

Promotes From: Pegasus Knight

Weapons: Lances, Swords, Bows

Skill - Stun: Skill% of stunning the enemy in combat, dealing x2 damage and immobilizing it. (The Stun status effect will fade at the start of the next Enemy Phase.)

Description: A veteran Pegasus Knight. Wields lances, swords, and bows.

Seraph Knight - Tier 2

Promotes From: Pegasus Knight

Weapons: Lances, Light Magic, Staves

Skill - Galeforce: Allows the user to do two actions per turn. (Two attacks, two staff uses, item use then attack, staff and attack, etc.)

Description: A magical Pegasus Knight. Wields lances, light magic, and staves.

Abyss Knight - Tier 2

Promotes From: Wyvern Knight

Weapons: Axes, Dark Magic

Skill - Abyssal Power: When defeating an enemy, gain +1 to all stats to a max of +10. Effect expires after the map is cleared.

Description: A Wyvern Knight who has mastered dark magic. Uses axes and dark magic.

You can take whole sale from Awakening and have Troubadour promote to Battle Cleric since it doesn't seem like you've used it elsewhere.

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You can take whole sale from Awakening and have Troubadour promote to Battle Cleric since it doesn't seem like you've used it elsewhere.

Yeah, but I really wanted the Troubadour to remain mounted. In the end I just renamed the Battle Cleric and gave it a horse.

At any rate, I went ahead and fleshed out the concept some more. The original post has been edited for class descriptions and their skills.

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War Priest

Promotes from Priest or Troubador

Nonmounted unit. Uses lances, Staves, and Tomes. Meant to be a melee style healer that can take a few hits compared to their squishier counterparts.

Their HP and Defense growths would be a lot higher, but they would gain less in Magic and Skill. It sacrifices a bit of their healing for them to become better fighters. I can see them being great support types with a few special staves (buff/debuff staves), and maybe some rally skills.

Skills: Light Magic Affinity. They gain access to light magic.

Priest's Vision: Avoidance +20/Hit+20 when enemy initiates an attack.

Song of War: For every enemy within 3 tiles of this character, the character gains an ability to buff all allies within the same range with + to defense/speed. Raises for each enemy within range.


Promotion from either Fighter or Rogue.

Fighter that uses the shadows and smaller weapons to take down their foes. Another non mounted, they would have access to daggers and bows. They would be a unique mix of a fighter and rogue.

Sacrifices a bit of the speed of the Rogue for the HP of the fighter. Defense would raise slightly too. I think the stalk ability would be interesting since there has never been stealth like abilities in FE before. Could be overpowered, so I tried to think of ways to balance it out.

Skills: Strike from the Shadows Gain + to crit/avoid when flanking a target.

Shadowblade's Strength: Gain +5 to damage with Daggers and Bows.

Stalk: The unit retreats to the shadows, allowing no enemies to target him for the remainder of the ability. Lasts 2 rounds. The unit can move while it is active, but cannot use items and cannot be healed. They can pass through enemies much like the pass skill. They can use an attack during the duration that results in a +20 crit bonus, but cannot double. (essentially a stealth/sneak attack ability for the Shadowblade.) Their move is also cut down (-2 effective move).

Edited by Tolvir
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