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Jotari's Three Tier Branching Class Tree (now with Engage classes)


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So a few years ago, before Awakening brought back branched promotion, I decided to make my own list of classes and their branched promotions taking elements from Radiant Dawn's three tier system. It was pretty messy and terrible at first but since then it's evolved into something I'm rather proud of. During that time I made few threads on here looking for suggestions yet until recently it never occurred to me at all to just make one project thread for it and just update it continually. Which is what this is. So without further ado here is the branching class tree (try right clicking to open in a new tab if this is too small).


Some people find the overall thing quite confusing so if you want to view individual parts of the tree then here you go.

(some of this hasn't received the Three Houses update).



The Mercenary line is pretty diverse. I don't think Mercenary has ever promoted into Mage Fighters, but that does give them access to Dread Fighter like in Gaiden. Most classes will have at least 1 magic option out of their six potential Tier 3 choices. Vanguard, Master of Arms and Centurion are all pretty similar classes, each trading out one of the four main physical weapons. Master of Arms has a slight disadvantage since he has no reliable long range option but that's mitigated by its Mastery Skill which lets it stock more weapons than normal allowing greater control of the weapon triangle. The magic option is also pretty solid having utilities that don't focus on magic alone such as staves and shuriken use.




The reaver class is a bit uninteresting, suffering from having only two weapons and and not even a unique two weapons at that. Maybe I should give them a third but I feel uneasy jumping from one weapon to three, that's a lot of weapon ranks to cover. The balancer would have to be more focused stats than Vanguard with better strength and speed. Berserker would be the same in that regard with your option basically being trading a 30% crit bonus for the ability to use bows. The magic option for fighters gives them staves. I particularly like the idea of Rearguard, a healer designed to be able to tank hits. Battle Saint is a little uninteresting, just throwing Light Magic on Battle Cleric. The sprite is also trash. Maybe I should give them a horse to keep up with Valkyries.




Like Bow Knights, Crusaders have nine move but only two weapon types. There's quite of lot of overlap on the Soldier classes so I'll talk about the strengths in more detail in other sections. I'll say here however that the Black Knight sprite is pretty kick ass (for my ability anyway). My best work by a long mile.




Archer's don't really have a magic option aside from Adventurer taking staves over a more solid offensive stats (they do get Rend Heaven to make up for those short comings however). Marksman gets an increase to the range of their bows just like in Radiant Dawn. Hunter is one of the classes I've gone through the most revisions with. Crossbows work like they did in Radiant Dawn, only they also get powered up significantly by weapon rank.




Like in Sacred Stones, thieves lose their thieving abilities if they go Assassin. They also lose a portion of them if they go outlaw, being able to still pick locks but not being able to steal (even though an outlaw is more likely to do the latter). I went with the original Japanese name for Spy over the localized Whisper. Whisper just sounds too vague to me and I think a Spy is the ultimate realization of what a Thief is. I should note here that Knives do not allow enemies to counter attack, being actual Hidden Weapons. They are weak to compensate however. 




 The mounted units are all pretty self explanatory. They're quite similar in terms of stats with weapon type being the biggest distinguishing factor. The tier 1 mounts only have two promotion options. I could give them three (there's no real mage knight on the tree) but I feel that would be too many unnecessary classes. Also a bit of a balancing factor for the extra movement and canto capabilities (though unlike most games in the series, I don't make them outright unfair by giving them two weapons to use at tier 1 on top of everything else).RXuJqpD.png



Pirates and Corsairs have the ability to walk across water. Corsairs also have the handy ability to pick locks. I think Arbalist and Bolt Lord might need an aesthetic overhaul in order to look more in line with the Bandit class (while still looking natural for the Bowyer class). I like the sprite work I've done for the magic options for bandit, though its a shame my old class Fell Knight can't be included there. Bandit's will have a pretty low magic stat, but Dark Magic would have things like Eclipse and Luna to compensate. Having Dark Magic focus on status ailments and set damage is a good route to go with it I think.




Is Myrmidon to Legionnaire weird? They're both named after Greek/Roman soldiers so that where the initial idea came from. My other option here is to make them promote to mage fighter which is as equally unfitting aesthetically. In terms of stats though if you think of Legionaries being like Nephenee then it makes sense. I'll use now to mention that mono weapon classes can use certain weapons at lower ranks. Like Myrmidons and Sword Masters can use Killing Edges earlier.




Guardians are based on an unused FE3 class. They're not as bulky as Generals but they do have more Res (Rearguards despite using staves do not have good Res). The Black Knight is balanced against Barons by having superior Growths and Caps.


Bowyers (Crossbows)


Crossbows can't double without a specific skill. They also don't take strength into account like in Radiant Dawn but they do receive a sizeable attack boost for each weapon rank the unit has. Additionally, they have low hit but do not take enemy evade into account when attacking making them pretty good against Ninjas and Sword Masters. Ballistician can fire at long range as you'd expect and Mechanist retain the Replicate ability from Fates (though not quite a broken here since you can't bring it to other classes).




Koga can alternate between being a flying unit and a foot unit. When flying they cannot be attacked by 1 range weapons and two range weapons can only be used from one range (they themselves also can only attack 1 range). The player can revert at any time but they will automatically fall back down to the ground after a certain amount of time.  Basara gets Quixotic which lets them use ally skills. Probably the only thing that balances them against the very useful Dread Fighter class. Guerrillas have a skill that's like an inverse Galeforce. If they fail to kill a unit they gain a second turn. They can't attack with this second turn but they can do everything else like move, trade, rescue etc. Maybe Vuleranies would actually be used on a unit like that.




Sages are similar to Mercenaries in that they have a wide range of classes they can promote to. Wizard to Thaumaturgy is a relatively new addition. They used to promote to Arch Sage but it kind of bothered me Sage could go to Arch Sage from two different tier two classes. It might look like Thaumaturgy is superior to Sorcerer by virtue of having the same weapons plus a horse, but Thaumaturgy is also connected to the cleric line so it has has relatively low caps and growths.




Summoners can of course summon. I also threw knives onto them because why not. They probably won't get used much, but sacrificial knives would look cool. Shaman have alternated between using light and dark magic in the series thus far so I like the idea of combining the two opposing elements into one class for them.




Saint would be the natural progression for Bishop giving the series history, but I really like the idea of the Joan class and it fits Erika's sprite so well. Swiss Guard is a good option for making a physical magic class on monk since Crossbows don't take strength into account. Though since there are so many hybrid classes available, most units will have a decent, if not great, strength and magic growth.




Healing at second tier is limited pretty much entirely to Clerics as it should be. The only class we haven't seen here yet is the Thaumaturgy which is basically a Valkyrie but trading a physical attack for more magic focus (like Valkyries in the GBA games).


Flying Classes


I like how I managed to make so many distinct third tier flying classes. I am however considering fusing the griffon and kinshi classes into one line. Though I do like how I now represent each of the major physical weapons with their own first tier class.


I also have a google doc which lists class growths and class skills (mostly regulated to third tier). See it here.


And now introducing the simplified version, where each tier 1 unit only has two promotion options. This is much more likely and less insane, but where's the fun in that?FHpKrHR.png




Thing I'm currently considering:

I'm thinking of making Troubador a tier 1 class so that Cleric is fee to promote to War Cleric.

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Oh hey. Forgot to upload the dancer classes. Here they are.


Blade Dancer can refresh two units like Leanne in Radiant Dawn, Soloist can refresh all adjacent units (so four). Songstress can do something we haven't seen in the series yet and refresh units at a 1-2 range helping her to stay out of danger slightly. All the other dancers can only refresh one unit at a time but the Charlatan class has the bonus advantage of being able to act like a thief. I think it's kind of strange and a bit of a shame that dancers have never had branching promotions before despite different types of dancers showing up throughout the series.

Another thing I'm wrestling with right now is whether to keep the Horseman class. The only reason Hunter even promotes to Horsemen is because it's something they do in Shadow Dragon. But their ability to use knives on horseback always felt a bit off to me and with thieves/bandits using bows in Fates I kind of want to implement that and give them lock picking abilities. Not quite sure where to go from Bow/Knives though if I'm not giving them a horse. On the other hand giving them stealing utility all the way up to third tier would kind of make the Spy class redundant since their niche is being able to steal and little else (aside from speed). Anyway I'd like to hear thoughts and opinions on the matter if anyone has any.

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  • 1 month later...

This image is dated.



So before I said I wanted to make a sword cavalier but didn't really want to increase the total number of classes in my tree. I've decided to get around this by making mounted units have only two promotion options at tier 1 instead of 3 like foot units. I already set a precedent for this with flying units. I like what I resulted in quite a lot. It's a bit like Path of Radiance where you start out with one weapon and then decide your second on promotion. However due to the pruning it now means cavaliers don't have a dedicated magic option which is a bit disappointing since I wanted to give a magic option to every class in the game (though a;ready Griffon Rider doesn't have one and that's unlikely to change any time soon). Another slight problem with this is that Cuirassier will have three tier 1 units promoting to it if I implement this section into the tree normally. That's no really a big deal but it does sort of stick out when it's the only example on the three. My other option is to dispatch with Knight promoting to Cuirassier and figure out some other third branch for Knights (though given their history with the series it'd be a bit strange for Knight not being able to promote to Great Knight). I'm still feeling pretty good about this one though so I'll probably offically make it part of the main tree in the near future. Still wouldn't mind hearing some opinions on it first though.

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I could Try and help with the sprites. I'm pretty good at working with sprites and I think I can try, so maybe I can PM you or you can PM me about it.

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I reworked my flying classes a while back and just forgot to upload it.



This was originally born from a desire to see my Pegasus use lances. Though, as I've noted before, I like the idea that each of the flying classes specialize in a different physical weapon, it did feel slightly odd that none of them use lances. So I dispatched with that idea and it sort of developed from there. The more noteable change now is that Kinshi Knight has become it's own separate line with a tier 1 unit. Phoenix Knight has also moved to a Griffon class which is rather amusing as it was originally a pegasus, then a kinshi and now a hawk. It's hasn't really remained a unique class throughout those developments, basically just being a red palette swap for what ever class I need a name for but I find it amusing nonetheless. I'm still debating whether to include this version of the fliers in my overall tree. Visibly it doesn't fit in quie as nicely (which I admit is a silly reason) and it does increase the class count by 4 taking it away from the amazingly neat 15, 30, 60 set up I have right now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh yeah I think I may have seen this before. Pretty complex stuff, dude xWx Unfortunately the computer I'm on right now doesn't let me zoom in to see them at a reasonable level Dx the only ones I can really see are the ones that aren't in the OP.

Regarding the whole dagger-using horsemen thing, I fully endorse going the Fates route of Bow-using lockpickers, I think that's a cool idea too haha.

I'll try to check this out once I get my own computer back and hopefully I'll be able to see them and have more input then x___x Once I do, I can do spriting stuff as well if you still need help with that...? I'm not so good at making from scratch, but I'm decent at modding preexisting sprites.

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4 hours ago, BANRYU said:

Oh yeah I think I may have seen this before. Pretty complex stuff, dude xWx Unfortunately the computer I'm on right now doesn't let me zoom in to see them at a reasonable level Dx the only ones I can really see are the ones that aren't in the OP.

Regarding the whole dagger-using horsemen thing, I fully endorse going the Fates route of Bow-using lockpickers, I think that's a cool idea too haha.

I'll try to check this out once I get my own computer back and hopefully I'll be able to see them and have more input then x___x Once I do, I can do spriting stuff as well if you still need help with that...? I'm not so good at making from scratch, but I'm decent at modding preexisting sprites.

Yeah, I always need help with sprites. I've gotten better at edits myself but I still reckon I'm quite terrible.

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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

Yeah, I always need help with sprites. I've gotten better at edits myself but I still reckon I'm quite terrible.

Ahh I can probably help you with that kinda stuff if it's something I can do quick, then.

But blegh thought I'd be getting my computer back today, but nope. So.... not much I can do for the time being... I'll let you know when I can, though

EDIT: Ahhh okay, I was able to get a good look at it from the link in your sig now that I noticed/attempted that. And wow man, it's really somethin'. I honestly don't know what kind of input I can add beyond my volunteer work on the sprites, haha ;; It's kinda overwhelming to take in, honestly (not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just a lot).

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I gotta say (and sorry if I'm rude) but that's some f*cking impressive work right there. I'm admirative. Sicarii ? Seriously ? I never thought I'd see this word somewhere near Fire Emblem (same thing goes for Cuirassier and Cataphract).

Dancer Class

Man, that's just the BEST thing ever. The name, the balance, the gameplay around it. Crazy good stuff. *Clapping hands sound*

Flying Class

I also really like your idea of having each Basic classes with a specific weapon. Pegasus gets Swords, Wyvern gets Lances, Griffon gets Axes and Bird gets Bows.

Bird is kind of a lame name though. My guess ? Winged Knight or just Kinshi Rider. Also, why not having Griffon uses Crossbow instead of Bow ?

Magic Class

Like it a lot. But don't you think it woud be better to have your Fell Knight's Branch uses an other weapon rather than gaining Anima Magic ? Dark Knight could gain Lances and Overlord Axes or the other way around.

About Mage, it feels weird for them to not have any access to Staves before 3rd tier Class (I'm fine with it, it just feels weird).

Lance Class

I don't have much to say, I like them a lot (especially the Soldier's branch). I have a question about Black Knight, what does it add to the Iron Knight ?

Bow, Sword and Crossbow Class

I really don't have anything to say about it. It's well rounded. Nice job.

Axe Class

Not much to say, it's also well rounded. One thing though, it's really awkward for a Brigand to lose the ability to wield a CrossBow if he wants to promote to Berserker. Also, Outlaw is lacking.

One last thing, Raider is a better name than Reaver to me. Yes, it's a meme/joke from For Honor but I think it matches better the Class since Raiders are some kind of Brigands (raiding village and stuff), then, you could use Reaver for Desperado (much better).

Dagger and Shuriken Class

Martial Artist's Branch is GREAT. Though, since Kunoichi is commonly refering to Female Shinobi don't you think a other name would be better ? My guess is Orochi (yes, it also comes from For Honor but it suits the Class nicely).

As for the Thief's Branch, you misspelled Assassin but overall, that's a nice branch. And now that I see it, give Corsair the ability to Lockpick. It suits the unit and it seems natural to not loose the ability along the way.

Overall, nice work.

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3 hours ago, Ycine said:

I gotta say (and sorry if I'm rude) but that's some f*cking impressive work right there. I'm admirative. Sicarii ? Seriously ? I never thought I'd see this word somewhere near Fire Emblem (same thing goes for Cuirassier and Cataphract).

Dancer Class

Man, that's just the BEST thing ever. The name, the balance, the gameplay around it. Crazy good stuff. *Clapping hands sound*

Flying Class

I also really like your idea of having each Basic classes with a specific weapon. Pegasus gets Swords, Wyvern gets Lances, Griffon gets Axes and Bird gets Bows.

Bird is kind of a lame name though. My guess ? Winged Knight or just Kinshi Rider. Also, why not having Griffon uses Crossbow instead of Bow ?

Magic Class

Like it a lot. But don't you think it woud be better to have your Fell Knight's Branch uses an other weapon rather than gaining Anima Magic ? Dark Knight could gain Lances and Overlord Axes or the other way around.

About Mage, it feels weird for them to not have any access to Staves before 3rd tier Class (I'm fine with it, it just feels weird).

Lance Class

I don't have much to say, I like them a lot (especially the Soldier's branch). I have a question about Black Knight, what does it add to the Iron Knight ?

Bow, Sword and Crossbow Class

I really don't have anything to say about it. It's well rounded. Nice job.

Axe Class

Not much to say, it's also well rounded. One thing though, it's really awkward for a Brigand to lose the ability to wield a CrossBow if he wants to promote to Berserker. Also, Outlaw is lacking.

One last thing, Raider is a better name than Reaver to me. Yes, it's a meme/joke from For Honor but I think it matches better the Class since Raiders are some kind of Brigands (raiding village and stuff), then, you could use Reaver for Desperado (much better).

Dagger and Shuriken Class

Martial Artist's Branch is GREAT. Though, since Kunoichi is commonly refering to Female Shinobi don't you think a other name would be better ? My guess is Orochi (yes, it also comes from For Honor but it suits the Class nicely).

As for the Thief's Branch, you misspelled Assassin but overall, that's a nice branch. And now that I see it, give Corsair the ability to Lockpick. It suits the unit and it seems natural to not loose the ability along the way.

Overall, nice work.

Opinions noted. Some stuff like Dark Knights using Anima magic result in trying to stay true to the series as its been represented this far (also why the Reaver name will likely stay). Giving them more magic versatility will probably be better for the class too since it can only be accessed from pure mage units. Did consider giving Overlord Axes but I felt that would take away from the special weapon combination Desperado has. Though I suppose i could shuffle around the axe class a bit and fuse the two together. At this point I am thinking of ways to downsize on the number of classes.

Black Knight is designed to have inflated growths, high caps and a great mastery skill, much like the character that inspired it.

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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

Some stuff like Dark Knights using Anima magic result in trying to stay true to the series as its been represented this far (also why the Reaver name will likely stay)

To me, you've already recreated a "typical" Dark Knight with your Magic Knight.

2 hours ago, Jotari said:

Black Knight is designed to have inflated growths, high caps and a great mastery skill, much like the character that inspired it.

Hell, that's a tough choice to make between Baron and Black Knight...

2 hours ago, Jotari said:

At this point I am thinking of ways to downsize on the number of classes.

I'll look forward to it but that doesn't seem to be an easy task.

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6 hours ago, Ycine said:

To me, you've already recreated a "typical" Dark Knight with your Magic Knight.

Hell, that's a tough choice to make between Baron and Black Knight...

I'll look forward to it but that doesn't seem to be an easy task.

The sections on there are actually a bit dated. I've removed Magic Knight entirely and made Dread Fighter a promotion for Mage Fighter. Dread Fighter in turn also having been moved so it's a promotion for Ki Channeler.

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On 2/21/2017 at 8:44 PM, Ycine said:

I gotta say (and sorry if I'm rude) but that's some f*cking impressive work right there. I'm admirative. Sicarii ? Seriously ? I never thought I'd see this word somewhere near Fire Emblem (same thing goes for Cuirassier and Cataphract).

Dancer Class

Man, that's just the BEST thing ever. The name, the balance, the gameplay around it. Crazy good stuff. *Clapping hands sound*

Flying Class

I also really like your idea of having each Basic classes with a specific weapon. Pegasus gets Swords, Wyvern gets Lances, Griffon gets Axes and Bird gets Bows.

Bird is kind of a lame name though. My guess ? Winged Knight or just Kinshi Rider. Also, why not having Griffon uses Crossbow instead of Bow ?

Magic Class

Like it a lot. But don't you think it woud be better to have your Fell Knight's Branch uses an other weapon rather than gaining Anima Magic ? Dark Knight could gain Lances and Overlord Axes or the other way around.

About Mage, it feels weird for them to not have any access to Staves before 3rd tier Class (I'm fine with it, it just feels weird).

Lance Class

I don't have much to say, I like them a lot (especially the Soldier's branch). I have a question about Black Knight, what does it add to the Iron Knight ?

Bow, Sword and Crossbow Class

I really don't have anything to say about it. It's well rounded. Nice job.

Axe Class

Not much to say, it's also well rounded. One thing though, it's really awkward for a Brigand to lose the ability to wield a CrossBow if he wants to promote to Berserker. Also, Outlaw is lacking.

One last thing, Raider is a better name than Reaver to me. Yes, it's a meme/joke from For Honor but I think it matches better the Class since Raiders are some kind of Brigands (raiding village and stuff), then, you could use Reaver for Desperado (much better).

Dagger and Shuriken Class

Martial Artist's Branch is GREAT. Though, since Kunoichi is commonly refering to Female Shinobi don't you think a other name would be better ? My guess is Orochi (yes, it also comes from For Honor but it suits the Class nicely).

As for the Thief's Branch, you misspelled Assassin but overall, that's a nice branch. And now that I see it, give Corsair the ability to Lockpick. It suits the unit and it seems natural to not loose the ability along the way.

Overall, nice work.

I've taken some of these suggestion on board and have shifted the Bandit classes and hybrid mages. Before each hybrid mage used swords but now I've given them each a separate weapon type. Additionally I had each of the mono weapon users for sword, lance, axe promote into a magic version for third tier but now I've dispensed with that idea and had those classes join up earlier. This swap around has lead to a more inter branching tree overall (and thus more confusing to look at in all one go), removed the loss of a weapon rank when promoting to berserker and managed to eliminate five classes from the tree overall (which I consider a good thing).

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5 hours ago, Jotari said:

Additionally I had each of the mono weapon users for sword, lance, axe promote into a magic version for third tier but now I've dispensed with that idea and had those classes join up earlier.

This is just great. Having Desperado as a Tier2 Class and becoming the new Fell Knight is an amazing idea. Same thing goes for Holy Lancer and Mage Knight.

Right now, I don't know what to say anymore. I could say that you've made a typo in Cleric in your OP but that's all I can say. Your branching tree is hella' convincing. That's just awesome. Great job.

Though, Daimyo are refering to nobles/lords so don't you think using "Jonin" (or another term for veteran shinobi) is better?

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4 hours ago, Ycine said:

This is just great. Having Desperado as a Tier2 Class and becoming the new Fell Knight is an amazing idea. Same thing goes for Holy Lancer and Mage Knight.

Right now, I don't know what to say anymore. I could say that you've made a typo in Cleric in your OP but that's all I can say. Your branching tree is hella' convincing. That's just awesome. Great job.

Though, Daimyo are refering to nobles/lords so don't you think using "Jonin" (or another term for veteran shinobi) is better?

Eh. Considering how inaccurate Fire Emblem has been with names thus far I'm not too concerned about historical accuracy in that regard (I named my first tier Crossbowman after people that make bows). I think Daimyo serves it's purpose in conveying a powerful and effective unit. Might use one of the suggested terms for Kunochi however since I'm not overly fond of that one.

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Saw this through your sig awhile ago, thought it was good on a skimming and kept it in mind but decided to look at in more in depth today (And then saw that it was updated, looks like all good improvements to me). Really enjoyed it, great work. 

Hmm not sure what more to add I guess I can say I'm for changing the name of Kunochi if possible and that some classes seem to be a bit unintuitive on what class leads to/has what. (I completely understand for the ones that seem sprite related, Ie desperado being a recoloured berserker not really suggesting an armour and Calvary branch or coming from a druid  but stuff like mages needing to go sorcerer to get staves or the distribution of staves being most plentiful among dark magic for mages seems a tad odd. But that's not necessarily a bad thing) Oh and there not being more stuff for me to enjoy right now (more of an idea on stats and such, as well as the spread sheet seemingly being behind) but well that just means your doing great work. 

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23 minutes ago, goodperson707 said:

Saw this through your sig awhile ago, thought it was good on a skimming and kept it in mind but decided to look at in more in depth today (And then saw that it was updated, looks like all good improvements to me). Really enjoyed it, great work. 

Hmm not sure what more to add I guess I can say I'm for changing the name of Kunochi if possible and that some classes seem to be a bit unintuitive on what class leads to/has what. (I completely understand for the ones that seem sprite related, Ie desperado being a recoloured berserker not really suggesting an armour and Calvary branch or coming from a druid  but stuff like mages needing to go sorcerer to get staves or the distribution of staves being most plentiful among dark magic for mages seems a tad odd. But that's not necessarily a bad thing) Oh and there not being more stuff for me to enjoy right now (more of an idea on stats and such, as well as the spread sheet seemingly being behind) but well that just means your doing great work. 

I see what you mean with the mages.  I could eliminate Cardinal and have Sage promote to Saint but that would result something I've called "diamonding". Which is letting a tier 1 class reach a tier 3 class via two different paths. I've allowed it for Mage to Arch Sage and the Cavaliers to Great Knight but they're special cases where I want to complete the progression of the weapon triangle. Of course I could take other measures like giving Cardinal Stave useage but then it'd need to change something for the Saints in order to differentiate them. Another option would be to abandon the idea of Arch Sages having full weapon triangle useage and replace dark magic with staves which would break the "diamond" I have going and would add another class for wizard. Overall it's not something I'm too concerned about. If you want to give staves to your mage you can also ultimately make them a Valkyrie. You have given me some food for thought though.

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Oh I completely overlooked Valkire when I was thinking about that, sorry I should really wear my glasses for this thing. But yeah awesome work, and it's great to see your thought processes and intents, any plans in the future to add a section on your thoughts and stuff for the various classes? I'd love to see something like that. (Particularly more on what their roles and possible stat focues are) 

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1 minute ago, goodperson707 said:

Oh I completely overlooked Valkire when I was thinking about that, sorry I should really wear my glasses for this thing. But yeah awesome work, and it's great to see your thought processes and intents, any plans in the future to add a section on your thoughts and stuff for the various classes? I'd love to see something like that. (Particularly more on what their roles and possible stat focues are) 

I'll probably add text into the spoiler boxes for the individual classes in the near future when I'm feeling motivated enough (like how I pointed out that Arbalist's sprite needs some work). There are something that aren't intuitive like how Yabusame is a statistically weak class but gets a high movement growth and high movement base despite having three weapons. Sort of meant to be like a scout class.

And given some thought to the mage situation I've actually come to a conclusion I'm quite happy with. I've replaced Saint with the Joan class from the Holy Lancer branch. This makes it a Light, Sword, Stave unit. Cardinal in turn can have knives replaced by a stave. The missing spot for Joan on the Holy Lancer Branch can be filled with a mounted Crusader Class. Not only does this give the basic mage more staff access but it also gives each of the Hybrid magic classes a mounted option. Downside is that Saint was an established class in the series already but I like Joan enough to ignore that fact (I could also move the saint name to Cardinal but I like how fitting the name goes with Lyon's sprite).

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Decided to do something more interesting with Daiymo (and change the name in the process). A straight up mono weapon user is kind of boring especially for Shurikens where the main focus isn't on damage (theoretically at least) hence the increased specialisation of stats wouldn't make sacrificing an extra weapon as useful. Fates was smart enough to realise this and gave Master Ninja swords to compensate. So in order to spice up the class I've decided to turn it into a Kite Ninja and give it flying utility. Since Kite Ninjas are very likely a fictional thing there's no ideal name for them but some research tells me the idea comes from a book called "The secret arts of Koga-Ninjitsu" so I think going with Koga for class name is good enough (Koga is a town more so than a title or art but as I've mentioned before, Fire Emblem has already set the bar pretty low for appropriate class names).

Now I need to work on cobbling a sprite together some how. Any takers?

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

So in order to spice up the class I've decided to turn it into a Kite Ninja and give it flying utility.

Well, the idea of having a "Kite Ninja" sounds interesting and mostly unique. That's a cool idea.

1 hour ago, Jotari said:

Now I need to work on cobbling a sprite together some how. Any takers?

Sorry, I can't help you out.

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Update here. I've had the thread moved to concepts where I think its more appropriate, I've added some information on specific classes in the opening post and I've added a new class. I was slightly bothered that Sword Masters couldn't promote to Blade Lord despite Lyn's blade lore being more Swordmaster inspired than Assassin inspired. But I also liked how Assassins could use bows to reflect their modern weapon trait. I decided to compromise by changing the bows to crossbows, which are a bit more assassinay anyway. Upon trying to name the class I came up with Guerilla which naturally gave rise to a pretty good mastery skill idea based around hit and run tactics. Kind of like a reverse Galeforce. It means a marked increase of the number of classes by 1 but I'm not so worried about that after a lot of pruning I managed to do a while back to get the number under 120.

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Was looking over the tree and decided it made more sense for Phoenix Knight to be a Bird rather than a Griffon. So moved that and then for the sake of diversity replaced the empty slot with Hippogriff Knight. Looking them up apparently they were ridden by magicians which is cool (probably the reason Rowling used them in Harry Potter) so instead of Staves I gave them Dark Magic. Now since I have a horse based Griffon, I'm wondering if I can connect the Pegasus class to it. Won't be too easy since they have no common weapons right now but we'll see.

Also like always if anyone wants to touch up my sprites, it's sorely needed in some areas.


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Get an update of this in before the new year. Might not make any changes to it at all next year unless we get another game.

*Changed Master of Arms' name to Gladiator.

*Finally changed Hunter's Promotion so they aren't getting a flying mount. Dip into Tear Ring Saga with the new class, Hide Hunter.

*Made Trickster a promotion for Assassin and replaced Yabusame with Guerrilla. Trickster was part of the tree for quite a while, but got lost at some point. And I was never 100% happy with Yabusame. Now I just need to think of a new Mastery Skill for Trickster (because Acrobatics simply won't cut it). Any suggestions on that part would be welcome. The theme of the class would be more Assassin hiding in plain sight, rather than the swindler get up they went with in Awakening.

*Touched up the Cavalier lines a bit. Great Knight isn't accesible from multiple different Second Tier units now. This only actually involved adding one new Tier 3 Class. I managed to make the entire tree even more interconnected by connecting the cavaliers to the mages and making the Mercenaries Bow option mounted. In a way the tree is much neater, but also much more complicated now. Just the way I like it :)

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  • 2 months later...

Are you actually planning on implementing all of this in GBA? I

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