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Need some Corrins.


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So I recently started a new Revelation file and since I want to do something different for this run, I want to do a Corrins only run. So I need Corrins. They can be any level, any class, have any skill, don't care just give me some Corrins. I would prefer unpromoted Corrins but I'll take what I can get.

So yeah, if you got any Corrins I could recruit post your Castle Address. I'd greatly appreciate it. Oh and I'm using a NA copy.

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I got a Nohr Noble Corrin who unlocks samurai with heart seal. His skills are trample, swordfaire, heartseeker, future sight, and renewal, and he probably has strength boon and magic bane, can't remember. I think the throne is still empty. 13774-19565 10903-88284. Hope that helps.

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Can't get you, you're on the throne.

Has it been long enough for you to get mine?

I beat a few more chapters since I class changed and I'm tryna wait to update till you get him lol.

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My Corrin is a L. 25 Master Ninja (so too strong, of course) though I suppose you might like to have mine for later in your run.

My Castle is an easy seize. I'm gonna switch some of his skills around to make it less forgettable lol

Code is in sig.

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My Corrin is a L. 25 Master Ninja (so too strong, of course) though I suppose you might like to have mine for later in your run.

My Castle is an easy seize. I'm gonna switch some of his skills around to make it less forgettable lol

Code is in sig.

You're waaayyy too strong. I could probably solo the endgame with just you. Oh well, got you anyway.

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