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You should see Anthropoid

blah the Prussian

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So. Anthropoid. It's a historical film about the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, second in command of the Waffen SS and leading planner of the Holocaust. He was also the one Hitler charged with pacifying (read: ethnically cleansing) Czechoslovakia. That includes Prague.

So yeah, obviously this film is personal for me, me living in Prague and all. It also, however, is very historically accurate coming from Hollywood. First of all, it was shot on location in Prague (yeah, I saw some people in SS uniforms at one point, they even put Swastikas on this whole section of the city). It also follows the story rather well. One of the assassins, incidentally, is played by an actor from Prague Shakespeare company, and the film overall has an admirable amount of native Czechs in it.

So yeah, that's my recommendation of it. Go see Anthropoid now because it is a kickass historical film.

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