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Tiki Trouble


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So, im having a real hard time with her paralouge. Almost all my units are right around level 15. My avatar can one shot most things, and Chrom can in about 2 hits. Lucina can in a 2-3 hits, so can Sthal, and Fredrick. However I keep getting overwhelmed around turn 6.

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What's the strategy you're using to beat the chapter?

I'm surronding Tiki, with my most Robin, Chrom,Sthal, and Fredrick around her. Along with Olivia, and Lissa for healing, and extra turns. I have Cynthia, Vaike, and the rest a few spaces away to try and run interference.

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How is your access to Tonics and Rallies? Those will help in your Surrounding Protection plan.

Also, i would suggest surrounding Tiki a bit differently from how u probably are, but it requires a different unit build, and a single use of Rescue. On turn one, Rescue Tiki with a unit that is up against the northern map border, to get Tiki safely against the border herself.





Set the X units as your primary fighting team, and have Olivia and Lisa bounce back and forth between the adjacent three tiles around T (Tiki), fulfilling alternative duties safely. I'm assuming Lissa can fight back as a Sage, and Olivia can't as a dancer, so keep them safe and pairup accordingly.

Additionally, a Rally user in the inside can rally all targets, and a Level XX/15 Robin!GrandMaster has Rally Spectrum, which would be extremely useful.

The AI is set to have all units if able, to target Tiki, and will attack you to create holes to get through to her if they cannot. There is no shame in spending the 1000 in DefTonics to deal with the heavy hitters if you need to,

Edited by Elieson
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That map is often too hard right after it's been made available, so I recommend coming back after a few levels and you've got some solid walls and mages who can carry wind magic and double the flyers.

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Do note that literally every single enemy on this map flies, and that they generally won't attack you if you aren't blocking their way. By spamming bows, wind magic, beast killers and wyrmslayers, even weaker units can generally ORKO the enemies here without putting themselves at much risk. If you have brave weapons, this map would be a good opportunity to make use of those, too.

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Levels honestly mean nothing aside from learning class skills as each of your units has varying base stats, growth rates, RNG, and of course, the amount of time you put grinding them. Try comparing your units' stats against that of the enemy units.

Abuse Rally skills, Tonics, and Pair-Up skills (Dual Strike+, Dual Support+, Dual Guard+).

If you're playing on Lunatic+ difficulty, you'd want a staff user with the Rescue staff to move Tiki to a safer spot and actually surround her with your units adjacent to her due to enemy units potentially having Pass skill.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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