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[FE7] Multiple Questions!

Avril Lavigne

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I've been poking around, studying (disassembling) some more chapters to figure out my limitations, and I've gathered these questions.

1. How do you disable the merchant/convoy in the prep screen? I remember testing a prep screen out and the ability to access the convoy was available before even recruiting the merchant. It's been a while since I tested this out so I might be wrong but if it's there by default then I would appreciate if someone provided a solution for it, please and thanks.

2. (Events) You know how you can make a battle cutscene? Well how do you make it so that the animations are off for those? I only know how to make a fight scene where the animations are on.

3. (Wizardry, I think) So there's the "Yes" or "No" options. You can choose one or the other. And I know you can replace the Yes and No text if I desire, but I don't want to (well, not right now anyways). I was wondering if there's any possible way that I could create my own options, along with keeping the yes/no still there. So basically having way more than just Yes/No and having your own like "Which item are you more interested in? > Weapons, Tomes ". I don't know if I'm very clear with my question hopefully someone understands. This is no biggie, but would love to have this feature.

4. (Events) Is there such a thing as random spawning in events? Or based on where a character is spawned, other units can spawn around them? I feel like I've seen this in a hack where the enemy will move around to wherever and other units will spawn in correspondance to their location. Also not a biggie, just wondering.

Please and thank you.

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1. You don't get access to the convoy unless you've recruited Merlinus/your Merlinus replacement. The convoy option will be grayed if you haven't. If you're looking for a way to toggle it on and off at will, you might try turning Merlinus into an NPC. Though I'm not sure if this will work or not.

2. The easiest way is to force the units to use weapons they don't have animations for (there's a byte in the fight code to force units to use specific weapons).

3. If you edit the Yes/No text slots, you also end up changing the Yes/No used in shops, I'm pretty sure. So, yeah, wizardry.

4. No clue, though for FE7 I'm pretty inclined to say no. FE8, maybe.

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The only one I feel qualified to answer is #3. It's possible in FE8 because it exists natively (route split choice), although it's hardcoded to the text ids. FE7, I'm inclined to say no, due to the lack of memory slots. Like, it'd be possible to display something else; the problem is finding a way to pass in the arguments (in this case, the text id to display).

Edited by Tequila
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for fe7, you can use some random pocket of memory to store the text slot and just write a "loader" routine before displaying the text; the problem is that the text isn't loaded in any nice place

you can try getting something off my attempt, although be warned this is approaching a few years old

Edited by CT075
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1. You don't get access to the convoy unless you've recruited Merlinus/your Merlinus replacement. The convoy option will be grayed if you haven't. If you're looking for a way to toggle it on and off at will, you might try turning Merlinus into an NPC. Though I'm not sure if this will work or not.

2. The easiest way is to force the units to use weapons they don't have animations for (there's a byte in the fight code to force units to use specific weapons).

3. If you edit the Yes/No text slots, you also end up changing the Yes/No used in shops, I'm pretty sure. So, yeah, wizardry.

4. No clue, though for FE7 I'm pretty inclined to say no. FE8, maybe.

The only one I feel qualified to answer is #3. It's possible in FE8 because it exists natively (route split choice), although it's hardcoded to the text ids. FE7, I'm inclined to say no, due to the lack of memory slots. Like, it'd be possible to display something else; the problem is finding a way to pass in the arguments (in this case, the text id to display).

for fe7, you can use some random pocket of memory to store the text slot and just write a "loader" routine before displaying the text; the problem is that the text isn't loaded in any nice place

you can try getting something off my attempt, although be warned this is approaching five or six years old

Thank you for your replies! If I have any further questions will let you know.

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2. The easiest way is to force the units to use weapons they don't have animations for (there's a byte in the fight code to force units to use specific weapons).

This I don't get. What is this byte? Like, what should it look like when I use it?

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