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According to UNESCO, there is no connection between Judaism to Jerusalem. Other breaking news is that there is no connection between macaroni and cheese.

I'm more interested in the ramifications of this move by UNESCO. I personally think that Bibi is going to call an election within the next year and use this as a debate point ("the UN hated us, I told you so, I'm the only one who has been defending us") so... more Bibi. Yay.

Anyone got thoughts about the whole thing? Here's a good article from YNet (probably our best news source).


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On one hand, if the temple has some significance to Islam, denying them access (the article gives me the impression that was happening, but I might be wrong) is pretty scummy. But denying connection between Judaism and the temple is the stupidest thing I've heard in a while outside the US election.

Also, from that first paragraph, the description of Israel as an 'occupying power' seems a bit shitty, but I don't know enough about the situation to make an informed judgement.

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So the truth of the matter is that Jews are not allowed to actually go to the Temple Mount. Only Arabs.

All we get is the Western Wall and that's still too much sometimes.

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Sorry, but I am not seeing where UNESCO says there is no connection between Judaism and its holy temple. Referring to its holy temple by the name that muslims use to call it is not the same as saying it has no ties to Judaism. Did I miss something within the text, or was that a logical conclusion from the fact that they omitted the jewish name of the holy temple?

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UNESCO is a garbage organization anyway. All they do is designate certain places where you're not allowed to build bathrooms. They're a huge annoyance here in Prague since basically all of the center was designated by UNESCO as a world heritage site, so you have to leave that to shit.

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