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Least they didn't get the same cloak. Though a couple are chancers and picked very similar ones.

Death to rebel scum, glory to the Clone Army the Republic Thracia!

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we had a guy whose entire gimmick in ipc was that he yelled this

he was also kind of a nationalist irl

just sayin.......

It can't be helped when one resides in a nation as great as Thracia. Ironically, the first Harold that appeared was from Agustria.

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Yes, glory to Thracia. We are a hard people, existing just north of the decadent Alexandrian successor states and south of the tribes of Dacia. We are an old tribe, with a long history of resisting invaders, from the Greeks to Xerxes's Persians. And yet, at times, our resolve falters, when we were shamefully conquered by the pale Celts, and the Persians of Darius. We aligned towards Macedonia when the Romans invaded Greece, and yet, we failed, and Rome incorporated us into their vast empire. Still, the Thracian peoples had a good run, surviving as long as we did even when surrounded by much larger empires, from the Persians to the Macedonians to the Romans. As such, I am proud to say: GLORY TO THRACIA!


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After seeing this map I just noticed how many places / characters in FE were named after (historical) places or nations: Arcadia, Macedoina, Bordeaux, Thracia

Never really paid attention on them for some reason.

Actually I've heared about the province Thracia in Greece but I don't know anything about its historical story.

So I never really made my thoughts when I saw this place in FE. Thought it would be just a coincidence.

Now I'm feeling a bit stupid that I figured out a connection just by reading this thread.

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After seeing this map I just noticed how many places / characters in FE were named after (historical) places or nations: Arcadia, Macedoina, Bordeaux, Thracia

Never really paid attention on them for some reason.

Actually I've heared about the province Thracia in Greece but I don't know anything about its historical story.

So I never really made my thoughts when I saw this place in FE. Thought it would be just a coincidence.

Now I'm feeling a bit stupid that I figured out a connection just by reading this thread.

A lot of things in FE are named after historical, mythological, and current people and locations.

It's also worth noting that different continents have different things they love to name stuff after. Like Norse mythology in Jugdral and The Song of Roland in Elibe.

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