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Serenes Forest: The Sitcom


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I had a sudden idea. When MR is done writing the movie script, he could post it in the creative section.

EDIT:We could also continue the sitcom in there. We'll call it Serenes Forest: The Movie(followed by the continuation of the sticom) or something like that.

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You bastard, you forgot me.

well it's too hard to have everyone in every episode. Ilyana didnt have a big part. Besides, I died at one point >_>

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well it's too hard to have everyone in every episode. Ilyana didnt have a big part. Besides, I died at one point >_>

But you got revived in an intense, climatic scene where Fireman fought Zephrion, took the staff, and revived you while the staff was glowing all sorts of beautiful colors. Unfortunately, this happened off-screen. Maybe we'll release it on a dvd or something.

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I've been testing all week, so I need to get some creative juices flowing, meaning... YAY MORE FILLER!

Dragonblader1: Hey! CGV! I thought you were dead?

Coolguyvaters: I...don't recall ever being dead.

Dragonblader1: But... Zephrion killed you! Didn't he...? Please tell me I'm not losing it again! The nightmares have just stopped!

Fourth Fox: This is a sitcom. Therefore, even if we blow up the entire world and kill every main character, they'll just come back to life the next episode. Hell, with the contingency issues this show has, I wouldn't be surprised if next episode, CGV was suddenly dead again.

Coolguyvaters: What!?

Dragonblader1: ...I didn't understand a word you just said. Sitcom? I think you're the one losing it Fourth Fox.

Fourth Fox: I'm serious! We're all apart of a tv show, being written by a group of people living in a forest! You see, I know these things, because I have the ability to break the Fourth Wall.

Dragonblader1: Yep, she's lost it.

Coolguyvaters: What in the world is a Fourth Wall?

Fourth Fox: I'm afraid that if I try to explain it to you, your heads will explode.

Dragonblader1: Hey Fourth Fox... I know the name of a great therapist...


Metal Rabbit: So, Iron Rabbit! How goes preparations for battle?

Kiryn: My name isn't Iron Rabbit. It's... ... ...well it's definitely not Iron Rabbit.

Metal Rabbit: Of course it isn't... Oh, it's Ilyana! Hey! Ilyana! How goes battle preparations?

Ilyana: *Walks over.* Good. I have all 9000 of my costumes ready for battle. Here, let me show you...

Metal Rabbit: Erm... If you don't mind me asking... How are costumes going to help us in battle.

Tibarn: Oh, they have their uses...

Kiryn: Oh course... You can disguise yourself as a tree when the enemies attack you for not having a weapon.

Leanne: I can also change into a sign giving away the position of a certain Pegasis Rider...

Kiryn: Uh...noted.

Metal Rabbit: Alright! Kiryn has her Swords and Bows and Ilyana has her...costumes.

Kiryn: What weapons are you carrying with you Metal Rabbit?

Metal Rabbit: I'm glad you asked! As a Sniper, I have access to a variety of ranged weapons...but this is my personal favorite! *Unveils weapon.* The M24 Sniper rifle! Complete with a 12x scope and firing distance of over a mile! The enemy won't know what hit them!

3-13 Archer: But what if it breaks?

Metal Rabbit: Huh?

Kiryn: I think what Ilyana means is that this is obviously an advanced piece of weaponry. If it were to break, I doubt we'd have the technology to fix it.

Metal Rabbit: Why Iron Rabbit, that's ridiculous! I'll have you know this is made from the finest quality materials, and isn't going to break anytime soon! Watch! *Fires rifle at a nearby tree. Once the bullet makes contact, the rifle suddenly disappears.* -A Sniper Rifle Broke!-

Kiryn: 'Finest quality materials' eh?


Naesala: Hehe, better luck next time Metal Rabbit.

Metal Rabbit: It's not fair... IT'S NOT FAIR!!


Zephrion: Elwind...check. Tornado...check. Heal Staff, With Safety ON...check!

Fireman: Are you quite done...? I still have a contract involving you to fulfill.

Zephrion: Aww...come on. Nobody even remembers that. Can't we just let bygones be bygones?

Fireman: Nope, I got a lot of money riding on your head. Or, at least some hair...or something.

Zephrion: But...we have a battle coming up! If you kill me now, you'll be down one Wind Mage!

Fireman: That's a risk I'm willing to take. Besides, I'm doing everyone a favor. Odds are, you'll kill more people on our side than on theirs.

Zephrion: That's cold. I'll have you know I've been practicing.

Fireman: Oh... In that case, I'll leave you be then. Keep practicing will ya? I don't want any more bodies!

Zephrion: Thanks! I will! *Turns around and continues packing.*

Fireman: Idiot... -LETHALITY!- *Zephrion disappears.* Never turn your back on an Assassin, jerk. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more gold to extort. *Walks off, whistling.*

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I was going to say lol, but then I thought about the rules saying no meaningless posts such as "lol", then I thought again and remembered we're far from the forest, and then I realized I probably made this post longer than it should have been so I'll just say it now: lol.

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I had a sudden idea. When MR is done writing the movie script, he could post it in the creative section.

EDIT:We could also continue the sitcom in there. We'll call it Serenes Forest: The Movie(followed by the continuation of the sticom) or something like that.

will do

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