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The Inevitable Sinnoh Remakes: What changes would you make?


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Ohmori wanted it back in ORAS- as long as he's at the top I wouldn't entirely rule it out.

And considering ORAS also expanded on the Hoenn 'dex, I see no reason why the Sinnoh remakes wouldn't do that.

I do know about Ohmori wanting the Battle Frontier in ORAS, but why do you think it was shot down?

Come on, we know the reason why there's so few Gen V representation is part of their plea to appeal to genwunners. /s

Though more seriously, I wouldn't be shocked of Masuda making negative comments about the Gen.

Actually, from what I've heard, Masuda is rather fond of Gen V

This 100%. Difficulty settings would solve all of this! So long as you can choose your difficulty from the beginning or the unlock requirements aren't stupid. This way, older veteran players who don't want a stupidly easy game can choose a harder difficulty and the whining children can stick to the easy mode.

I hope for easy, normal, and hard difficulties though. I don't want a game that's as easy as XY and ORAS, but I also don't want it to be quite as hard as DP. Platinum's difficulty was perfect, imo. It was a little easier than its predecessors, but not too easy. So make easy mode on XY/ORAS level, normal mode on Platinum level, and hard mode on DP level.

Problem is, like I said before, the very existence of harder mode will compel children to try it.

It's similar as to how the very existence of Casual Mode and grinding in Fire Emblem offends the veteran fans of the series.

Why do you think it bothers them so much despite being something they could just ignore?

Edited by Water Mage
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I do know about Ohmori wanting the Battle Frontier in ORAS, but why do you think it was shot down?

Actually, from what I've heard, Masuda is rather fond of Gen V

Problem is, like I said before, the very existence of harder mode will compel children to try it.

It's similar as to how the very existence of Casual Mode and grinding in Fire Emblem offends the veteran fans of the series.

Why do you think it bothers them so much despite being something they could just ignore?

And has IS removed casual mode since its debut? Nope. And FE doesn't even sell nearly as well as Pokemon! So GameFreak has no good excuse to not to bring back difficulty settings.

And it's stupidly ridiculous to be offended by this stuff anyway. If you don't like casual mode/easy mode/hard mode/whatever, DON'T USE THAT SETTING. Just ignore it! I never play casual mode, but I'm not complaining that it's there. I like that it's brought in more players even though I highly prefer classic mode since it adds a bit more realism to the game with the permadeath.

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And has IS removed casual mode since its debut? Nope. And FE doesn't even sell nearly as well as Pokemon! So GameFreak has no good excuse to not to bring back difficulty settings.

It's still there, because it attracts new players. Easier games attracts more newcomers.

And it's stupidly ridiculous to be offended by this stuff anyway. If you don't like casual mode/easy mode/hard mode/whatever, DON'T USE THAT SETTING. Just ignore it! I never play casual mode, but I'm not complaining that it's there. I like that it's brought in more players even though I highly prefer classic mode since it adds a bit more realism to the game with the permadeath.

I'm not saying it's not ridiculous. It definitely is.

But people are compelled to try everything that exists in a game, be they easier or harder.

If is there, then peole will want to try it. And they will lose interest if it is too hard, but being too easy will hurt their pride which will make them lose interest as well.

Yes, I'm aware that it's rather paradoxical.

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It's still there, because it attracts new players. Easier games attracts more newcomers.

I'm not saying it's not ridiculous. It definitely is.

But people are compelled to try everything that exists in a game, be they easier or harder.

If is there, then peole will want to try it. And they will lose interest if it is too hard, but being too easy will hurt their pride which will make them lose interest as well.

Yes, I'm aware that it's rather paradoxical.

Everybody loses interest in a game at some point though! And then they're ready for the new games to come out. It's a natural cycle.

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Honestly if someone gets offended they can't complete an optional difficulty, that's their fault, not the devs'. Devs included lower difficulties so more people can beat the game while having the right amount of challenge for multiple skill levels, thus broadening appeal.

Complaining an intentionally harder difficulty is too hard is simply pointless, and quite frankly, selfish because it doesn't take into account that a lot of people want that kind of challenge.

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Everybody loses interest in a game at some point though! And then they're ready for the new games to come out. It's a natural cycle.

Yes, I know, but game developers want people spend as much as time and money on their games as humanly possible. Why do you think the Trophy/Achievements sysyem exists in games?

And Pokemon is a franchise that simply can't afford to have people lose interest on it.

It's not just games anymore, it's also an anime, manga, dolls, cards, pens, clothes and so much more. If people lose interest in Pokemon, they won't buy these things.

And the Pokemon franchise can't afford to make anything less than millions.

Honestly if someone gets offended they can't complete an optional difficulty, that's their fault, not the devs'. Devs included lower difficulties so more people can beat the game while having the right amount of challenge for multiple skill levels, thus broadening appeal.Complaining an intentionally harder difficulty is too hard is simply pointless, and quite frankly, selfish because it doesn't take into account that a lot of people want that kind of challenge.

I'm aware of that. And I agree, it's stupid and selfish.

But who do you think that gives money to the franchise? Those stupid, selfish people. And who those stupid, selfish will blame? The game devs.

Edited by Water Mage
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Yes, I know, but game developers want people spend as much as time and money on their games as humanly possible. Why do you think the Trophy/Achievements sysyem exists in games?

And Pokemon is a franchise that simply can't afford to have people lose interest on it.

It's not just games anymore, it's also an anime, manga, dolls, cards, pens, clothes and so much more. If people lose interest in Pokemon, they won't buy these things.

And the Pokemon franchise can't afford to make anything less than millions.

I have to agree with Glac again, but I do understand your point here too. It's just that I'm pretty sure that the series won't suddenly bomb if a few kids complain that something is too hard. It didn't bomb when DP got these complaints and it won't bomb now. Pokemon is a money printing machine and it won't stop being one anytime soon. Anything Pokemon sells extremely well by default, pretty much.

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I have to agree with Glac again, but I do understand your point here too. It's just that I'm pretty sure that the series won't suddenly bomb if a few kids complain that something is too hard. It didn't bomb when DP got these complaints and it won't bomb now. Pokemon is a money printing machine and it won't stop being one anytime soon. Anything Pokemon sells extremely well by default, pretty much.

It may not bomb and probably would not, but do you honestly think they are willing to risk it? There's waaaaay too much money involved for them to risk it. Even if it seems not risky at all.

Edited by Water Mage
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Yes, I know, but game developers want people spend as much as time and money on their games as humanly possible. Why do you think the Trophy/Achievements sysyem exists in games?

And Pokemon is a franchise that simply can't afford to have people lose interest on it.

It's not just games anymore, it's also an anime, manga, dolls, cards, pens, clothes and so much more. If people lose interest in Pokemon, they won't buy these things.

And the Pokemon franchise can't afford to make anything less than millions.

you act as if someone losing interest in the games will make them lose interest in everything related to it... I mean I lost interest in the anime a long time ago, yet still find myself buying new pokemon games. Kids may lose interest in the games, but they will still like the anime, stuffed animals and other pokemon products. It is pretty much a cultural thing now and they are exposed to it pretty heavily, from young adults to their classmates (and maybe even their parents!).

Also the idea that harder difficulty setting make people lose interest simply because they have to use easy mode is ridiculous. I get that, if and only if, the only difficulty setting available is really difficult where only the most hardcore of hardcore gamers can complete it. But options are a much better way of handling this situation. Besides, even the most difficult of pokemon games can be beaten with an all-out attack team of terrible pokemon. All you need is to know what is super effective against the other team and a reservoir of status-healers and potions. If you don't have this knowledge you will fail on even the easiest difficulty.

Also, Online mode exists which is way harder than Battle Frontier. I mean, going up against a human opponent with very well trained, specialized team and who can strategize outside of a script can be incredibly frustrating (not to mention the freaking legendaries that apper every now and then >_>). Skilled players v. a child will hurt the child's pride. Shall we get rid of online battle mode? Plus one of the big things in pokemon is the idea that you won't always win every battle, and when you lose, you should just improve and train harder.

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I do know about Ohmori wanting the Battle Frontier in ORAS, but why do you think it was shot down?

Actually, from what I've heard, Masuda is rather fond of Gen V

Hearsay says time constraints.


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Another thing, shouldn't the Battle Frontier now technically be easier since it's become easier to train up good Pokemon for it with additions like Super Training, and now that IV training thing? Was it called Hyper Training?

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Hearsay says time constraints.

That's actually probably the reason.

To be fair, when I said the Battle Frontier was deemed to hard, I meant to say that as why it didn't appear in future Gens, rather than remakes, although, honestly speaking, I did assume that was the reason why I didn't appear in ORAS.

Actually, I kinda wish I could find to those articles from where I first heard about it. It was on 2009 when I read the stories about parents in Japan complaining about the games being too hard. It's worth noting this only applied to japanese children. I don't think there was any talk of western children complaing about the Gen 4 games being too hard.

And if I'm not mistaken, I don't think either Masuda or Ohmori considered the Battle Frontier too hard. It was the higher-ups that thought that Battle Frontier was too hard and unnecessary.

Edited by Water Mage
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This post explains why there is no battle frontier, Its an interview in italy with Masuda.

Um other google searches are just Game sites explaining this too... But i haven't seen the original interview (nor could i understand it if i found it so meh).

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This post explains why there is no battle frontier, Its an interview in italy with Masuda.

Um other google searches are just Game sites explaining this too... But i haven't seen the original interview (nor could i understand it if i found it so meh).

From this article, these are the parts that will interest people in this thread:

Q:We noticed ORAS had a lower difficulty level compared to previous Pokemon games. What bought you to this decision? Any chance that future games will have the possibility to adjust difficulty level as seen in Black and White 2?

A:What? How come you've already played the games? hearty laughter [the games were supposed to come out in Italy the day after the interview] We created a "balanced" game that was suited for our time and age, where everyone is very busy and young people have various means of entertainment. Using smartphones and other devices they can access a great number of games, so the time they dedicate to a single game is less than in the past. The player can choose to keep on playing after the main story and continue to the post-game, where the difficulty rises and there are much more difficult Trainers and challenges to overcome.

Q:Why wasn't the Battle Frontier in the remakes?

A:This question is connected with my previous answer. We didn't put the BF in ORAS for this very reason. Interviewer's note: In short he means that they didn't include the BF because only a very small part of the players would have fully appreciated and made use of this feature; nowadays players get bored and frustrated more easily and they aren't interested in things that are so demanding/challenging.

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The answer still sounds like bs to me. Extra content is meant to be challenging and not necessary to be beatable by just mashing buttons. Or put it out as dlc. It can't be that hard to do.

Edited by SlayerX
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Q:Why wasn't the Battle Frontier in the remakes?

A:This question is connected with my previous answer. We didn't put the BF in ORAS for this very reason. Interviewer's note: In short he means that they didn't include the BF because only a very small part of the players would have fully appreciated and made use of this feature; nowadays players get bored and frustrated more easily and they aren't interested in things that are so demanding/challenging.


So why is the Battle Maison even a thing, then?

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So from what I'm hearing, the games are easier now and we don't have certain optional features is because kids find this stuff too hard?

...*sigh*...that...saddens me...

Not gonna lie, but X & Y's

...ahem..."difficulty" kinda made things not super fun. I actually had a major Pokemon Burnout afterwards...I skipped ORAS too.

If they don't want it to be too hard,

either have a difficulty setting(that changes Pokemon levels and maybe A.I.) or just make it difficult enough so people feel like they're overcoming a challenge!

Wait...actually...screw part of that! Post game stuff is extra stuff you voluntarily go after! The main game is one thing, but post game is another!

Also, don't they realize if you're in this to began with, you're gonna face a challenge sooner or later?

Besides, what's the difference from a few years back to now? I get technology is evolving and all that, but people, no matter how young or old, want a challenge! Heck, that's kinda what makes us WANT to play a game! If we're invested in the game, we're gonna try to beat it!

I mean, take the Dark Souls series or Bloodborne for example(I know that's kinda a different can of worms, but I'm gonna use it as a point anyway).

Is it a difficult game(series)? Yes.

Do people rage at it? Yes.

Does it make people put it down? Yes.

Is it fair? Yes(mostly).

Do people like to beat the game despite its difficulty? Yes!

Why would anyone want to keep trying to beat it? Because they know they can do it and they want to beat it!

Look, I know Pokemon and Dark Souls/Bloodborne are two different things(and might be a little bit of a unfair comparison), but the point is that people like to be challenged. If things are too easy, people can lose interest...like me!

I love pokemon, I really do, but it's become so easy that it kinda takes some of the fun out of battles(and I hear some people say Pokemon has always been easy...yeeeaahhh...no. Not exactly. It can be easy at times, but it has its difficult moments! X & Y barely had any...heck, I nearly breezed through the Elite 4 for goodness sake!)

Give us a challenge.

Give us something to fight towards.

Give us a reason to want to keep playing on longer!

And lets not forget that THEY OWN THE GAME NOW!

It's not like years ago where you were limited to retrys based on your quarters in a arcade! You can try again as much as you want!

...*sigh*...I get they need to keep their consumers and all, but...people are gonna come and go from games, it happens. Technology will continue to advance and they're gonna choose whether they want your game or not. It's ok to want to bring in new people, but don't screw over/alienate veterans while doing so, darn it(that's an issue I had with FE:Fates, but that's another topic for discussion)!

......Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to get that out...

If what I said seemed a bit inconsiderate, and it possibly may, my bad. I just...care a lot.

Edited by Busterman64
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What makes the quote even more retarded is that Monster Hunter sells like gangbusters in Japan and has all-ages appeal there- a series that is quite demanding and not short of challenge.

Heck, Persona's gone mainstream over there and it doesn't shirk the difficulty either.

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I feel like it might be because some may consider Pokemon to still have that stigma of being 'for kids', rather than, 'all ages'.

The ironic thing about that is that it seems like some kids feel like it's "for babies". I know because(and my memory is a little foggy on this, but...) a good friend of mine that I know who's around 12(known him since he was a toddler) had a birthday party and he invited me and a few of his friends. I brought my 3DS with me and while I just sitting down and playing, one of his friends comes over and asks me what I'm playing. I tell him Pokemon and then he (essentially) says, "Pokemon? Why are you playing that? That's for little kids!"

I also believe it was the same kid that brought his PS3 with a copy of Assassinations Creed 3 and Call of Duty Ghosts, so...yeah...

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Aren't Gen V games the games that sold the less overall ? There's many reasons for this, including the new Pokémon settings, because people are freaking stupid. Every time someone mention Vanillite or Trubbish, it makes me wants to trow a burning kitten at them.

But the fact is a Pokémon games aimed at an older crowd sold less than games aimed at kids. For the company, the choice is clear : giving us many old ones (especially Gen 1), and aiming at the lowest common deminator : kids.

So we're paying for stupid persons not giving Gen V enough credit. I

nstead of applauding and encouraging this ballsy move, they complained about all kind of BS,and now we're here.

I don't hate GF. Their choice is the logical one.

Sorry for the rant.

I'm still really salty about this, and I'm probably hitting at the wrong target..

But Gen V is the most imporatnt generation for me (I wouldn't be playing Pkkémon anymore otherwise, as I often said.)

Thankfully with Gen VII, people seems more open to the changes (I didn't heared anyone complaining against the lack of gyms, thankfully enough).

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Aren't Gen V games the games that sold the less overall ? There's many reasons for this, including the new Pokémon settings, because people are freaking stupid. Every time someone mention Vanillite or Trubbish, it makes me wants to trow a burning kitten at them.

But the fact is a Pokémon games aimed at an older crowd sold less than games aimed at kids. For the company, the choice is clear : giving us many old ones (especially Gen 1), and aiming at the lowest common deminator : kids.

So we're paying for stupid persons not giving Gen V enough credit. I

nstead of applauding and encouraging this ballsy move, they complained about all kind of BS,and now we're here.

I don't hate GF. Their choice is the logical one.

Sorry for the rant.

I'm still really salty about this, and I'm probably hitting at the wrong target..

But Gen V is the most imporatnt generation for me (I wouldn't be playing Pkkémon anymore otherwise, as I often said.)

Thankfully with Gen VII, people seems more open to the changes (I didn't heared anyone complaining against the lack of gyms, thankfully enough).


Oh wow...that's...rather surprising.

Gen 5 isn't my favorite Gen, that goes to Gen.4, but its honestly my second favorite!

I honestly thought it got a sequel BECAUSE it was so popular! I...I learned something today...something sad...

And here I thought Gen

4 had it bad sometimes... :'(

Also, about Gen 7, I like the interesting twist on things and just how...different it feels...and its a good different feel! :3

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This is all just my opinion but...

Gen V is my favorite Gen and it honestly doesn't deserve some of the flack it gets. Pretty much the only thing XY does better than the Unova games is graphics, which, at least in part, is due to a hardware upgrade. The BW story is better, the BW2 postgame is one of the best in the series, the BW2 Pokédex caters to older gens while not overshadowing the Gen V Pokémon (after all, they still make up half of it), and N is present. XY has a barebones postgame because literally the only battle facility is the most boring one in existence, a story that is basically wasted potential incarnate, and the dex doesn't give new Pokémon any spotlight.

Then there's the lack of any kind of creativity in Shantalune Forest's design. It's literally the exact same layout as Viridian Forest.

And we've got the megas. While a nice concept, they were not handled very well at all. For starters, they drew attention off the new Pokémon in marketing. That's not even getting into how horribly balanced they are. Pokémon that frankly didn't need it at all (ex Mewtwo) get one because they're popular while poor little guys who wallow in lower tiers such as the infamous Luvdisc are shafted. Pretty much the only lower tier Pokémon that got good megas are Charizard and Mawile. Basically: the entire purpose of the mechanic seems to make overpowered and popular Pokémon more overpowered. Whop-dee-do. Though, I will say, Gen VI did bring a welcome nerf to weather causing abilities like Drizzle that dominated Gen V metagame, Primal Groudon and Kyogre aside.

Finally, XY were way too easy. They didn't need to be DP level or anything, but some challenge would be nice.

Gen V had its flaws (W E A T H E R, BW postgame was sparce, the Seven Sages didn't really do anything in BW, Musicals were boring) but overall I feel it's a far better made gen than VI.

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Oh wow...that's...rather surprising.

Gen 5 isn't my favorite Gen, that goes to Gen.4, but its honestly my second favorite!

I honestly thought it got a sequel BECAUSE it was so popular! I...I learned something today...something sad...

And here I thought Gen

4 had it bad sometimes... :'(

Also, about Gen 7, I like the interesting twist on things and just how...different it feels...and its a good different feel! :3

The difference between DP and BW in sales is the difference between 17 million and and 15.5 million. RS sits around at 16 million.

B2W2 sold 7.5 million to HGSS' 12 million. Nostalgia pandering for the latter and launching at a poor time for the former.

In the scheme of things, the differences aren't huge- I'd actually attribute the difference to people getting burned by Gen IV and it's infamously unpolished engine.

Aren't Gen V games the games that sold the less overall ? There's many reasons for this, including the new Pokémon settings, because people are freaking stupid. Every time someone mention Vanillite or Trubbish, it makes me wants to trow a burning kitten at them.

But the fact is a Pokémon games aimed at an older crowd sold less than games aimed at kids. For the company, the choice is clear : giving us many old ones (especially Gen 1), and aiming at the lowest common deminator : kids.

So we're paying for stupid persons not giving Gen V enough credit. I

nstead of applauding and encouraging this ballsy move, they complained about all kind of BS,and now we're here.

I don't hate GF. Their choice is the logical one.

Sorry for the rant.

I'm still really salty about this, and I'm probably hitting at the wrong target..

But Gen V is the most imporatnt generation for me (I wouldn't be playing Pkkémon anymore otherwise, as I often said.)

Thankfully with Gen VII, people seems more open to the changes (I didn't heared anyone complaining against the lack of gyms, thankfully enough).

As I highlight above, the differences are minimal overall.

Bolded: Don't. Go. To. Gamefaqs.

Plus, there's still the people complaining about the series not changing (this is reminding me of people throwing a fit and doing even more CoD comparisions with Halo 5- which got rid of the custom loadouts from 4 but since it wasn't Halo 2 3.0 it was CoD apparently) and thinly-veiled jeering from a hatedom that I never really new existed.

But it's gamers and the internet- half the professional critics are idiots and there's more than enough scum to go around.

...Yeah, got a bit sidetracked there.

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