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404'd! I play MageKnight404's FE7 hack


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So, I've been alluding throughout the LP that Hector's lack of presence in this hack was due to a very important reason.

Lemme say first that this is not my idea. This was conceived during a different LP of this hack a couple of years ago, which is now largely lost to the mists of time. The archives that recorded it are now defunct, and only video clips of it remain on YouTube; I linked to one of them, in fact. I barely followed it when it was happening, so I knew a little but not all of what to expect when I started this LP. In fact, that LP was one reason why I did this one: It's so that there can be an LP of this hack that can be preserved for years to come, one that the only way it'll disappear is if the Serenes site disappears too.

Anyway, I liked what that LP came up with so much that I consider it canon to the hack (as much canon as this hack is, anyway). It happened there, so it'll happen here too.

And with that, I give you the reason for Hector's disappearance.....

Extra Chapter: Another Journey

In the year between Linoan's adventure and Eliwood's, Hector noticed how close Eliwood and his new friend have become. It's gotten to the point where Eliwood would rather spend more time with Raymond than with Hector.

So he had Ostian spies dig up everything they can about Ray. Once he learned of the strange land that Ray hailed from, he decided to pay it a visit.

That's right. If Raymond was in Elibe...


Then Hector was in New York.


And accompanying him was his love interest, Lyn. As you can see, the reports of her death at the hands of bandits were greatly exaggerated.


The two of them toured the vast city, taking in the sights and sounds of the new land they found themselves in. All the while Ostian spies regularly reported to him about Eliwood and Raymond, keeping him up to date on their adventures. This was how he knew to write a letter to Eliwood after the tragedy with Ninian.


Hector grew to like the Big Apple, so much that he made the decision to stay. But that meant leaving Eliwood behind. After Ingram was defeated, Hector temporarily returned to Elibe to become Marquess Ostia. And shortly afterwards, he handed all of Ostia to Pherae and left without telling Eliwood his reasons. Eliwood won't need him anymore anyway, now that he has Raymond.


As time passed, Hector and Lyn would marry and have a daughter, Lilina.


She would grow up to be a nice and caring girl, and street smart too.


Sometimes however, Lyn misses Elibe and the winds across the plains of Sacae. But Hector reminds her that there's nothing left for them anymore back there.


From his spies, Hector knows that Eliwood's perfectly happy with his new friends. So there was no more need for them to see each other ever again.


And as Eliwood grew older, so too would Hector. In that time, he did great things:

"Hector proceeded to take over New York and become President of New Ostia. He loved his 'I <3 NY' shirt so much that he never took it off."

Highlights of his presidency include remaking the Statue Of Liberty into the Statue Of Durban, remodeling Central Park into Sacae Park, and rebuilding the WTC into a single impenetrable axe-shaped tower.

Currently he has his eye on the White House, where he would hope to transform America into New Lycia.....

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That's a thing. Well, what is the plan afterwards, make Elibe great again?

You know what, I'd play a sequel where Hector invaded instead of Zephiel. Even if tanks make it unfair.

Also, making the second last map dark... THRACIA!!!!!!!

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