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Joined last year. Though never made a post until now. Better late than never I suppose haha.

So yeah. The name on here is Ria, short of my actual name Maria. I'm 23 years old and I'm a huge gamer and anime fan. I have too many favorites of both to actually list them, though I will say that RPGs tend to be my favorite when it comes to video games.

I'm fairly new to Fire Emblem with Awakening being the first game I actually played. I'm trying to catch up with the series though, having played the three GBA games and Shadow Dragon. I'm currently playing New Mystery of the Emblem. I also caved and bought Path of Radiance on Ebay an hour or so ago. I tried Genealogy but I don't think it's for me. I might just Youtube that and Thracia for the story. Also played all three routes in Fates. In terms of favorite, it's a three way tie between Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones, and Awakening. Path of Radiance might end up changing that since I heard it's amazing.

But yeah. That's about all I can think of saying. Nice to meet all of you!

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Yo! Always nice to see new fans, and wow you're covering the franchise quite quickly.

Something you'll find with FE in general is that quite a number of people will find personal favorites be it for story. gameplay, particular mechanics, its pretty neat to compare across the entire series. I hope you enjoy Path of Radiance, its one of my own personal favorites. Hopefully you didn't have to pay too much for it, I was fortunately into FE at the time PoR & RD came out so I didn't have to worry about really insanely high prices for em.

Also if you're curious about FE3, which New Mystery is a remake of (well partly, thats book 2, it was spread into two games basically Book 1 being the first remake of FE1 and Book 2 was FE3 proper). I'm currently doing a run on my channel, just click the image in my signature for my channel, if you so wish.

Edited by Jedi
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Yo! Always nice to see new fans, and wow you're covering the franchise quite quickly.

Something you'll find with FE in general is that quite a number of people will find personal favorites be it for story. gameplay, particular mechanics, its pretty neat to compare across the entire series. I hope you enjoy Path of Radiance, its one of my own personal favorites. Hopefully you didn't have to pay too much for it, I was fortunately into FE at the time PoR & RD came out so I didn't have to worry about really insanely high prices for em.

Also if you're curious about FE3, which New Mystery is a remake of (well partly, thats book 2, it was spread into two games basically Book 1 being the first remake of FE1 and Book 2 was FE3 proper). I'm currently doing a run on my channel, just click the image in my signature for my channel, if you so wish.

I tend to like FE games for their story, which is why I think Path of Radiance might end up being my favorite since I hear nothing but good in that department. I paid $130 but the seller was the only one who seemed trustable haha it's totally worth it in my book. Also lucky. I knew Fire Emblem was a thing due to Smash Bros but I never really got the chance to actually play the games until Awakening.

Also I'll check out your channel when I find the time too ^-^. I'm kind of interested in FE3(even though FE12 is a remake) and I kind of want to check out the differences between the two.

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I tend to like FE games for their story, which is why I think Path of Radiance might end up being my favorite since I hear nothing but good in that department. I paid $130 but the seller was the only one who seemed trustable haha it's totally worth it in my book. Also lucky. I knew Fire Emblem was a thing due to Smash Bros but I never really got the chance to actually play the games until Awakening.

Also I'll check out your channel when I find the time too ^-^. I'm kind of interested in FE3(even though FE12 is a remake) and I kind of want to check out the differences between the two.

If you like them for their story, then you should adore FE9, also I see. I learned about FE through Smash Bros Melee myself, and got Fire Emblem for the GBA better known as Blazing Sword, and I got hooked.

Yeah I hope you can see the differences, although with how I do FE runs on my channel its a bit more focused on the gameplay, sorry if thats a turn off.

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If you like them for their story, then you should adore FE9, also I see. I learned about FE through Smash Bros Melee myself, and got Fire Emblem for the GBA better known as Blazing Sword, and I got hooked.

Yeah I hope you can see the differences, although with how I do FE runs on my channel its a bit more focused on the gameplay, sorry if thats a turn off.

I don't mind that much if you focus on gameplay in your videos. I can always look up story elsewhere haha. But yeah. I'll probably check it out once I get caught with the series

Welcome to the Forest, Ria!

Have a nice day and hum, keep enjoying your stay!

Thanks a bunch. Hope you have a nice one too ^-^.

Hello and welcome to the forums, Awakening was also my first FE game, but an RPG and Anime fan, alright lets go for this question, Whats your favourite RPG game (besides Fire Emblem) and Top 5 animes :P

Favorite RPG. That's a tough one. No really. All of them are great. If I had to pick I'd probably say Xenoblade or the Tales Series.

For anime. Another tough question haha.

1. Hunter x Hunter

2. Yu Yu Hakusho

3. Haikyuu

4. Shokugeki no Soma

5. Konosuba

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I don't mind that much if you focus on gameplay in your videos. I can always look up story elsewhere haha. But yeah. I'll probably check it out once I get caught with the series

2. Yu Yu Hakusho

Alright, glad to know haha.

And huzzah a fellow Yu Yu Hakusho fan! (I need to see/read hunter x hunter). Nice to see more

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Welcome to the site, from one relative newb to another!

If you're into the stories in FE games Path of Radiance is probably right up your alley. It, along with Geneology (not for everyone, I actually kind of like it and can't bring myself to play through again haha) and Thracia are probably the best in the series, in terms of story. Maybe it's just that I have such a soft spot for Thracia, but maybe give that one a try before watching a playthrough? The story works so much better when you're actually in control, because it's a way more personal tale than the average FE. Path of Radiance is similar at first, but without spoiling anything ends up very grand in scale by the end. Thracia does have a bit of a reputation for being incredibly unfriendly to first timers though, and I can't deny that it's somewhat true. Maybe have a guide handy if you plan on giving it a go? If you beat Binding Blade it shouldn't be impossible!

Also, mad respect for coming in with Awakening but still trying to go back to the roots. I wish more people would do that.

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Path of Radiance is, indeed, awesome. So far, it's still my favorite in the series. You'll have a lot of fun with it once you start playing it! :)

Greetings, Konnichiwa, Zdravo, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!

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Path of Radiance is, indeed, awesome. So far, it's still my favorite in the series. You'll have a lot of fun with it once you start playing it! :)

Greetings, Konnichiwa, Zdravo, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!

Ha. All this praise for it is really making me glad I did go ahead and buy it. The wait for it to arrive in the mail is going to be a killer

And thanks for the welcome! I'm already enjoying the forum~

Welcome to the site, from one relative newb to another!

If you're into the stories in FE games Path of Radiance is probably right up your alley. It, along with Geneology (not for everyone, I actually kind of like it and can't bring myself to play through again haha) and Thracia are probably the best in the series, in terms of story. Maybe it's just that I have such a soft spot for Thracia, but maybe give that one a try before watching a playthrough? The story works so much better when you're actually in control, because it's a way more personal tale than the average FE. Path of Radiance is similar at first, but without spoiling anything ends up very grand in scale by the end. Thracia does have a bit of a reputation for being incredibly unfriendly to first timers though, and I can't deny that it's somewhat true. Maybe have a guide handy if you plan on giving it a go? If you beat Binding Blade it shouldn't be impossible!

Also, mad respect for coming in with Awakening but still trying to go back to the roots. I wish more people would do that.


I heard Genealogy and PoR had great stories as well, haven't heard much in the way of Thracia's story but I will take your word for it. I might give that one a try playing...after I'm done with the Tellius games since I want to play those a bit more. Also thanks for the tip on Thracia's difficulty, I'll keep that in mind whenever I start with it ^-^.

When it comes to any series I start, I tend to like playing all/as much games I can in it. I feel like I'm missing something by completely ignoring games you know? It'd be nice to see that as well, since I think the older games need a bit of love too haha.

Alright, glad to know haha.

And huzzah a fellow Yu Yu Hakusho fan! (I need to see/read hunter x hunter). Nice to see more

Yu Yu Hakusho is the bomb. Like. I don't know everything about that anime was pure quality haha.

Hunter x Hunter is pretty great too. At first it comes across as childish(a reason why I almost didn't start the series) but it's really worth it in my eyes, the 2011 version of the anime especially.

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When it comes to any series I start, I tend to like playing all/as much games I can in it. I feel like I'm missing something by completely ignoring games you know? It'd be nice to see that as well, since I think the older games need a bit of love too haha.

Yu Yu Hakusho is the bomb. Like. I don't know everything about that anime was pure quality haha.

Hunter x Hunter is pretty great too. At first it comes across as childish(a reason why I almost didn't start the series) but it's really worth it in my eyes, the 2011 version of the anime especially.

that sense of dedication to a series is pretty impressive c:

I have never heard of Yu Yu Hakusho.....is that wrong???

For anime. Another tough question haha.

1. Hunter x Hunter

2. Yu Yu Hakusho

3. Haikyuu

4. Shokugeki no Soma

5. Konosuba

I don't know how to feel about the fact that I have only watched one show on that list...ah, the anime fan in me wants to go check some of those out now, lol.

Welcome to the forums, Ria c:

It's good to see you're already enjoying yourself around here, so, well, have fun!

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Yu Yu Hakusho is the bomb. Like. I don't know everything about that anime was pure quality haha.

Hunter x Hunter is pretty great too. At first it comes across as childish(a reason why I almost didn't start the series) but it's really worth it in my eyes, the 2011 version of the anime especially.

Favorite character? I'd like to say all of them, but if I had to pick one it'd probably be Kurama.

Yeah I've been meaning to check out the 2011 anime.

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Welcome to Airport 1001! Look out for ELMA-DS and the Death Rogumer. Also, don't forget to wake that slugabed up!

Favorite RPG. That's a tough one. No really. All of them are great. If I had to pick I'd probably say Xenoblade or the Tales Series.

For anime. Another tough question haha.

1. Hunter x Hunter

2. Yu Yu Hakusho

3. Haikyuu

4. Shokugeki no Soma

5. Konosuba

I like a boatload of RPGs myself.

As for anime, I'm familiar with the first two on your list.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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