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Ensemble Mafia - N5


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Oh, it was just my negligence.

Between Ryker and Spinal, Spinal seems to be the one desiring to prolong it. It's not that I take Ryker's side in the "no, you're scum!" slapfight, it's more that Spinal's only been tunneling Ryker while Ryker's been trying to carry more than a single conversation.

Proto's "Ryker put an easy third wagon vote on GP which'll enable him to cruise later on. But right now I'm Ryker randomly" is voteworthy too.

Would not lynch Ryker nor Refa.


##Vote: Spinal

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What do you mean by "when Yedi claimed"? Pretty sure they haven't claimed.

I want to remind everyone that:

1. GP voted me and left her vote on even when her issues with me were resolved.

2. Has lurked when under pressure

3. Is now opportunistically deciding to think past my claim beyond null after there are votes on me.

Do you think I'm scum?

Why would scum want to lynch Mallow over you, given all of these opportunistic setups?

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What do you mean by "when Yedi claimed"? Pretty sure they haven't claimed.

Do you think I'm scum?

Why would scum want to lynch Mallow over you, given all of these opportunistic setups?

I'm saying when Ele claimed, Yedi thought it was bad that she (Ele) outted her role. Not everyone automatically thinks the optimal strategy for the role is to claim it right away as you did. Ele not claiming right away is in no way suspicious.

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Fine with my vote where it is. Don't like how Elemina considers literally everyone who has issues with her to be scummy (me, SB, Blitz, GP, Proto). For someone who complains about how reactionary I am, she sure is being plenty reactionary herself.

It was a progression of me thinking "he's just scum tunneling, and being rewarded with a drawn-out argument that lets him feign frustration" to "okay... there's no way scum would actually still be doing this. Everyone has already formed their opinions on Spinal's arguments so it's not like continuing them will make people reconsider the possibility of scum!Ryker or scum!Elemina."

I haven't mentioned that Elemina is likely to be town. I did say that claiming informed, particularly informed numbers, is protown. That was in the context of the game where I rolled that (unless I'm misremembering, it's Elie's FFTA mafia) and I claimed it in my first post. This isn't what Elemina's claim accomplished; my issue with his claim is how (1) it wasn't necessary to claim that at the time in order to verify anything crucial, and (2) he waited until I explicitly introduced the existence of such a role being used in SF mafia, and how people would tend to claim it at game start, that he claimed that exact role.

Fair enough on your first part. What made your stance on her claim change? What prompted that change? What do you think about her other content?

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The "Oh it was just my negligence" was the reasoning for her forgetting to take her vote off me. If she were townie she'd make the conclusion that she liked my reasoning and she'd move the vote, yet didn't until I prodded her to. To clarify I obviously think Green Poet is scum here.

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Elemina, I don't think you're trying to find examples of scuminess so far as you're trying to find examples of poor or suboptimal play.

Keeping my vote on you after I publicly stated that my issues with your list were resolved doesn't accomplish anything beneficial to scum. It's just "bad" play because my vote isn't yet where it should be.

Unless we were at deadline and my vote were displaced, having a hanging vote isn't scummy. It's just... "hey, you're forgetful and should fix that." Where is the explicit scum intent?

re: "lurking when under pressure"

Not sure what you mean. I'm here right now, and I've been busy when I'm not here? If lurking has some sort of more criminal/scummy connotation on the sites you're used to play on, that consideration's your prerogative.

3. Is now opportunistically deciding to think past my claim beyond null after there are votes on me.

...I've been addressing this exact thing the last couple pages, and you're still bringing it up. I'm not Spinal, so I'm going to drop the issue.

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If she were townie she'd make the conclusion that she liked my reasoning and she'd move the vote, yet didn't until I prodded her to.

I disagree? Human error exists. Mallow may think I'm "too intelligent" to make this kind of mistake or something, but... no, lol. Not sure what else to say? I am not as good at mafia as you may wish me to be.

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Green Poet. Refa stated my claim is null. Have you discussed that with him, since you opened the discussion with my claim. I believe human error does exist but I don't believe a townie would leave their vote on when their issues are resolved.

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Don't like how Elemina considers literally everyone who has issues with her to be scummy (me, SB, Blitz, GP, Proto).

I get the same feeling. Elemina seems to be constantly revising his reads based on whomever may remotely want him lynched. It's so distinct that I want to read Elemina's recent games on other sites to check for the same behavior, if any such games are available to view.

If Elemina were new to mafia it'd be a fairly textbook scumtell, but I wonder if it's just a reaction to playing on an unfamiliar forum, causing some level of universal outward distrust/paranoia?

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Wow.... There's been a lot of activity since I last posted.

From what I've read, I am going to believe Blit's claim that he has the weird role. Don't know what it's called. I don't feel that it's a role that would be claimed by the Mafia, but I'm not sure.

I might be more weary of Elemina's claim, and move him to my suspicion list. I feel like it's a role a member of the Mafia *would* claim in order to mislead people on how many people are in the Mafia. However, no one else has claimed that role. Does that mean that Elemina *is* the person who knows that there are 3 Members of the Mafia? Is this role even in play? I don't know.

Apart from that, Ryker, YOLOSWAG and Green Poet are on my suspision list. Ryker for obvious reasons, YOLOSWAG because their opinion changes a lot and Green Poet for the whole "Their reasoning makes sense, but I'm not going to remove my vote". I still trust Spinal and Hober, and I think I might trust Rainbow and Refa too?

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Green Poet. Refa stated my claim is null. Have you discussed that with him, since you opened the discussion with my claim.

No, we haven't discussed it. He thinks it's null, I think it's not as townie as I originally told people it was on pg 14. That's pretty much it.

I believe human error does exist but I don't believe a townie would leave their vote on when their issues are resolved.

:shrug: we're at an impasse then. Agree to disagree, etc.

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If you wanted to read past games of mine you would ask me, but you haven't.

Mm, I hope I'm not personally offending you btw, that's not my intention.

Apparently you've been talking with some of the people in the SF mafia skype group, so I was asking some of them. If I rolled scum in my first game on a forum I'd never played on, I'd probably be linking the players a particular game where the idea of my meta they'd get would be more beneficial for my current scum game. So... my first thought wasn't to ask you personally, no.

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Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I can understand if you don't want to answer any more questions on Elemina's claim but what are your thoughts on the slot as a whole?

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At post #360 and to this point Elemina tunneling on his Refa read it seems. Most of his pokes look like are based on getting a better understanding of the game within the context of a Refa scum world.

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Mm, I hope I'm not personally offending you btw, that's not my intention.

Apparently you've been talking with some of the people in the SF mafia skype group, so I was asking some of them. If I rolled scum in my first game on a forum I'd never played on, I'd probably be linking the players a particular game where the idea of my meta they'd get would be more beneficial for my current scum game. So... my first thought wasn't to ask you personally, no.

You're allowed to talk about the game outside of the game here?

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Prims, and Makaze once he un-afks.

Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I can understand if you don't want to answer any more questions on Elemina's claim but what are your thoughts on the slot as a whole?

tbh I really want to see his flip because this back-and-forth is not doing much in terms of telling me about his alignment. I still maintain that his slot is the best lynch (in a vacuum, disregarding cases) because it gives town the most positive gain regardless of the actual flip; if it's a mislynch we get confirmed numbers, and if it's a scum lynch then yay. We simply don't get this deal from anyone else's lynch right now.

But if I had to decide whether to lynch Elemina or not right now, I would say yes, if that answers your question.

You're allowed to talk about the game outside of the game here?

afaik it doesn't break any rules; asking someone for links to other forums isn't activity related to this particular game.

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