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Skill creation thread (Num. what now?)


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Didn't want to annoy the mods with necromancy, so decided to make a new thread for skill ideas you have. So, just that.

Single-minded: Ignores dual stances (Dual Guard and Dual Strike) in battle both for enemies and the user.

I'd think it'd be a personal skill for a unit whose whole thing is about charging in. Probably useless in practice (for a whole lot of reasons), but just had the thought there now. Could be a class skill for a highly defensive unit or Warrior- like class too.

Edited by Dayni
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Didn't want to annoy the mods with necromancy, so decided to make a new thread for skill ideas you have. So, just that.

Single-minded: Ignores dual stances (Dual Guard and Dual Strike) in battle both for enemies and the user.

I'd think it'd be a personal skill for a unit whose whole thing is about charging in. Probably useless in practice (for a whole lot of reasons), but just had the thought there now. Could be a class skill for a highly defensive unit or Warrior- like class too.

I'd prefer it if it were a trigger-able skill, like Parity. If it's always on, it will hurt the user more than it helps since you can take advantage of stances more often.

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I'd prefer it if it were a trigger-able skill, like Parity. If it's always on, it will hurt the user more than it helps since you can take advantage of stances more often.

I misread that as "Party", so I'm going to use that :P

Party: Damage +1 for every remaining partner unit on the map.

Edited by Power Master
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Party: Damage +1 for every remaining partner unit on the map.

How about +1 Damage for each ally on the map with this skill?

less broken

Edited by Emerson
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I'd prefer it if it were a trigger-able skill, like Parity. If it's always on, it will hurt the user more than it helps since you can take advantage of stances more often.

I see the point, and yes I was more thinking how it could fit a personality rather than how it could fit in gameplay last night.

Healthy Resolve: Gets bonus damage based on their current HP. How much is based on currentt against Max HP.

Edited by Dayni
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If we're talking about new skill ideas I have a few that'd be cool though they're a bit overpowered...just how I like it!

-Magic leech-steals 3 points of Mag from enemies and adds it to the player. No cap.
-Untouchable-(Skill%)that a attack that would otherwise hit the player misses.
-Blinding assault-every 5 points of speed more than the enemy grants an extra attack for the player.
-(insert weapon) hatred-adds +35 Crit to the player whenever dealing with enemies using this specific type of weapon
-Apocalypse-when you defeat an enemy, all other enemies in the range of the defeated enemy receive half damage dealt to previously killed enemy. Receives full exp from all defeated units.
-Intimidation-cuts opponent's HP in half for the duration of the battle (HP/2-%)
-Rouge's intuition-can steal equipped items(Skill/2-%) when attacking enemies.
-Cupid's wrath-for every level of support obtained between two units next to each other, +4 attack and defense
-Sheer domination-adds current HP value to strength/magic for one attack (strength/2 or magic/2 which ever's highest)%

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How about +1 Damage for each ally on the map with this skill?

less broken

Well, I was thinking the skill will help improve the player's tactics as well. Meaning the worse they do and the less units they have remaining, the less damage they'd end up doing.

It could be a personal skill as well, to prevent the whole army from gaining the skill.

Edited by Power Master
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To the Archives!

[spoiler=Create A Class Thread - Fates]This selection of skills is from Create A Class Thread (Fates), so they are designed to work in the Fates Engine alongside their custom class. For further details besides the class name and skills, look through the topic!

Levin Knight - A knight who focuses on using swords and magic.

- Level 1: Might and Magic (When calculating damage, use either STR or MAG to opponent's DEF or RES, whatever will result in higher total damage.*)

- Level 10: Storm Call (Command, Attacks an opponent at 2-3 range. Can not follow up, trigger skills, or crit. Enemy cannot counter attack.**)

- Level 25: Chain Lightning (When user triggers the battle, damage dealt is chained to an adjacent enemy of the target at half damage. Chains 3 times, cannot kill.***)

- Level 35: Levin Master (Allows for criticals and skill activation when wielding a Levin Sword.)

Champion - A soldier from Valla that can wield any weapon.

- Level 1: Honor Guard (When the supporting unit, take half of incoming damage instead of the lead unit.*)

- Level 10: Ancient Stance (Always blocks incoming attacks from enemy Attack stance, even when not in Guard Stance.**)

- Level 25: Nihil (Negates enemy’s combat-related skills.**)

- Level 35: Gloria (Gain +1 to all stats per enemy defeated. This effect wears off at 1 per turn. There is no cap.)

Valkyrie - A mysterious being with connections to the Outrealms.

- Level 1: Summon (Summons a Phantom to aid you once per map.*)

- Level 10: Judgement (Command, has a percentage chance of instantly defeating an adjacent foe based off of remaining HP. If successful, the unit is registered as an Einherjar in the Logbook.)

- Level 25: Ethereal Bonds (All Einherjar have "A" support bonuses with each other and the Valkyrie.)

- Level 35: Redemption (Resurrects a fallen Einherjar unit once per map.**)

Valla Noble - A noble of the Vallite line.

- Level 5: Draconic Destiny (When wielding Dragonstones, +1 Range*)

- Level 15: Invisible Fang (Skill x 0.5% chance adding half of the user's current HP as damage.)

Rightful King - The Rightful King of Nohr

=Personal Skill: Nohrian Charm (If a friendly unit within 2 spaces has a C+ support with the user, that unit has +15 Hit and +15 Avoid.)

- Level 1: Blood of Dusk (At the start of each turn, enemies within 2 spaces lose 10% HP. Cannot kill.)

- Level 10: Draconic Blow (When user triggers the battle, damage received -10*)

- Level 25: Relentless (When user defeats a unit, move to its space and allow for another attack.**)

- Level 35: Rightful King (Debuffs from using weapons are ignored.***)

Divine Incarnation - Lilith as a playable dragon.

=Personal Skill: Astral Savior (If an attack would deal lethal damage to Corrin, the user warps in and takes the attack instead.*)

- Level 1: Astral Vein (Command. Summons a Dragon's Vein. Effects vary.**)

- Level 10: Astral Warp (Command. Allows user to warp to Corrin and then take an action.)

- Level 25: Astral Summon (Command. Summons a unit from My Castle to assist.***)

- Level 35: Astral Mastery (+2 Range to Astral Breath and Astral Blessing.)

Deprived - A Dark Souls based class.

- Class Passive: Darksign (Upon death, lose all EXP gained this map as well as all souls collected, but return alive at starting location at -4 to all stats [normal recovery]. If the unit moves back to the space where it died, regains lost souls and levels. This process is infinite.*)
- Level 1: Soulforged (Upon killing a foe, gain +1 in a random stat, including HP. This ability stacks and is considered a buff, separate from class caps, and is "permanent". This skill can not be transferred to another class.*)
- Level 10: Jolly Cooperation (When supported by or supporting an einherjar unit, lead unit gains damage dealt/taken +3/-3.***)
- Level 25: Lord of Cinder (Upon killing a boss, gain a separate +2 buff to all stats. This effects stacks, but is lost with the Darksign. This skill can not be transferred to another class.****)
- Level 35: Lord of Hollows (Upon death, raise the stat cap of all stats, including HP, by 3. This effect stacks. This skill can not be transferred to another class.*****)

Dancer - An alternative take on Azura.

- Class Command: Dance (Grants an ally +2 to all stats that decays by 1 per turn.*)
- Level 1: Acrobat (All traversable terrain costs 1 movement point to cross.)
- Level 10: Inspiring Dance (+3 to a "Boon" stat for the unit who watches the user's dance.**)
- Level 25: Mesmerize (Enemies within a 2 tile radius suffer -10 to Hit.)
- Level 35: Encore (The first use of Dance counts as a free action.***)

[spoiler=Creativity Spot - Your Own Classes - Promotion Variations]
This selection of skills is from Creativity Spot - Your Own Classes - Promotion Variations. These are designed for redesigned Fire Emblem classes as well as new promotions. Technically, the whole thing is a start to a new project of mine that wants to mimic a Fire Emblem game, but I'll post the whole thing later when it is more fleshed out. Knowing my track record, it'll never be finished...
For the sake of brevity, repeat skills have been passed over. Some skill reworks, especially Radiant Dawn inspired ones, have been left in.
Anima Blade – Always deals damage according to the enemy’s lowest Defense or Resistance stat.
Overwhelm – When defeating an enemy, excess damage is returned as HP to the user.
Colossus – Skill x 0.5% chance of dealing damage triple of the user’s Strength.
Frenzy – Command. Attacks a unit until either the enemy or user dies.
Riposte – When successfully evading an enemy attack, Skill% chance for a riposte attack.
Impale – Skill x 0.5% chance of dealing triple damage.
Overpower – When attacking, doubles the effectiveness of the weapon triangle as well as slayer weapons.
Good Fortune – Luck% chance of recovering 20% and removing status ailments at the start of the user’s Turn.
Scavenge – When defeating an enemy, Luck% change to obtain a random item.
Dirty Fighting – Skill% chance of inflicting a random effect. (Poison, Stun, Half Damage, Stat Seals, etc.)
Dual Wield – Doubles the user’s available strikes but deal half the damage. This skill is locked to the Corsair and cannot be removed.
Steal – Command. Allows the user to steal an item from the target, including equipped weapons.
Lethality – Upon a successful critical, instantly kills the enemy.
Endless Quiver – Upon defeating an enemy, Skill% chance to attack again. This can be repeated as long as there are targets in range.
Deadeye – Skill x 0.5% chance to deal double damage and put the enemy in sleep status.
Disable – After battle, enemy Strength, Magic, Defense, and Resistance -6.
Ambush – When attacking, uses all the strikes at once. (So, if attacking, the sequence of attack, counter, attack, counter will be transformed into attack, attack, counter, counter.)
Rewind – Command. After taking an action, returns the Trickster to its starting location.
Focus – Command. When used, grants +5 Magic to your next action. This effect does not stack.
Anima Barrier – Skill% chance to add half of the user's Defense (if being attacked with Magic) or Resistance (if being attacked with Physical) to damage reduction.
Forbidden Rite – Command. Deals damage based off users Magic x 2 to everyone within 2 spaces, including the user. If this attack defeats enemies, the user gains EXP as normal.
Inner Fire – At the start of the turn, the user and adjacent allies gain +1 to all stats. The effect wears off at the start of the next turn.
Exorcism – Skill x 0.5% chance to deal damage directly to the opponent’s HP based off the user’s Magic stat. If normal damage is higher, the normal attack is carried out instead.
Repentance – When countering with a Staff, puts the attacker to sleep.
Miracle – Luck x 0.5% chance of completely negating an enemy attack.
Staff Mastery – Allows the user to counter with Magic even if a Staff is equipped. (This is based of Radiant Dawn's usage of staves.)
Corona – Skill x 0.5% chance to deal double damage and put the enemy in blind status.
Voice of Peace – At the start of each turn, all allies recover 10% HP.
Rescue – Takes in the adjacent ally at the cost of halving Speed and Skill while they are carried.
Terror – Enemies within a 2 tile radius suffer -20 to Hit.
Inspire – At the start of each turn, adjacent allies gain +2 to Defense and Resistance. The effect wears off at the start of the next turn.
Rally – Command. When used, grants allies in a 2 tile radius +4 to all stats. The effect wears off at the start of the next turn. (Stacks with Inspire)
Stun – Skill x 0.5% chance of stunning the enemy in combat, dealing x2 damage and immobilizing it. (The Stun status effect will fade at the start of the next Enemy Phase.)
Galeforce – Allows the user to do two actions per turn. (Two attacks, two staff uses, item use then attack, staff and attack, etc.)
Sky Superiority – The user’s Flying weakness is nullified and they receive terrain effects.
Abyssal Power – When defeating an enemy, gain +1 to all stats to a max of +10. Effect expires after the map is cleared.

* * * * *
For for some newer stuff that isn't found in lists...
General Skills
- Forsaken (Personal Skill, +5 Damage Dealt and Taken || Essentially a weaker Life or Death)
- Lone Wolf (+5 to all stats when not adjacent to an allied unit.)
- Challenge (Command. Initiates combat but ignores Dual Stance for both the user and the opponent.)
- Isolate (Command. Knocks a unit out of Pair Up and places the lead unit in a space adjacent to the user. This command counts as an attack and will end that units turn.)
- Berserk (Command. Repeats combat for 10 rounds unless the user or the opponent is defeated. || Can alternatively have it always active for additional risk factor.)
- Overwhelm (Skill% chance of adding half of current HP to damage. || Essentially a reverse Vengeance.)
- Second Wind (When user has 30% or lower health, immediately heals 30% of max HP. Only applies once per combat, does not apply to fatal hits.)
- Weapon Master (When the weapon triangle is in the user's favor, double its effectiveness.)
- Slayer Master (When wielding a slayer weapon, double its effectiveness.)
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Continue: AS+20% chance to attack again.

Charge: If HP>enemy HP, start another round of combat.

Bargain: Halves shop prices.

Prayer: When under 10 HP, increase avoid by (11-current HP)*10%, eg at 1HP, gain 100 avoid. Effect wears off after one turn.

Great Shield: Completely nullifies incoming attack. Level% chance.

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Here are some skills I thought about! (I'll write here additional informations about the skills, like this.)

Ground Master: Ignores Terrain Bonuses on enemies.

Earthquake: Unless enemy is a flying unit, damage dealt +5. (Ballisticians are immune as well)

Provoke: All enemies in a 3-tiles radius can only Attack. (Limited to the Attack and Wait command only)

Fissure (Command): Fissures the terrain in a straight line damaging units and the terrain. Not all terrains are affected. (Affects only Plains, Deserts, Thickets, Forests, Floors, Mountains, Peaks. 18 Might, 95 Hit, cannot Crit. Affected terrain becomes Wasteland that has -3 Def, -20 Avo, -15 HP.)

Maybe this is for an Earth Mage Class? Dunno.

Edited by Emboar Bof
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Skill Thread. Lemme grab my list.

Optimist : Always: Biometer will not go into the negative (cuase the Biometer will come back some day, right, right :(

Unsettle : After combat : Surviving combat with this unit will leave the opponent at their lowest Biorythm setting.

Adaptor : Always : No accuracy penalty from alternate heights (slightly more likely since people liked Height mechanics unlike the Biometer)

Astral Foot : Luck/2% : Perform another full action. Cannot activate twice a turn. Cannot be used with Canto/Gale Force

Quick Hand : When attacked : If you cannot counter attack with current weapon, swap to one that can.

Weapon Artist : When attacked : Swap to weapon that deals more damage if applicable.

Delta Striker : When attacking or attacked : Double potency of weapon triangle.

Backpack : Always : Grant an extra inventory slot

Light Arm : Always : Ignores weapon weight (what's that you say? Weapon weight is gone too. I can dream damnit!)

Light Feet : When attacking or attacked : Reduce avoid by 15 but if you successfully evade one attack you will evade all follow up attacks.

Auto Potion : When attacked : Automatically use a healing item.

Expert : Always : Double terrain effects.

Fair Play : When attacking or attacked : Prevents both units from performing two consecutive moves. They can still double just not consecutively.

Adrenaline : After combat : Recover 5 HP

Devil's Luck : During Combat : Reduce the chance of Devil Weapons misfiring by 50%

Extreme Speed : When attacking : Can double if speed is only 1 point higher than opponent.

Divine Right : Always : Increase the effectiveness of rallies on this unit by 50%

Karma : Upon defeating an enemy : Restore health by overflow damage of the killing blow.

Edited by Jotari
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