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Tellius Recollection (Vol 2) Translation / Discussion Thread


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What you guys say makes sense, but the problem I have with it is still Ike's thing for family and friends. I feel like if he decided to leave because "I can't take all this anymore!" it feels selfish on his part. Like he's only thinking of himself and his situation, and not those he cares about anymore. And Ike is NOT selfish in the least bit.

But again, who knows. We'll never know exactly why Ike left or if we'll ever see him in a non-Amiibo scenario again.

Edited by Anacybele
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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

What you guys say makes sense, but the problem I have with it is still Ike's thing for family and friends. I feel like if he decided to leave because "I can't take all this anymore!" it feels selfish on his part. Like he's only thinking of himself and his situation, and not those he cares about anymore. And Ike is NOT selfish in the least bit.

But again, who knows. We'll never know exactly why Ike left or if we'll ever see him in a non-Amiibo scenario again.

The thing is the people who would want to bother Ike would also be bothering his family and friends, so him leaving meant he was protecting them from being hounded by the same people as him.  The only way people would leave the Greil mercenaries to do what they do best was for Ike to leave, because everyone knew Ike was their leader.  I think he left more for his family to have peace then for himself.

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2 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

The thing is the people who would want to bother Ike would also be bothering his family and friends, so him leaving meant he was protecting them from being hounded by the same people as him.  The only way people would leave the Greil mercenaries to do what they do best was for Ike to leave, because everyone knew Ike was their leader.  I think he left more for his family to have peace then for himself.

But I would figure that that kind of thing would happen whether Ike was around or not. People can still be all "hey, you worked with/were good friends with the legendary Ike! Tell me all about it! Where is he? Where can I hire him?" and blah blah blah if Ike is a thousand miles away.

Hell, I have this happen sometimes in my writing when I'm doing scenes in Tellius where Ike's not around. Seems perfectly realistic.

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2 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

The thing is the people who would want to bother Ike would also be bothering his family and friends, so him leaving meant he was protecting them from being hounded by the same people as him.  The only way people would leave the Greil mercenaries to do what they do best was for Ike to leave, because everyone knew Ike was their leader.  I think he left more for his family to have peace then for himself.

But I would figure that that kind of thing would happen whether Ike was around or not. People can still be all "hey, you worked with/were good friends with the legendary Ike! Tell me all about it! Where is he? Where can I hire him?" and blah blah blah if Ike is a thousand miles away.

Hell, I have this happen sometimes in my writing when I'm doing scenes in Tellius where Ike's not around. Seems perfectly realistic.

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42 minutes ago, Kirokan said:

While I get Zelgius's transcript typed up, I found out I had a few others I typed from before, so working on those too.

So here we have 063 Ilyana !

Well, a little detail I didn't know before about Ilyana (The Zihark thing) XD

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And that's where the people shipping Zihark and Ilyana as a pair come from. lol That scene and their support from PoR. :P

Ilyana is a little weird, but she's cute in her own way too, imo.

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Ah, I'm glad the line about how dear Soren is to Ike was kept vague enough to outright not dismiss the possibility of them getting together (Though I still find Ike getting with anyone as realistic as a flying brick; he's such a stunted man in regards to romance). Although it would be nice of IntSys to finally settle this debate; Schrodinger's Sexuality is such a tiring thing to have about a character.

Illyana was not one of my favs at first but I grew to appreciate her now that I'm revisiting the series and actually reading supports and such. She's a very funny character and I find her adorable but as far as Tellius characters go shes a little one note but at least its not in a bad way.

Thank you for your continued efforts to translate this! It must be tons of work but its appreciated!

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It would be nice if IS did that, but on the other hand, I'm fine with them not doing so either, especially with the Outrealm Gate/multiple timelines being a thing, because then we as fans get to imagine whatever we want in regards to what Ike did and who he got with after RD. It even makes it possible that there's a timeline where he actually didn't leave and he became Elincia's prince consort for all we know. :P A world works in mysterious ways and it's amazing how one little difference can actually change entire outcomes of events.

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Ah. My two favourite characters: Ike <333 and Ilyana.

Still bummed about Ike's ending, though after a little more insight I can see why he would leave. It would have been nice if they included a small detail like him coming back to Tellius on the occasion to see his family because to disappear for good seems pretty drastic to me. Especially after PoR and RD stressed the importance of family.

Man, I'm forever bummed over Ilyana's descriptions. I love her, but I feel like they could have developed more than her love for food, like the whole "insight into the hearts of others."

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On May 29, 2017 at 4:42 PM, Anacybele said:

But gods, if the whole fandom saw that bit about Soren there, I would hate to see how many would claim this "confirms" them as a couple. >.> When it honestly doesn't. You can hold someone dear and not call them a lover (hell, Elincia even proves this with her relationship to Lucia. She holds her dear, but calls her a sister, not a lover).

Considering how Geoffrey/Elincia is a canon couple between milk siblings, this is more of an argument for Lucia/Elincia and Ike/Soren than against.

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15 minutes ago, Scary tiki goddess said:

Considering how Geoffrey/Elincia is a canon couple between milk siblings, this is more of an argument for Lucia/Elincia and Ike/Soren than against.

Geoffrey/Elincia got an ending while Lucia/Elincia did not. And if Lucia/Elincia is still considered possible in that case, then by that logic, so is Ike/Elincia. And none of these are even 100% canon anyway since even the possible endings are optional.

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15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Geoffrey/Elincia got an ending while Lucia/Elincia did not. And if Lucia/Elincia is still considered possible in that case, then by that logic, so is Ike/Elincia. And none of these are even 100% canon anyway since even the possible endings are optional.

Why would it matter that Lucia/Elincia doesn't get a paired ending if paired endings don't grant canon authority over ships without paired endings? If they do, Ike's paired ending with Soren and his "renewed sense of how dear Soren is to him" seems like pretty damning textual evidence. I guess what I'm driving at is what makes Ike/Soren less canon than Geoffrey/Elincia?

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1 minute ago, Scary tiki goddess said:

Why would it matter that Lucia/Elincia doesn't get a paired ending if paired endings don't grant canon authority over ships without paired endings? If they do, Ike's paired ending with Soren and his "renewed sense of how dear Soren is to him" seems like pretty damning textual evidence. I guess what I'm driving at is what makes Ike/Soren less canon than Geoffrey/Elincia?

Because Geoffrey and Elincia actually get married in their ending while Ike and Soren don't have any indication of romance or marriage? Plus, Ike also has an ending with Ranulf. Nobody's arguing that they're canon.

I know this is true and I HATE the Geoffrey/Elincia pairing.

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15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Because Geoffrey and Elincia actually get married in their ending while Ike and Soren don't have any indication of romance or marriage? Plus, Ike also has an ending with Ranulf. Nobody's arguing that they're canon.

I know this is true and I HATE the Geoffrey/Elincia pairing.

Bastian and Lucia don't get married, but their paired ending is inarguably pretty romantic. (No one would argue there isn't attraction there.) You don't have to be married to be romantically involved with someone, and it'd be kind of out of character for someone like Ike, who eschews ceremony and fanfare as much as he does, to tie the knot with anyone he's romantically involved with.

Why couldn't Ike and Ranulf be canon? There are less people arguing for it because there's less textual evidence than Ike/Soren, but it's more believable than basically any ship between Ike and a woman.

Again no disrespect intended, I'm just trying to determine what "confirms" a ship to you.

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5 minutes ago, Scary tiki goddess said:

Bastian and Lucia don't get married, but their paired ending is inarguably pretty romantic. (No one would argue there isn't attraction there.) You don't have to be married to be romantically involved with someone, and it'd be kind of out of character for someone like Ike, who eschews ceremony and fanfare as much as he does, to tie the knot with anyone he's romantically involved with.

Why couldn't Ike and Ranulf be canon? There are less people arguing for it because there's less textual evidence than Ike/Soren, but it's more believable than basically any ship between Ike and a woman.

Again no disrespect intended, I'm just trying to determine what "confirms" a ship to you.

That's why I said marriage OR romance. Bastian and Lucia are confirmed to be romantic. Ike and Soren are not. I'm sick of people claiming they are when there's no real evidence at all to such a thing. Yes, Ike gave Soren a hug. So WHAT? Good friends hug each other all the time, doesn't always mean they're in love. Soren IS obessed with Ike, but it's not really mutual for Ike. Ike decides Soren is dear to him, but that still doesn't necessarily mean romance. Friends can hold each other dear without being romantic.

My point is why can't some best friends just stay best friends? Why do they always have to be lovers?

To me, a pairing is confirmed when they're stated to get married or be in love. Ike and Soren have neither. I also don't think it's entirely out of character for Ike to get married to anyone. He values family a lot, as the art book for PoR says that it's his biggest value. I don't think he'd put marriage entirely out of the question because of this.

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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

That's why I said marriage OR romance. Bastian and Lucia are confirmed to be romantic. Ike and Soren are not. I'm sick of people claiming they are when there's no real evidence at all to such a thing. Yes, Ike gave Soren a hug. So WHAT? Good friends hug each other all the time, doesn't always mean they're in love. Soren IS obessed with Ike, but it's not really mutual for Ike. Ike decides Soren is dear to him, but that still doesn't necessarily mean romance. Friends can hold each other dear without being romantic.

My point is why can't some best friends just stay best friends? Why do they always have to be lovers?

To me, a pairing is confirmed when they're stated to get married or be in love. Ike and Soren have neither. I also don't think it's entirely out of character for Ike to get married to anyone. He values family a lot, as the art book for PoR says that it's his biggest value. I don't think he'd put marriage entirely out of the question because of this.

You don't need to be married to start or have a family?

It would make more sense for canon to all but outright state Ike's sexuality, considering the game's country of origin and the time it came out. This post explains my point better than I could: http://amielleon.dreamwidth.org/237826.html

So no, best friends don't "always" have to be lovers, but people certainly can be both.

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While I work on Zelgius (getting through it slowly), I did these two to cover the weekend:

108 Ulki

109 Janaff

I like how the first and last paragraphs are copy pasted with name and term changed. xD

1 hour ago, Scary tiki goddess said:

You don't need to be married to start or have a family?

It would make more sense for canon to all but outright state Ike's sexuality, considering the game's country of origin and the time it came out. This post explains my point better than I could: http://amielleon.dreamwidth.org/237826.html

So no, best friends don't "always" have to be lovers, but people certainly can be both.

I quite like that blog! : ) Great posts on there.

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8 hours ago, Scary tiki goddess said:

You don't need to be married to start or have a family?

It would make more sense for canon to all but outright state Ike's sexuality, considering the game's country of origin and the time it came out. This post explains my point better than I could: http://amielleon.dreamwidth.org/237826.html

So no, best friends don't "always" have to be lovers, but people certainly can be both.

Sorry, but I've seen that article and I've never agreed with it because it basically says he's gay no question and there's nothing to indicate that. Ike's sexuality is entirely unknown. If anything, I would've guessed that he's asexual, but Priam is a thing, so it makes it quite possible that he did get with a woman.

And I think if IS really wanted Ike to be gay, they'd have made it much more obvious since Heather is a thing in Tellius. She's practically all but confirmed to be lesbian.

Also, I don't think it'd be in character for Ike to have a kid without getting married due to again, his value of family. He'd most definitely want to be a family if he had a child with a woman, and so he'd marry her. Even if they wound up expecting before marriage, he'd jump on marriage as soon as he could because it's now his family.

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8 hours ago, Kirokan said:

I quite like that blog! : ) Great posts on there.

Interesting material it has. I was astonished by the revelation of the implication of Kent-Fiora pre-marital sex in the Japanese version. The well-mannered highly rational duo does it? That seems totally out of character! Sain on the other hand is more likely to die a virgin I guess because he's too up front about his romantic passions, so every woman steels themselves against his pleas (unless he turns into a criminal- which I very doubt IS would ever imagine one of its playboy types doing). And here I though sex outside of marriage wasn't a thing among FE playables.

I'm still of the "we have zero absolute certainty" camp. But the Ike-Soren debate is entertaining.

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13 hours ago, Scary tiki goddess said:

Why couldn't Ike and Ranulf be canon? There are less people arguing for it because there's less textual evidence than Ike/Soren, but it's more believable than basically any ship between Ike and a woman.

The existence of Priam (who is Ike's descendant) means that Ike has to have a relationship with a woman at some point in his life. Which means both Ike X Soren and Ike X Ranulf aren't canon.

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2 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

The existence of Priam (who is Ike's descendant) means that Ike has to have a relationship with a woman at some point in his life. Which means both Ike X Soren and Ike X Ranulf aren't canon.

I agree, because even though it's technically possible that Priam is from Mist's line instead, I doubt IS would go that route the same way they did with Marth and Anri. Priam screams Ike all over, both aesthetically and in some of his personality traits, so suddenly saying he's from Mist and not directly Ike feels pretty trollish. Plus, Priam being from Mist's line would 100% canonify her pairing with Boyd, and that's not fair to the other RD pairings that are completely optional (Mist's default ending says she remains single).

You're also going to have those fans that don't consider Priam canon for whatever reason though, NinjaMonkey, so be careful debating this. xP

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2 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

The existence of Priam (who is Ike's descendant) means that Ike has to have a relationship with a woman at some point in his life. Which means both Ike X Soren and Ike X Ranulf aren't canon.

Hey, if Nowi and Nah can exist despite Akanean dragons being infertile, then Priam can exist despite Ike being gay and never having been intimate with a woman.

Seriously, Awakening doesn't even care about it's own setting. So the last thing one should do is to put any stakes in it's opinion on entirely different settings that it has no business referencing in the first place. Nevermind that even in the context of Awakening, Priam's status as canon is dubious at best, considering he is recruited in the same Spotpass maps that also revive Emmeryn among other things.

Awakening being full of shit aside, Priam is only confirmed to be Ike's descendant. That does not have to mean that he is Priam's granddaddy. And even if Ike was, that would not prove that he wasn't gay or that he didn't get together with Soren or Ranulf. As you said, that means that Ike had a relationship with a woman at some point in his life. No more no less. Or maybe something entirely different happened. Maybe Priam was created by a mad alchemist using Ike's blood. The possibilities are endless.

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5 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Hey, if Nowi and Nah can exist despite Akanean dragons being infertile,

What? I don't remember anyone stating this. And isn't Tiki Naga's daughter? Archanean dragons are perfectly capable of reproducing.

And even if you were correct, there's a thing called retconning. Developers sometimes do that when updating the setting and characters of a story, you know. It means that they make little changes here and there so it makes more sense with what they have in mind. Pokemon originally could not breed, and then they were made able to breed!

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22 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

What? I don't remember anyone stating this. And isn't Tiki Naga's daughter? Archanean dragons are perfectly capable of reproducing.

And even if you were correct, there's a thing called retconning. Developers sometimes do that when updating the setting and characters of a story, you know. It means that they make little changes here and there so it makes more sense with what they have in mind. Pokemon originally could not breed, and then they were made able to breed!

That would not be a small retcon though. Without dragons becoming infertile, the entire Akaneia saga would not have happened because it was the dragon's unavoidable fate to become extinct that laid the entire foundation for the conflict between humans and dragons in that setting. And the decay of Duma and Mila in Gaiden for that matter.

Even the new Echoes actually references this. Well, not directly the infertility part but that the dragon race is dying. This actually surprised me quite a bit considering that I already knew that the game was adding stuff to tie Gaiden to Awakening, like referencing the Mila Tree.

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