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Veterans! Some of the greatest people in the US!


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We all know how much respect and all veterans deserve, right? They risked their lives fighting for and serving this country. They fought for things like our rights and freedom and we should always be thankful. I think they deserve free/affordable health care and service from us before anyone else, save maybe certain children, because of their deeds. A reason I became a Trump supporter is that he seems to hold the same respect for veterans and wanted to help them more. I hear too many stories about vets having to wait months for appointments or prescriptions, and that's just terrible. Some are homeless and jobless and that's not how we should be repaying them at all.

And today's Veteran's Day, so I'm making this thread. I have a lot of respect for vets because of their stories and there are vets in my own family. My stepfather and one uncle are Desert Storm/Desert Shield vets. My uncle actually fought and fired a gun too! My stepdad was in supply, though he was still in combat zones. He was also deployed to Iraq, so he's probably a vet for that too. He's also one of many vets that had to wait forever to get his meds...

Anyone else have vets in their family?

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One great uncle, both grandfathers, and one great-grandfather. My great uncle and maternal grandfather are Vietnam vets, my paternal grandfather served on the German front in the Cold War, and his father served in the Pacific Theatre. My maternal grandfather received 2 purple hearts, a bronze star, and silver star. He also told me he almost bought it from a sniper, but was saved because of his height (the shot flung his helmet off his head.)

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Oh, you do? My bad then, this includes Canadian vets too!

The ''hey'' was meant to say ''Hey, we also celebrate that too!'' not ''Hey! You forgot about us :('' you know xD (but i can't really blameyou, I didn't know you were celebrating this either).

I don't know if you guys also have the option to attach a red flower on your chest for celebrating this.

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