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What Moderators? Where?


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I think it would be a good idea to put a list under each of the forum sections of the Moderators that oversee that section. I've seen it on plenty of other forums, and I don't see what harm it could do here.



Anything not related to Fire Emblem or any of the other topics should probably go here.

Moderators: *insert Moderator name here*

Subforums: Entertainment

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Why don't you recruit more Moderators? 3 Moderators for 494 people (I counted; minus the three Mods and the Webmaster) is only one Moderator for 165 members (approximate, it was actually 164 2/3). I think you should at least have 2 more Moderators for purposes like I said. That way, 2 members get to experience what it's like to have PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER and the 3 Global Moderators have to do a little less work. Then again, maybe I'm mistaken and it's prefectly managable to have only 3 Moderators since the forum is only moderately sized and centralized around FE?

Edited by Xixiel
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We don't need it.

We all get along pretty well, none of us are those ones who constantly break the rules for fun, and Fox/Arc are pretty good at catching that, not to mention with Joyshua returning.

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We don't need any more moderators. The Admins and the mods are doing a great job, plus everyone gets along with each other fine.

Well, not EVERYONE. There are a couple that argue quite a bit.

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