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Count Until Mods Post! Current Count: 69 haha sex number


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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sadly yes, and I'm on the verge of asking for a ban until the current semester is over.

I am Alcor, the Lifespan Star. I am the deadline you dread, the end to all. When I fade from sight, thou wilt have succeed or failed. But it will be your fault and not mine and that of my colleagues above.

I am the Neglected Star. I am ignored just as your obligations are. In the sky dark and bright I hide, as you do in all you that is not performance of thy proper task.

Not a bad idea.

Curses! Perchance you know of the star that makes me wish to spend my limited time wasting away on a counting thread to infinity with no goal and infested with blind mammals that dig under the ground and share a name with a specific feature that sometimes appears on the skin of humans? For once I know of this star's identity, I can then curse and revile it, bringing me one step closer to focusing on the tasks that matter more.

4 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

I didn't get ninjad, but I just wanted to add to @Rex Glacies that I still haven't finished vacuuming. I'm getting closer though!

You better have finished it by now though, right?


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6 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

You better have finished it by now though, right?

Heh, don't worry, I finished a few minutes after I posted that. I just wanted to share that I hadn't finished vacuuming while I still had the chance to :P

310 On the bright side, it wasn't Natalie or Anime this time.


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2 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:


I don't feel like bothering with telling you how rude it was for you to ninja me. 

I didn't ninja you, I think. Whatever happened, your number is wrong.

1 minute ago, SullyMcGully said:

Wait, you just ninja'd yourself. That's weird.


And wrong again.


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What I should be writing, a historiography of at most 18-24 pages (hey, I've got 3 weeks or 21 days as of tomorrow). I've had all the books in my room for months, read mostly but not critically analyzed into papers. And I should also be working on a syllabus (I never want to teach because I'd be bad at it, but the professor demands it for a grade- hopefully it won't be too bad).

Instead, I've been fanficting of embellishments to Shadow Dragon's well worded and simple, but all too short script. One embellishment was on trying to flesh out Camus in a post Chapter 7 scene. My goal, give the first Camus reason for being such a Camus- loyal to a fault.:

      • The scene then shifts to Grust, earlier than the end of the battle above to be precise. Camus informs his King Ludwik that Aurelis has been liberated. Ludwik responds says they must conquer Aurelis immediately, they cannot upset Emperor Medeus. Camus says he understands this, and with support from Gra is preparing to fight in Aurelis again. But more importantly, it appears that the newly formed Archanean League has headed southeast, it must be attempting to free Archanea. Your Majesty, please grant me leave and allow me to chase down Prince Marth and his Aurelian allies, Dolhr will be most pleased if we are able to accomplish such. Ludwik then speaks, sorry, but Dolhr told him not to let you Camus leave the country whatsoever. Forgive me my greatest general, but I cannot let you leave. Camus says he understand. Ludwik then grants his request to pursue up Prince Marth’s forces immediately, all resources the Kingdom of Grust has are at his disposal. Ludwik’s dialogue bears signs of weakness, such as a stutter, but no bitterness- he is a good man at heart.
    • Camus leaves his king’s audience, following him is Lorenz, who was quietly in attendance. Camus asks Lorenz to go to Archanea in his stead. Lorenz turns this offer down, why must he obey His Majesty? You alone could bring a swift end to Archanea. Camus says he Lorenz is more experienced than he is, even if truth be granted that he Camus the Sable as he has become known is superior, you are no certainly slouch, you too are the pride of Grust. Lorenz then asks if Princes Marth and Hardin are such a threat, why not join them against Medeus? You did- . Camus then interrupts Lorenz. I already tried to escape my collar, I did what I could, should I struggle again, I will suffocate. Lorenz then utters little more than a “but” only for Camus to sternly rebuke him. His Majesty King Ludwik of Grust obeys Lord Medeus, and I obey King Ludwik. Would you have me defy him!? As a man of so many years Lorenz, I’d expect you to know the history of our land better than I. 
      • For the hundreds of years when Grust was a remote province of the Kingdom of Archanea, it was ruled by royal governors. These governors were supposed to obey Archanea, and at first they did. But so far from Pales, the governors found themselves free to skirt their duties, and so they began to live like kings. It is in the blood of us Grustians to fight, and once we saw the luxuries the governors were amassing, we coveted them. It didn’t have to turn out this way, but it did. One day, a general in the governor’s service, envying what he had, killed the governor in cold blood. He then took the position for himself, and Pales turned a blind eye to the murder. Pales turned a blind eye to much of what happened in the following centuries, as long as it got its tax revenues. General after general overthrew each other and engaged in their own wanton fit of violence and hedonism until they too were dispossessed. Stability, imposed by Archanea or by some miracle of internal dynastic succession, was always temporary. King Ordwin brought an end to this vicious cycle, he suppressed the Grustian martial instinct and got the generals and advisors to heel. Since then, the day of independence from Archanea and from the rule by disobedient brutes, Grust has known peace and prosperity.
    • Would you have me disobey His Majesty and set a precedent that could return Grust to its dark age? His Majesty is weak, but he has children, so as long as Grust’s royal line endures and its military is intact, one day, a king may come who will wish to see Dolhr overthrown. The loyal generals of that age as strong as us will be able to overthrow Dolhr, and they’ll do it without ruining Grust. For now, Dolhr is a fair master, we provide the forces that staff much of its empire, and we pay a little extra in taxes, that is all. The Kingdom of Grust and its people can bear this, they cannot and should not endure bloodshed of time past ever again. Do you understand Lorenz? Dumbstruck into silence by Camus’s words, Lorenz agrees, he will go on and stop the Archanean League. Camus says he has already sent a messenger to the garrisons to the distant east, hopefully they’ll be able to buy you some time.


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Uh oh. I think my computer is breaking. I thought that Beep had ninja'd me, and then doubleposted, with the second post coming after my post. Regardless, I was talking about Beep, not you, Rex.


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2 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Uh oh. I think my computer is breaking. I thought that Beep had ninja'd me, and then doubleposted, with the second post coming after my post. Regardless, I was talking about Beep, not you, Rex.

Oh yeah, that happened to me once too, a while ago. I think it only happens when people post especially close to each other, and the forum doesn't know what to do for a bit.


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15 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

On the bright side, it wasn't Natalie or Anime this time.

These are the key words in this phrase. Im coming for you Beep.  If our mafia game is any indication though I won't be able to kill you. I couldn't hit the red side of a barn. Maybe I should become a storm trooper.  I'd fit right in with my awful aim.this has been the ramblings of an insane person. You may now continue on with your regularly scheduled counting. 


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