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I'll try by posting updates on my Hard/Classic Echoes playthrough despite the fact that I'm bad at Fire Emblem. Maybe that'll make this less boring. Hopefully.

Right now I'm at Act 3, hating life because I was so, so close to beating Tatarrah without killing Delthea; but Alm had to get himself killed. Meanwhile on Celica's route: I'm going to fight Grieth and hope for the best.


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36 minutes ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

Right now I'm at Act 3, hating life because I was so, so close to beating Tatarrah without killing Delthea; but Alm had to get himself killed. Meanwhile on Celica's route: I'm going to fight Grieth and hope for the best.

If you could survive the Dean or the Sonya, Grieth is a cinch.

I'm considering doing a males only Alm females only Celica run, probably on Normal Classic. Team Alm leaves me without a healer, hmm.... Tobin would go Mage for Physic. Kliff, I'd think Mage as well, but perhaps Mercenary instead for two Dread Fighters, or even Archer. Faye is definitely going Cleric as always, on my Alm-females Celica-males run, she is like level 10/15, and managed to accrue 19 Def or so.

Randal is going with Alm, Emma will just have to sit on the bench. Shade and Yuzu should be able to help Celica quite nicely, but I think I might burn a Pitchfork on Yuzu, she is just lacking as Priestess with only 4 Move I find.



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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If you could survive the Dean or the Sonya, Grieth is a cinch.

The only difference between Dean and Grieth is that Dean is a Myrmidon while Grieth is a Dread Fighter who is able to murder your party. Also there's that annoying Cantor as well. Aside from that, I'm throwing my Valbar to be the physical tank that I need.


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1 minute ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

The only difference between Dean and Grieth is that Dean is a Myrmidon while Grieth is a Dread Fighter who is able to murder your party. Also there's that annoying Cantor as well. Aside from that, I'm throwing my Valbar to be the physical tank that I need.


Grieth has no Brave Sword, that cuts down on his damage output significantly. 


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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Grieth has no Brave Sword, that cuts down on his damage output significantly. 

True. I'm still throwing Valbar and Saber with the Brave Sword at him because I don't want to lose any units.

Also doing an all male or all female run sounds fun. I'll try that later.


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1 minute ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

Also doing an all male or all female run sounds fun. I'll try that later.


I've done this for a bunch of FEs (making little exceptions to the rules where needed- like Alm in SoV when females-only on his side, and a bunch in RD- Sothe, Ike, Geoffrey in Parts 2 and 3). The difficulty varies from game to game- it's hard in Shadow Dragon if you don't warpskip, but it's easy in Path of Radiance, since Titania, Marcia, and Jill all happen to be female and are the best characters in PoR, Astrid, Tanith and Lethe all rock too.


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1 hour ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

I'll try by posting updates on my Hard/Classic Echoes playthrough despite the fact that I'm bad at Fire Emblem. Maybe that'll make this less boring. Hopefully.

Very interesting, would love to hear how that is going.  Keep us tuned in!

I'm actually thinking about doing a Conquest Lunatic run using captured units once I'm done with my current playthrough.  Probably won't be a FULL capturables run like some crazy masochists I've seen do.  But it will be something similar to what I am doing in my current Hard Mode File: using at least 2 capturables starting at Chapter 10, at least 4 starting Chapter 12, and 6 starting Chapter 18.  I shall call it "Haitaka's Suicide Squad."

I'll be sure to post it on the thread I have started in the Fates Forum. It documents enemy units I and other users have captured in Conquest.  If you play Conquest and love using captured units like I do feel free to post there as well.


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So I now have the beauty that is a Dread Fighter Gray and Gold Knight Kliff and currently grinding to get a Bow Knight Tobin since he is like one level away from promotion. Meanwhile I got Sonya on my team because Boey sucks and I really want another offensive mage on my team. Also Est is on my team only so I can say I got all the units I can.


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