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What are your Favorite Player Phase Map Themes in the SNES era?

Pizza Johns

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I'll list mine from each game.

Mystery of the Emblem: "Advance"(Beginning chapters theme)and "Holy War"(Final chapter theme}

Genealogy of the Holy War: "Girl of the Spirit Forest"(Chapter 1 theme) and "Lionheart Eldigan"(Chapter 3 theme)

Thracia 776:" Advance B" and "Base" (Haven't played much of Thracia 776)

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Doors of Destiny.

One of my favourites in the series, and certainly a strong contender for the series.

Not like I hate them all, just that this one stands out in particular.

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For Player Phase...

I don't know, actually! I like too many of them to pick just one.

Now, for my favorite Enemy Phase theme; it is, of course, the objective most jammin' Enemy Phase theme in all of Fire Emblem:

Edited by Topaz Light
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Should sum it up

This, some of my favorite BGM in the whole series (along with the FE12 version, although the tone is way different there).

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FE3: Holy War

FE4: Lionheart Eldigan, Doors of Destiny, Light and Darkness, and The Final Holy War always stood out most for me.

FE5: Don't remember much of Thracia's OST since I never got past Chapter 10. I did listen to the soundtrack on YouTube, but from what I remember, it stood out much more for its cutscene music and recruitment theme than the majority of the the map themes. I remember them being good, but I always loved the other music in the game more.

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Now, for my favorite Enemy Phase theme; it is, of course, the objective most jammin' Enemy Phase theme in all of Fire Emblem:

Knew what this would be before I even looked at the video. Good choice!

I'm going to have to go with FE4 Prologue: Birth of a Holy Knight. Also reprised in FE8!

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For me they are:

FE3: Liberation (it's very epic)

FE4: Disturbance in Agustria (could listen to that one forever), although most of FE4 themes are great: Doors of Destiny, Light Inheritors, Dragon Knights of Thracia, Birth of the Holy Knight, etc

I haven't played enough of FE5 to have a favorite song...

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FE3: I like all the Player phase themes, but Expedition and Holy War especially stand out. That said...

takes the cake.

FE4: The one that stands out most to me was also used in PoR (under a different name) and Awakening (I think it was Light and Dark?)

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FE3: Expedition and Holy War

FE4: Literally all of G1. I seriously can't pick. I also love Light Inheritor The Final Holy War for both being kind of different takes on Birth of a Holy Knight as well. Though let's be real, FE4's just got hella good map themes period.

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FE3: Expedition and Holy War

FE4: Literally all of G1. I seriously can't pick. I also love Light Inheritor The Final Holy War for both being kind of different takes on Birth of a Holy Knight as well. Though let's be real, FE4's just got hella good map themes period.

I would say FE4 overall is probably my favorite OST in the series.

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