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Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War 2017 Tier List - Day 39: The support kids (Corple, Lene, Sharlow and Laylea)


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Noish has 2 skills that never feel like they matter (as both of them use stats he has low growths for (Speed is used for Charge, while Critical uses Skill), and while Critical feels extraneous, Charge can screw him over be getting hit on the second round), growths that emphasise tanking and not much else. Being mounted doesn't fully cover for this, even if he can use both swords and lances (lances being a particularly slow weapon group also means him against an enemy with pursuit will not end well).

One comparison I like to make is that Noish, Alec, Arden and Midir each are outclassed by other units in the first gen as units (Beowolf, Fin, Lex and Jamke), even if they're not terrible in their own right.

As a parent (Something that didn't matter for Sigurd), he's actually pretty interesting for some pairings. Ayra's kids get the ability to continue combat (which they will like) and a potential nuke attack, on top of giving them a good strength boost. While it's certainly poor for growths (Sety gets 5% magic from him), he gives Fury's kids Charge and thus maximum attack number potential (when Fee promotes). Faval would like Charge to increase damage output, but Patty can get screwed over by it (that and no Pursuit before promotion). He's not much good for either Aideen, Lachesis, Sylvia or Tiltyu, which would prefer other dads entirely.

I'll grade him 5/10, mostly because he's mounted and his potential as a dad. If you're not counting inheritance, 4/10 as just a unit.

I will say this though: he can actually be a REALLY good father in some situations where the kids already have Pursuit, so there already that.

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Noish, the red knight. He has a horse... and that's about where the good things end. He can't double. He doesn't have enough skill to crit often. Charge is itself. I managed to get him to promotion once, but he never was a particularly good unit. He might be decent if you give him the Pursuit Ring or something, but others would want that. I suppose he can reach the enemies...

4/10. Can't really do much.

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I would give Noish a 5/10:

He can become a very useful unit, but that requires an investment that is better don with other and better characters.

Plus, he doesn't even have Alec's turban

This. I like him and enjoy the kids he makes with Ayra, but he's solidly mediocre. 5/10.

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I'm not gonna count his potential as a father as part of his rating.

Noish is alright. Getting Critical and poor skill is kind of puzzling, he can take the skill ring to help out if he wants since it's not too high in demand. If you don't pass the pursuit ring to Leaf (which he really doesn't need anyway) he's the perfect candidate for the pursuit ring, as his offence is incredible with it. His speed, while bad, is good enough to double almost all the slow gen 1 enemies, and his durability and strength is great. On top of that her has perfect availability and is mounted.

6.5/10. He's nowhere near as bad as people make him out to be.

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Early on he's not terribly reliable but really a lot of your chumps aren't. He's a good candidate for stuff like the pursuit ring because most enemies weigh themselves down horribly. His weapon ranks suck though, but you could slap the Hero Sword on him for lols - which is good because it means he's got more a chance to crit. He's kinda lame after like chapter 4, but to be honest so is everyone but Sigurd. He's a passable parent for a couple of kids too if that helps.


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I'll adjust my scoring, I've not given him enough credit. 5/10 as a unit, 6/10 counting his potential as a parent.

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Noish is pretty great. He requires investment but imo he's the best candidate for it. He's only really competing with Erin for the brave lance and she is better of with magic swords. If he gets the pursuit ring along with the brave lance he's just silly. 7/10

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Noish's speed is his major downer. He's really crying for a speed ring.

His low base skill isn't very helpful either but slim swords can fix the problem.

On the other hand he can become a serious powerhouse when he crits.

I think he's a good father for Lakche who can benefit from the critical skill the most.

All in all he's still my second least favorite cavalier after Alec: 6/10


Edit: This Noish in my current FE4 run gets a 8/10.

WOW. You get extremely lucky, especially in Speed! :O

Now is a good time to give him the Pursuit ring, cause for once, he WILL kick lots of asses! :D

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WOW. You get extremely lucky, especially in Speed! :O

Now is a good time to give him the Pursuit ring, cause for once, he WILL kick lots of asses! :D

I gave him the speed ring too, so he has 23 speed actually.

If Noish is slow like he normally is, he can only really benefit from the pursuit ring in combination with the speed ring.

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And so, with the 11 votes I received for the 2nd day, Noish recieved a pretty subpar average of 5.32/10. That's actually kind of low for a mounted unit, but whatever!
EDIT: Five more votes have entered, which put him to an average of 5.45/10 instead. Well, like Leo once said, ''Any growth is good growth.''.

Now, it is time to talk about his Green equivalent, Alec!

Class: Cavalier (Level 2)

Holy Blood: None
Personal Skills: Pursuit, Nihil

Class Skills: None
32 HP (70%)
9 Strength (30%)

0 Magic (5%)
9 Skill (40%)
10 Speed (30%)
7 Defense (30%)
0 Resistance (5%)
4 Luck (30%)

My thoughts: If I gave a 4/10 to Noish, you would expect me to bash his ''brother'' Alec just as hard, right? Well, unless you read the topic I wrote a few days ago, it's time to surprise you a bit, because I actually like this guy!
So, because I'm lazy, I'll just give him a 7.5/10 (including the +0.5 bias because of him being the sorta ancestor to Sain in term of personality) and shamelessly link you to my topic right here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=67485

P.S.: He's also apparently really good with Magic Swords and a Magic Ring when promoted, as General Horace pointed out...

Edited by OliKad
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6.5/10. Has some pretty low damage output but Pursuit at least makes him somewhat decent and Nihil has it's uses. (+0.5 bias cuz I find his interactions with Sylvia funny)

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He's the safest bet to recruit Ayra because of Nihil if he has enough HP a/o defense, That's all credits I can give to him so far.
His strength is really bad and the other stats aren't impressing either. I never gave him the power or magic ring yet because other units like Fury need it more than Alec does because of her mobility (especially chapter 4 and 5). The consequence was that I couldn't promote him in my first and in my current run either.

Edit: Since I don't know Alec's true potential and he's not too far away in terms of usefulness compared to Noish I give him 5/10.

However I still find him worse than Noish because of his lower attack power and bad defense. Noish's Charge combined with his strength can compensate his lack of Pursuit. I also consider Noish as a better father. Only Lachesis or Fury can benefit from Nihil.

I think a difference of one point between these two seems to be more realistic and fair than two points.

Class Skills: None

Ah, ok. Didn't really pay attention on it.

I just though it'd be mentioned under promotion gains.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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He's the safest bet to recruit Ayra because of Nihil if he has enough HP a/o defense, That's all credits I can give to him so far.

His strength is really bad and the other stats aren't impressing either. I never gave him the power or magic ring yet because other units like Fury need it more than Alec does because of her mobility (especially chapter 4 and 5). The consequence was that I couldn't promote him in my first and in my current run either.

The second least usable unit for me after Arden: 4,5/10

(maybe he can turn out as useful as Noish with some investment)

Edit: Which skill does he learn after his promotion (if he does)?

None, I specified it in my latest post ;)

Also, Erin/Fury having more mobility is arguable, since Alec technically has more movement and can benefit from roads, at the cost being slowed down by forests and peaks.

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Slightly better than Noish, very good if you promote him by chapter 3, very mediocre otherwise. Magic Ring + Magic sword is great on him as emphasized earlier. Pretty decent damage output in the first two maps too. I'll give him a 7/10.

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Ah Alec. He has Pursuit, so that's good right? Yes, but he has his own issues that differ from Noish. He has more balanced growths, but they're also quite low across the board. As in there's a possibility he'd not grow much at all and be dead weight. He blocks Astra with Nihil (making him a good choice to distract Ayra) provided he has procced something to improve his durability. Nihil really doesn't matter otherwise. I may be overstating the growths here; in combat he tends to be alright, but he's usually not able to tank a bunch of hits. Being able to double is great for him, but if he can't take the hits, he might not get the chance to dish them out. Lances also dent in his speed, though at least he's more likely to have good speed.

While I can see the argument that he can use magic swords well, his growth is actually the same as Noish. Meaning he's not going to be doing much damage (Though I admit that I've always seen him proc a magic point or two in personal experience). I'm going to avoid marking passing equipment onto other units when rating them (Any unit can be improved with this in mind).

Pairing wise, there are a few options. Lachesis actually can be an alright pairing, as he gives both Pursuit and some protection from critical attacks (Though there's not enough horseslayers for it to matter), though growth wise it's nothing much. Sylvia's kids get it too, but they'd prefer other growths than what he gives. For Brigged he can give Pursuit early to Patty (and some swords), but there's nothing much for Faval in it. Other pairings don't work so well (He may give Pursuit to Aideen and Tiltyu's kids, but they don't care for his growths. Fury's kids just get Awareness (Not bad for Fee to be fair). And Ayra's kids get nothing from him). Really, he just doesn't matter much as a dad for the most part.

I think a solid 6/10 is fine. Pursuit is that useful in G1 to mark him above Noish, but I don't think his contributions as a dad push him up much separately.

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He has good speed and Pursuit, which means he'll double most of the time, and Nihil, tough It's not that useful, consdering enemies tend to have no skills.

I give him 6/10 because, while his low strength hinders his utility, he can still be useful since he has Pursuit and, if he has enough HP for it, he may even be able to recruit Ayra, which is honestly quite the accomplishment for me.

Plus, I unironically like his turban

While I can see the argument that he can use magic swords well, his growth is actually the same as Noish. Meaning he's not going to be doing much damage (Though I admit that I've always seen him proc a magic point or two in personal experience). I'm going to avoid marking passing equipment onto other units when rating them (Any unit can be improved with this in mind).

It must be said that Alec can double, so, while Noish is going to do little damage with a magic sword, Alec can do that "little damage" twice in a round.

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I give Alec a flying turban with the number 5/10 at his face.

For me, Alec has always been the worst unit in the case of offense (besides Dew that is). Even if he doubles, the total damage is usually the same amount of damage Noish does with a single hit. So, yes, his Pursuit is not much beneficial with such poor strength. Although he has Nihil, so that's a plus.

He also manages to dodge most attacks from enemies in the Prologue and Chapter 1, and his Nihil prevents Ayra from using her Astra skill on him. Thus, he's the perfect candidate to lure one of the best units in FE4 away from 'whatever its name was' castle, in order to recruit said unit. Another plus point to green hair guy.

Unfortunately, that's about how useful he gets; starting ch2, he's basically average(weak is what I would rather say tho) against most enemies.

There's also the problem of his high love growth with Sylvia. This would not have been much of a problem if it weren't for the fact that Sylvia's children are a dancer and a healer. Even you don't do their special conversation, Alec is bound to fall in love with her, if Levin doesn't get her first.

p.s. can we have a -0.5 bias? If so, change the 5 to 4.5.

Edited by Flee Fleet!
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I give Alec a flying turban with the number 5/10 at his face.

For me, Alec has always been the worst unit in the case offense (besides Dew that is). Even if he doubles, the total damage is usually the same amount of damage Noish does, with a single hit. So, yes, his Pursuit is not much beneficial, especially with poor strength. Although he has Nihil, so that's a plus.

He also manages to dodge most attacks from enemies in the Prologue and Chapter 1, and his Nihil prevents Ayra from using her Astra skill on him. Thus, he's the perfect candidate to lure one of the best units of FE4 away from 'whatever its name was' castle, in order to recruit said unit. Another plus point to green hair guy.

Unfortunately, that's about how useful he gets; starting ch2, he's basically average(weak is what I would rather say tho) against most enemies.

There's also the problem of his high love growth with Sylvia. This would not have been much of a problem if it weren't for the fact that Sylvia's children are a dancer and a healer. Even you don't do their special conversation, Alec is bound to fall in love with her, if Levin doesn't get her first.

p.s. can we have a -0.5 bias? If so, change the 5 to 4.5.

Yeah, you can, I also specified this in my original post about god Sigurd.

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5.5 for Noish and 6 for Alec from me. Noish actually is a pretty awesome bosskiller in lategame but Alec overall has better utilty overall. They're slightly above average both but promoted Alec can make great use of Magic Swords and you can also give pass him Sigurd's 50 kill Steel Sword for better offense. In early game he does reliable damage and dodges Axe fighters well. He's kinda shaky in Ch.2 but all around solid otherwise.

Noish is far better a father though, he's actually one of the best fathers in all of gen 1, but I don't think that affects the rating so Alec has a slight edge.

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Oh, I just now noticed this thread.

I could contribute, I suppose.

I'll give Alec a 4.5/10

Middling damage output is useful earlygame but withers away quickly.

Pursuit is nice but he doesn't have the strength and damage output to make use of it well.

Nihil is situational and isn't very useful in Gen 1, due to lack of skills.

There are ways to fix him, of course, but I feel as if most other units could use said items much better than he ever could, unlike Noish, who I feel can make the most out of the things that fix him, and could always pass onto someone else later, regardless.

Mediocre father, much better people who can pass pursuit down.

Alright earlygame, doesn't contribute much at all later, for the most part.

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babby sigurd and can't even use a silver weapon

at least he has pursuit to pass down and nihil can be nice on fee or something

otherwise he's pretty meh, but I guess he won't miss much action


(I'd give Sigurd a 10/10 and Noish a 6/10 respectively. If you still want to include my ratings, if possible, then I can clarify, too.)

Edited by Zeems
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I'm wondering that so many people voted Alec better than Noish.

Sure in earlygame Alec's pursuit comes handy... but at the latest in chapter 2 his skill doesn't help him anymore because statwise (mainly strength) he falls behind the others. Noish's strength combined with critical skill works better than if Alec does like 2x8 damage to an opponent.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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