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What do you like in a significant other?


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I don't know about you guys, but there are somethings I want my gf to have. Not neccessary, but sure makes things better. I prefer cute girls, then beautiful, then hot. I like a girl who can cook, cuz nothing says "I love you" betterthan some brownies to back it up. I like girls that are short n skinny, but not anorexic. I LOVE red hair, be it orange hair or fake red. If you have it, I like you 5x more than others. You MUST be affectionate. I'm an affectionate guy, and if I can't get hugs, bye bye relationship. And finally, not to be a perv or anything, you have to have nice boobs. Not big, just nice. That's why girl hugs are better than guys. Softness :)

Edited by Vanessa
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I will only accept advances from those who speak fluent Gaelic, have heterochromatic eyes, and who have a framed picture of a wheelbarrow in their bathroom. I refuse all the vacuous losers who do not fit these criteria.

Edited by Wist
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I like someone who will hold me when I need to be held, or just feel like being held. They need to be smart though, as I can't stand it if I end up having to be so blunt about anything.

I'm not one to whine about people buying me things, as I discourage it.

Looks aren't the highest thing on my list, but they DO matter, but my standards are NOT impossibly high.

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I will only accept advances from those who speak fluent Gaelic, have heterochromatic eyes, and who have a framed picture of a wheelbarrow in their bathroom. I refuse all the vacuous losers who do not fit these criteria.

:blink: you'll be searching for quite a while...

I guess what the the first post said. Except for the red hard part I don't mind the hair color at all, but I like long hair. Oh, and tall, because I'm 6"4' and no drinking or smoking because I'm at that age where half the people I knew in high school do it...

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I like someone who will hold me when I need to be held, or just feel like being held. They need to be smart though, as I can't stand it if I end up having to be so blunt about anything.

I'm not one to whine about people buying me things, as I discourage it.

Looks aren't the highest thing on my list, but they DO matter, but my standards are NOT impossibly high.

Umm.. Wow... Err.... Why on earth did I quote this?

Anyway, I want her to be cute and kind. And it would be nice if she was into videogames too. Uhh...

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Yes, smart people are definitely preferred.

Btw, hair color doesn't matter to me. I just really like red hair because of this older girl I had a crush on in 9th grade. She worked at this little coffee shop that was next to my house, and she'd give me free Italian sodas when I taught her Japanese... I miss her :(

Edited by Vanessa
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I like a smart and loyal girl. One that would not leave just for money.

She must also know how to cook as i can't even boil water.

Edited by Slayer
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Uniqueness that I happen to like, a mind of her own and that she likes me.

Yes! I don't care what people think about me doing it this way, but that's the only type of girl I like.

Unfortunately I live in the middle of nowhere, so most of the girls I know are rednecks, average girly-girls, and the high-and-mighty type (whom I loathe). The girls that don't fit smoothly into any of those are usually my friends.

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common sense, mutual love and respect are things that i look up in a girl.

it's pretty hard to find these where i live. But most of all, i want to have fun together with her, my family and friends. It's all about having fun

i haven't hooked up a girl (pretty hard to say to strangers), but i want to fufill my demands.

I've been a nervous kid since i was born. Very shy with women, but i want to change that (lol i'll stop here and try to not going overboard :D)

btw, nice topic there

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I was always hard to please here.

I want someone faithful, obviouly, someone who loves me for ME, not for who she/he wants to make me, and I want someone who I love, can get along with, and actually has a personality. I mean, I don't want some girl who feels nothing, I want one that would make jokes and such...also a brain is always good.

But I got mine, so you lose, I win.

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Adding some more since some of you reminded me.

Unique girls are definitely the way to go. But it's very hard to find unique people these days. I'll just settle for a personality that I like. From what I've seen, when you date a person and love them, they'll seem unique to you no matter how similar to others they are. There's gotta be some reason you chose them, right?

I also like girls I can play around with. I often like to tease and tickle them, but I do so playfully. They should be able to take some jokes without flipping out.

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oh yeah. I hate bitchy girls who think they're the shit when they're the ones sleeping with every guy. I also hate girls who think they are fat (when they're like 130 lbs)/ugly(when they're hot as hell)/emo(dont wanna expand)/whatever

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oh yeah. I hate bitchy girls who think they're the shit when they're the ones sleeping with every guy. I also hate girls who think they are fat (when they're like 130 lbs)/ugly(when they're hot as hell)/emo(dont wanna expand)/whatever

If it means anything, I think I'm too skinny? (106 Pounds this morning.)

It seems a lot of the, "uniqueness," fetish here is associated with me, as I've gotten so many messages from people saying they admire me...

I'm not really that, "unique."

Edited by Cynthia
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If it means anything, I think I'm too skinny? (106 Pounds this morning.)

It seems a lot of the, "uniqueness," fetish here is associated with me, as I've gotten so many messages from people saying they admire me...

I'm not really that, "unique."

you're the first to say "too skinny", but that doesn't bother me too much

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Uniqueness isn't really something you can find in a person... They may seem unique to you, but there's always gonna be somebody who is like that person. Kinda hard to explain. I don't really find you, Cynthia, to be unique( no offense). You're just a really awesome person that has a strong sense of right and wrong, seems pretty smart and intelligent(There is a difference. A students can be "smart" but not intelligent), and seems t have common sense, something I rarely see nowadays. So yeah. Add intelligent and common sense to my incredible growing list of PREFERENCES( not requirements).

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To begin I love women not just because they are pretty or anything its just that, their soft touch their warmth and their feelings are so warm and great I just love to be around them, it makes me feel like a new different person, I know this sounds corny, but yea lol

Now what do I like, note this is like my dream girl

- Intellegant

- Athletic

- Beautiful

- Alot of passion in her


- Has contrasting beliefs with me, it makes conversation

- Needs to be understanding about worldly and personal issues

- Has to like Shawn Johnson XD

Well that basically my girl friend except she doesn't like Shawn XD

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To begin I love women not just because they are pretty or anything its just that, their soft touch their warmth and their feelings are so warm and great I just love to be around them, it makes me feel like a new different person, I know this sounds corny, but yea lol

Now what do I like, note this is like my dream girl

- Intellegant

- Athletic

- Beautiful

- Alot of passion in her


- Has contrasting beliefs with me, it makes conversation

- Needs to be understanding about worldly and personal issues

- Has to like Shawn Johnson XD

Well that basically my girl friend except she doesn't like Shawn XD

Good luck in your quest. It's pretty damn hard to find a girl that's almost perfect.

That's why i ignore any cons in the girl. if i'm satisfied, there shouldn't be a problem (depending on the cons, that is)

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