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Awakening or Fates?


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So I still haven't decide which of the games to ask for christmas. I dont want a super hard game, but also not a super easy game, and since im a new FE player, the map design does not really matter. I was looking foward to deeper character development, character customization, cut-scenes and sountrack. So which one do you think I should play?

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It depends on how much you value what you're looking forward to.

In terms of character development, you won't find too much in Awakening, but you will find next to none in Fates, and if you want the complete experience, you'll have to play all three routes of Fates, more or less.

Character customization is a thing in Fates because you can buy accessories, although keep in mind a lot of them clip through things like hair and armors they're not supposed to go with. A lot of people also find male Corrin to be lacking in good customization options when it comes to his hair and face. Still, I think Fates takes this one.

I like the cutscenes far more in Awakening; there's more fan service in Fates and I think that ruins the mood a lot. I also find them to be much less impactful.

Both games have stellar soundtracks.

As for gameplay, Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest has my favorite maps of any Fire Emblem game, but it can be a bit tough for the casual player. Awakening's maps, in comparison, can be a bit dull, but I have a lot more fun with that installment than Birthright and Revelation.

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in terms of soundtrack I'd say Fates

but i feel like everything else you mentioned is better in awakening aside from character customization since fates does a bit better with that and lets you put on fun little accessories and stuff

there isn't really much character development at all in either game but at least chrom gets a little whereas no one in fates really has any

and the cutscenes in awakening have this super pretty style which are really nice and have really great voice acting

fates has nice looking cutscenes too but i didn't really like any of them I saw as much as in awakening because even though some of them are better visually (there's one really cool one) the events aren't as impactful or interesting and the voice acting isn't done as well

and if you don't want a really hard game definitely don't get conquest it's pretty difficult

also you kiiinda have to buy three games to get the full story of fates but you don't have to play more than one i guess

so yeah i'd say awakening but it depends on your tastes

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Do you plan on playing both eventually? Because if that's the case, I'd recommend starting with Awakening and then eventually going to Fates. Characters are kind of Hit or Miss on both of them, but I prefer Fates over Awakening's. I think the the main characters Chrom and Robin (Awakening) aren't extremely interesting, but they are inoffensive. Corrin and Azura (Fates), on the other hand, are two characters that I can not stand. I think Conquest is the funnest gameplay wise, but it is difficult and NOT recommended to someone relatively new to the series. Birthright and Awakening are relatively friendly, but I will say even though I prefer Birthright's gameplay to Awakening's (for the most part), Birthright is a bit TOO easy in my opinion............ don't buy any of them for their writing

Overall, I think you're real choices should either be Birthright or Awakening. But honestly, if you will eventually play both Fates and Awakening, I'd recommend Awakening first. I enjoyed Awakening when I first played it, but I find it a bit hard to go back to nowadays. Even more so since I enjoy Fates gameplay more

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You're not going to find really deep characters in either game, however I find that both games have a few well written supports.

In terms of game play Fates wins by a mile. Fates just has more varied map design and more mission objectives (especially in Conquest) while Awakening just has mostly open fields for maps with little variety. Awakening has too much luck based mechanics as you can never rely on a dual strike or dual guard to happen, while Fates has a consistent way of telling you when either a dual guard or strike will happen.

I'm not to fond of how heavily Awakening relies on luck.

I'd say go with Fates

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If you plan on getting both eventually, then get Awakening first. If you only plan on getting just one for now, get Fates.

Conquest will eat you alive if you're a new player (and it will even if you aren't), so I would suggest getting Birthright first. If you buy all three routes of Fates, then you get three times the playtime of Awakening for twice the price.

I was looking foward to deeper character development, character customization, cut-scenes and sountrack. So which one do you think I should play?

Awakening and Fates are generally equal in all these departments, but...

-Due to how supports work no one can really change, but Awakening's protagonist does go through reverse character development by the end if that means anything. The supports do provide insight into every character's personality though.

-The avatars in both games are essentially fixed characters personality wise, but Fates has more customization options.

-The cutscenes in both games are good, but they don't come up often. Counting all three routes, Fates has more of them.

-The soundtracks in both games are good, but Fates has more variety (with European and Japanese inspired tracks) and a gorgeous singer.

Edited by Lightchao42
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Awakening is good for newcomers in the series. Although I prefer Fates, Awakening is good to start off with because it's very standard Fire Emblem. It really delves into the lore at times.

Drastic character development is usually pertained only to the main cast of each of the games though, unless you get their *optional* supports.

They're both pretty good map-wise, I prefer Fates' more due to it's variety.

Customization can be better for both games, but they're not that bad. Fates is a little bit better at variety though.

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By chance do you have the money for both? It is the holidays after all, haha. If you do, I'd also say it's probably best to play Awakening first and then Fates (either Birthright or Conquest will do, I'm not sure you want every path, the former is like Awakening but better and the latter will give you more refreshing challenges) since Fates just redefines Awakening's gameplay so well.

Plus, three child characters in Awakening return as parent characters in Conquest, so you might get more out of that.

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Ok I think im going to get awakening. BUT in my country awakening is kinda rare to find, so if i dont find awakening i'll get bitrthright.

Anyway thanks to all of you for sharing your opinion. If i was to get both it will problaby be late 2017 in my birthday, because my family isn't the richest :|

Edited by PurpleKawaii
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Ok I think im going to get awakening. BUT in my country awakening is kinda rare to find, so if i dont find awakening i'll get bitrthright.

Anyway thanks to all of you for sharing your opinion. If i was to get both it will problaby be late 2017 in my birthday, because my family isn't the richest :|

Didn't Awakening have a recent E-shop deal, lowering the cost to around 20 dollars or Euro? I don't know if that was only limited to America and/or Europe though, but you could always have a look.

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I dont want a super hard game, but also not a super easy game, and since im a new FE player, the map design does not really matter.

Makes it sound like Awakening is the clear winner by this alone. Birthright is among the easiest in the series, and Conquest ((though praised by the forum for its difficulty level)) is definitely one of the harder ones.

I was looking foward to deeper character development, character customization, cut-scenes and sountrack. So which one do you think I should play?

Character development is shallow in both games so this doesn't matter, and the OST for both games is great ((one of the areas FE has steadily been improving in)) so those are kind of neutral. Customization I'd say Awakening. The reclassing is pretty good, especially for MU and child units. Cut-scenes Fates barely has any. Awakening doesn't have many either but they felt more like they were at pivotal points in the game. I'd say Awakening is the best bet to go for if you're not really looking at gameplay as much.


Didn't Awakening have a recent E-shop deal, lowering the cost to around 20 dollars or Euro? I don't know if that was only limited to America and/or Europe though, but you could always have a look.

I think this was a Black Friday thing but I'm not 100% sure. Either way the e-shop is always worth a look. If you have a good SD card you can get practically anything there. I upgraded mine. Best decision I've ever made.

Edited by Alolan Darros
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Didn't Awakening have a recent E-shop deal, lowering the cost to around 20 dollars or Euro? I don't know if that was only limited to America and/or Europe though, but you could always have a look.

My e-shop account password is with my cousin but sice his wife had a baby he never come to visit and i understand that so yeah e-shop is not an option.

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