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Favorite Pairings (Birthright)


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Can't believe no one started this yet. Oh well, favorite pairings in Fire Emblem Birthright. Since I started this I will go first. This is not about getting the best kids (Though recommended) Just say your favorites and why (If you want to.)

I like getting all the kids to Corrin has to go with the Corrinsexual, likely Anna DlC came out.

Corrin +str/-luck x Anna Takes away the weakness that is Resistance and gives Kana speed, also that nice shade red hair.

Hana x Silas Nicely balanced Sophie

Hinoka x Kaden Selkie wont even feel magic.

Ryoma x Orochi Makes for a really good Basura Shiro

Sakura x Hayato nicely balanced Basura Rhajat

Felicia x Jakob I find a really good Butler in Dwyer

Takumi x Oboro Getting the monster hunter that is Kiragi

Hinata x Rinkah Stubbornheads in every way. Still makes Hisame well.

Kaze x Mozu Make Midori a nicely balanced Merchant

Saizo x Kagero High Ninja Master Asugi, That speed.

Azura x Subaki I dont like pairing Azura in either Conquest or Birthright because you know....... Well, I'll make the kids good in combat. Shigure will be nicely balanced and be more or less like his sister Caeldori who will benefit greatly due to high speed and resistance while also keeping attack, skill and ok defense.

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Saizou / MU - Saizou is hot. Enough said?

Kagerou!Shiro / MU +Str, -Luck - Shiro is my favorite second gen character! Such a cute family.

Saizou / Orochi - Helps Asugi's unusually high mag growth. I've made Orochi!Asugi a Dark Flier before. It was great fun! Although I find a majority of Orochi's supports to be repetitive, I do like her relationship with Saizou and how impish she is with him.

Nishiki / Azura - Furry Shigure is my favorite Shigure.

Setsuna / Kaze - Gives Midori some good speed, which comes in handy when I marry her to Dwyer and make her a maid.

Kagerou / Ryoma - Gives Shiro some good str. Also I find it funny that Kagerou broke up with Saizou only to date their employer/lord/whatever.

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Since you didn't say that it had to be for optimization purposes, I'll just talk about the ones that I feel have the best chemistry and/or support dialogue.

I've said before that I like Corrin x Oboro, but I also like Takumi x Oboro. I'm glad that Takumi isn't a chauvinist and wants Oboro to have her own life instead of her life revolving entirely around him.

Ryoma x Kagero is fairly sweet, though I haven't tried many others involving those two. The dynamic with Kagero and Saizo is interesting, though I don't particularly ship them.

Saizo x Mozu is really darling. Though honestly, any BR pairing with Mozu seems to be nice. But I like this one in particular because you get a much softer side of Saizo than normal, and you learn a bit about the cultures they both were raised in.

Kaden is actually pretty decent with anyone, it seems. Honestly, I feel that the kind and wondrous parts of Kaden are done so much better than Corrin, which means he's actually fairly compatible with even the most sour of people.

That's about all I can think of at the moment...

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I prefer Hinata x Oboro and I will abuse my powers to--, uh, I mean, I think the conversation flows fairly well, and the resulting Hisame is hilarious.

I second that ship, captain.

Mozu x literally everyone. She is such a balanced, down-to-earth character that she fits with just about anyone. In particular, I enjoy her the most with Ryoma and Saizou.

Those are the only BR ones I really like worth noting.

EDIT: I don't know how I forgot, but I truly enjoyed Hinata/Hinoka.

Edited by saisymbolic
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I don't care at all about stats, but sometimes they are a plus.

I second Saizo x Corrin and Saizo x Mozu because I love Saizo.

Subaki x Azura talks more about Azura frequently being hunted down, which Shigure's paralogue I kind of like to see as a parallel to that. Shigure also reminds me of Cordelia a bit, and I like seeing Caeldori with Azura's hair color because she looks just like her.

Silas x Hinoka has better supports comparing the Nohrian and Hoshidan ways than Corrin and Azura. I also like Hinoka as a Paladin.

Corrin x Mozu, Kagero, and Oboro (ESPECIALLY this one because the supports are just wonderful) simply because they're my favorite Hoshidan ladies.

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Hinata x Kagero - I don't know why exactly, I just like it, and Kagero's hair color is perfect for Hisame (so is Mozu)

Mozu x Hayato - Because they look younger haha

Ryoma x Rinkah - Good support

Takumi x Oboro because nobody can stop me to paste them together forever

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Kaze x F!Corrin- It felt wrong not S-Supporting them on this route.

Oboro x M!Corrin- I love the development Oboro gets.

Saizo x Sakura- I like their supports and the fact it's somewhat Sasuke x Sakura.

Silas x Hinoka- I wish her supports with Xander were more like this honestly and the Sophie they produce is amazing and Sophie looks good with Hinoka red hair.

Hayato x Orochi- Mainly because I like the Rhajat they produce.

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  • 3 weeks later...

(Is this thread dead? If so, delete this post.)

Here are my go-to pairings for Birthright:

M!Corrin x Hana - Because, you know, DragonFlames and all that jazz. Also the only (at least from my experience) way to really turn Kana into a strong unit on Birthright. Pick +Skl/-Lck, marry Hana and watch her kill stuff left and right. Also, Hana's hair colour looks good on her. And then there's the fact that their names are similar (stupid reason, but still...)

Ryoma x Oboro - Shiro with Oboro's hair looks like your typical FE lord. Make him a Vanguard and you'll have Ike 2.0.

Takumi x Setsuna - Not exactly fond of both, so they're a good fit (Kiragi's supports with F!Kana are pretty cute, too). It gives Takumi Ninja for some hilarious skill combinations and Setsuna gets Spear Fighter, which is always nice.

Kaze x Mozu - Your standard, Kaze-related pairing. There's nothing that needs to be said, other than this: Midori is a freaking demon.

Saizo x Kagero - Asugi gets the Diviner class, which makes for a fairly interesting skill set, while Saizo and Kagero get each other's secondaries. Spreading the Vantage-Virus onto as many people as possible. Mwahahaha...

Hinata x Sakura - If M!Corrin gets Hana, who would otherwise be Hisame's best mum, Hinata gets Sakura instead. Miracle/Vantage, baby!

Subaki x Hinoka - Honestly, I liked their chemistry together. Switching secondaries is again an interesting prospect, since you can theoretically get three identical units (before A+, of course). And Caeldori looks the most natural with red hair. Sakura would have worked, too, but she doesn't get a new class from Subaki, so I'll stick with Hinoka.

Azama x Rinkah - In all honesty, this is just to give Mitama (and Azama and Rinkah...) the double-Counter-I'm-untouchable-unless-you-want-to-kill-yourself-combo. Add Miracle for maximum dickishness effect.

Hayato x Orochi - 82.5% magic growth on Rhajat... How could you possibly pass that up? I don't care much for Hayato, Rhajat or Orochi, but with this, Rhajat becomes the single best (and actually usable) Onmyoji in the game. Additionally, Orochi patches up Rhajat's incredibly weak skill growth.

Kaden x Azura - You want Selkie to be fast and strong and not suck in terms of skill? Well, here you go. This pairing does more for Selkie than it does for Shigure and the class combinations you get are pretty weird, but the supports are cute (they almost, ALMOST made me like Azura again...) and the stats on Selkie are pretty good, too. For skills, there's always other people's castles or your own logbook if you so desire.

Silas x Felicia - The prospect of a more magic-oriented Sophie (reclassed to Dark Flier) is a pretty interesting one. I know that this isn't the best Silas-pairing by far, but with the others being as they are, this is the only pairing left to do. Sophie as a Dark Flier is actually pretty good, too.

And then, there's Jakob, but I don't like Jakob or Dwyer, so... they usually get left out of the equation.

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I also support Ryouma/Oboro since it results in an amazing Shiro.

Other favourites:

Takumi/Mozu: Aised from their cute supports I really like how balanced it makes Kiragi and I think this hair colour suits him best.

Hinoka/Subaki: Other than Matoi being one of the best fits for Hinoka's hair colour, it also fits well stat wise.

Kaden/Kagero: Crazy strong Selkie who is also immune to magic.

Saizo/Orochi: Makes for a great magical Asugi.

Azura/Kaze: Though they are a favourite in all three routes as they make for an amazingly fast Shigure and Midori.

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