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Favorite Pairings (Conquest)


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Alright, since I did Birthright, heres Conquest. The Dark side, its about time Fire Emblem made a dark sided story in Fire Emblem, but they could have made the plot better. The gameplay though was beautiful. Now let's get down to business.

The favorite pairings of Conquest, while you are killing the Kingdom of Hoshido get someone to mate with and have a kid or two to join in on the genocide.

Alright, as always I like to get all the kids, so I use Corrinsexuls but whatever they are not all bad.

Corrin x Flora Icy haired Kana, so now Kana is basically and Ice Dragon princess of the Ice Tribe, Hoshido and Nohr. Awesomely balanced and cute at the same time.

Xander x Charlotte That Strength and speed boost to both Xander and Siegbert is amazing. Siegbert will most likely pass his father in stats except defense becuase Siegfried gives +4 def. Xander has hax.

Leo x Nyx gives HIGH MAG and RES to Forrest. Basically a pure glass cannon. I always promote Forrest to dark knight to balance and keep ok def and res.

Camilla x Keaton simply but Velouria will murder all while her parents spoil her rotten. Only Camilla can make Keaton look like a dog, while keeping Velouria cute.

Elise x Odin cute couple, makes for a glass cannon Ophelia. Ophelia will be spoiled rotten. Elise and Odin give her too much free time.

Benny x Effie Impenetrable defense Ignatius, with HIGH STR family of ONE SHOOTERS

Kaze x Mozu nicely balanced stats high skill.

Laslow x Selena makes sense, while adding higher stats to Soleil. Soleil will have a nice shade of red hair. Selena and Laslow look nice together. Makes me want to play Awakening again.

Silas and Peri Cavaliers together killing everything in their path. One is honorable, while the other is batshit insane. How poetic. It makes sense their daughter has a sense of duty while stripping people with her weapons.

Arthur and Beruka I like the idea of the assassin falling in love with the hero. Their support was cool in the beginning with Arthur trying to protect the same person Beruka is to kill. Percy has SHITTY RES, but makes up for it in all other stats.

Felicia and Jakob making a good Dwyer. Also I like the pairing even if Jakob is an asshole.

Niles and Azura actually is a nice support from Niles, they are both survivors of tragedy. Still dont like to do it in Conquest becuase you know.....Least the kids are great. Nina having HIGH SPEED AND RES. ABOVE AVERAGE STR, MAG AND SKILL. But SHITTY DEF. Hair looks nice though.

Shigure is the definition of the pegasus knight. HIGH SPEED, SKILL AND RES. OK Str and Mag. SHITTY Def. Keep away from archers.

Edited by JediJose
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Elise / Odin - My go-to Odin pairing. The supports are pretty cute, and they have a nice relationship. Not to mention blond Ophelia is super cute! The pairing also gives her really good mag. I also like to switch their classes so Elise is a Sorcerer and Odin is a Strategist.

Azura / Flannel - Because again, I really like furry Shigure.

Laswald / Mozume - Mozume has good supports with Laswald. The pacing and writing are nice. IDK about Soleil. I just think it's a nice support.

Pieri / Laswald - Despite my issues with how Pieri was written, I find her supports with Laswald to the best supports she has to offer. Laswald acknowledges that what she's doing is wrong and tries to help her.

Camilla / Flannel - Usually my go-to for the two of them. However, I find that Camilla gives Eponine a nice str boost.

Camilla / Charlotte - Not canon. But the gay Fates hack had a really nicely-written support for it.

Leon / Pieri - Foleo with shitty stats. But he has cute hair.

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The ones I personally preffer are

Corrin x Felicia, Charlotte or Camilla. I like these ones, but Felicia in particular just gives him a lot of advantages. Make him +Mag, forge him a Levin Sword and watch him destroy the world

Xander x Charlotte. Now this one is very fun, it's nice to see Xander actually double stuff and

Elise x Odin: Mostly for Ophelia, arguably the only good Sorcerer in the game.

Silas and Mozu are amazing together and bring out a very good Sophie as well as being a good combo together.

I like Arthur with Peri or Nyx for the support, but I when I'm using him I prefer him with Effie. Arthur as a berserker gives great bonuses to Effie and she gives him defense as well.

I like Benny and Beruka mostly for the support, it's kawaii as hell

And I just mix and match the rest.

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I will also vouch for Benny x Beruka; S-rank supports that flow naturally from the C through A and don't feel completely forced are few and far between in Fates. They're cute together. Plus; big dude, little chick. You know they're into some freaky shit.

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I don't care at all about stats, but sometimes they are a plus.

Arthur x Azura is wonderful, giving them both character backstory and touching interactions.

Laslow x Peri for reasons mentioned by others - plus I feel like Soleil just fits best as Peri's daughter personality-wise.

Corrin x Flora, Charlotte, Peri, and Mozu simply because they're some of my favorite ladies.

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Azura/Arthur - I honestly think this is one of both of the characters' better supports. It really highlights Arthur without focusing too much on his gimmick, and it gives us some nice insight into Azura's childhood as well as why Arthur is the way that he is. Plus, I think the second gen supports work well with them as the respective parents - organizing a painting viewing for Shigure seems like something Arthur would do, and I can imagine Percy desperately wanting to grow up to protect Azura.

Elise/Odin - This is actually my second favorite ship for Odin, but my first for Elise. The way Odin acts much like a child, along with Elise being one of the few not to criticize Odin's rather eccentric ways really helps seal the deal. I just can't help but see this pairing in an innocent, charming light.

Mozu/Xander - I like shipping Mozu with the royals, okay? She deserves to rule a kingdom. On a serious note, I thought the support was heartwarming, showing Xander in a kind light and showing Mozu in her adorable light. The S-rank was cute as well.

Nyx/Benny - Again, just another cute support that had my heart going to mush.

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My usual line up in conquest is:

M Corrin x Flora (like this a lot)

Xander x Mozu (im very fond of this)

Leo x Felicia (Fofo ends up very useful)

Odin x Elise

Arthur x Peri

Laslow x Azura (this Soleil has been very efective)

Benny x Camilla (wyvern lord Ignatius is fun)

Silas x Effie (very good Sophiie)

Jakob x Beruka

Keaton x Charlotte (rhe 1st step for +11 atk Kana)

Kaze X Selena

Niles x Nyx

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Favorites and not ones I did?

Azura x Keaton

Xander x Selena

Xander x Mozu

Xander x Charlotte

Benny x Charlotte

Laslow x Azura

Arthur x Azura

Niles x Corrin

Niles x Mozu

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Jakob x Nyx - he seems genuinely taken with Nyx and even gives her a bit of a pep talk! Jakob at his nicest (baring Corrin).

Kaze x Beruka - bonding over walks in the woods. So calming!

Arthur x Azura - love the backstory it provides, and it's not about Arthur's rotten luck for once!

Arthur x Effie - finding their strengths.

Arthur x Selena - it's a good support for Selena.

Odin x Azura - both get a little backstory, and work together to overcome their fears.

Odin x Elise - Elise suits Ophelia, and she's unconditionally accepting of Odin.

Odin x Peri - I feel like Odin does far more for Peri's character than Laslow. It's the only support of hers I like.

Niles x Elise - surprisingly sweet. Niles gives good advice for once.

Niles x Nyx - for the humor factor.

Niles x Camilla - they both dish as good as they get; feels a little more equal than most of Camilla's other supports.

Laslow x Corrin - Corrin proves she isn't entirely naive, and Laslow is sweet.

Laslow x Felicia - Laslow tries to help Felicia (in his own way) and Felicia asks him out in the end.

Laslow x Azura - bonding over dancing!

Laslow x Mozu - another very sweet support (without being sickly).

Benny x Charlotte - shared history, Benny talks considerably more here, and they display genuine affection for one another.

Leo x Corrin - my favourite S-support in the game. Leo's supports with anyone other than his sisters and other men seem very lackluster, too.

Keaton x Mozu - wow, I didn't realize I liked so few of Keaton's supports. Mozu has another sweet support (she really is great for almost everyone!)

Xander x Selena - I appreciate the visual of Xander trying to tell a joke.

Xander x Mozu

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In my Conquest file I only did 2 pairings:

Leo x Corrin - That I didn't like, but it was a good opportunity to unlock the supports

Niles x Camilla - It was good in every way and Nina was glorious in my file

And if you want to count it: Xander x Kaze, I like to think that they are married in that file Lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

And here are my pairings for Conquest. (Again, if this thread's dead, delete my post)

M!Corrin x Nyx - As you might know, I'm absolutely in love with dat confession. Nyx isn't the best Conquest-mother for Kana by any stretch (that honour goes to Ophelia, probably), but she's my favourite female character from the Conquest side of things, so there's that. Besides, I think Nyx' hair colour suits Kana pretty well and that magic pair-up bonus turns the Dragonstone from a mild annoyance into a nuke.

Kaze x Mozu - Midori is a demon, yadda, yadda, yadda...

Arthur x Azura - Many people have already said why this pairing is good, so I'll only add this: Percy's Luck growth as Falcon Knight is ridiculous.

Xander x Effie - The only way to help Xanders awful, awful speed stat (other than a Charlotte pair-up). Effie gives him General, which gives him Wary Fighter, which is the only way to make Xander not suck if left on his own, in my opinion at least. The Pavise/Aegis combo you get on all three is a nice bonus, too.

Odin x Elise - Ophelia is broken. Ridiculously broken. Enough said.

Niles x Charlotte - Physical Nina. That's it. I'm kidding, of course. I actually quite like their supports, too. It's one of Niles' less... shall we say creepy ones.

Keaton x Selena - Velouria with a red strand of hair is just cute. That, and the supports themselves are funny. And Velouria becomes a freaking tank with this.

Benny x Camilla - Cute supports, heighten Ignatius' damage output with Trample, make the Paralogue easier. How could I say no to that?

Laslow x Peri - Ask any FE Fates player who did this (and liked it) for why this pairing is good. It gives Peri good character development and Laslow isn't annoying for once. I am willing to admit that this turns Soleil into a strong unit, as well, regardless of how much I don't like her.

Silas x Beruka - Again, I just like their supports. Sophie with light blue hair looks good, too. And it gives her Wvyern Rider and thus Trample, a very good skill on Conquest.

Jakob x Felicia - This is mostly just so I don't have to get Forrest. I really don't like Forrest. I don't care about Dwyer and Jakob is annoying, but Forrest? Ugh... Why did I have to play Heirs of Fate? Curse you, protective instincts!!!

For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about: In Heirs of Fate 2, I think, Forrest attacks a crying M!Kana with Brynhildr to make him stop crying. Let me emphasise that: Forrest attacks a young, lost, lonely child, who is crying because he lost his parents, unwillingly turned into a dragon and only barely survived a battle against invisible soldier-phantom thingies with the (at least lore-wise) most powerful magic spell in the Fates universe. Yup, perfect character. I'll take bland Dwyer any day over this *insert curse word here*.

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f!corrin x silas - he's in every route, childhood friend, and his classes complements +spd/-def nicely.

xander x charlotte - extremely good pair-up synergy, patches up xander's speed and makes him flat out insane. although i usually don't use xander in conquest, because it makes the game a bit more challenging.

camilla x benny - so that camilla can get great knight and all the royals are uniformly on horseback (xander - paladin, leo - dk, elise - strategist), and she can keep her axe. i've heard benny's kid wants her or beruka, but so far i've decided to ignore kids in this game.

leo x beruka - purely so that leo can get malig knight - makes a better one than camilla or beruka - and no longer be the only royal without wyvern. his speed can also be patched up if beruka is a fighter.

laslow x azura - in a vaccum, these two characters already had something connecting them because of olivia, and the game took full advantage and gave us a nice support. i also think of them as a supporting duo, where azura is refreshing units, and laslow is boosting their stats w/ rally.

odin x selena - i feel like i'm on the losing end on this one, because everyone seems to do odin x elise and selena x subaki (well that one doesn't apply in conquest, but still). liked their support in awakening (specifically how they both have exaggerated personalities as a coping mechanism but take it in opposite directions), and the support here is decent too. also pretty cool that selena's personal skill synchronizes with odin's.

arthur x effie - was getting lazy at this point, made sense to just pair elise's retainers, and the class pair-up bonuses were actually really good on top of that.

niles x nyx - also a leftover.

i feel like there's a lot of wasted potential in leaving elise single, but i don't like pairing kids with non-kids. at least sakura has hayato.

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Laslow and Azura for the rally bot utility and not forcing the perpetually busy Azura onto somebody who's actually going to fight. And having two kids with replicate and deadly player phase utility is a huge plus too.

Leo and Felicia, mostly because of the pair up bonuses and also because demoiselle is a skill that Forrest must always have forever.

Arthur and Mozu mostly for non-canon personal reasons making it (long story) like Superman marrying a female Batman. Also Percy becomes a god.

Xander and Selena. Easily Xander's best wife. Xander doesn't need strength, he can already one-round anything that doesn't have wary fighter or dragon skin. He needs speed and res, because what's the point of that sword if he can't counter mages on enemy phase? And in Falcon Knight Selena gives just as much speed as Charlotte in Berserker and a much-appreciated boost in res. Plus she lets him reclass to bow knight and thus lets him get strong riposte if his attack somehow needs a further buff, but more importantly shurikenbreaker, a skill he can make amazing use of from chapter 25 to the endgame.

Edited by Alastor15243
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Xander and Selena. Easily Xander's best wife. Xander doesn't need strength, he can already one-round anything that doesn't have wary fighter or dragon skin. He needs speed and res, because what's the point of that sword if he can't counter mages on enemy phase? And in Falcon Knight Selena gives just as much speed as Charlotte in Berserker and a much-appreciated boost in res. Plus she lets him reclass to bow knight and thus lets him get strong riposte if his attack somehow needs a further buff, but more importantly shurikenbreaker, a skill he can make amazing use of from chapter 25 to the endgame.

Not to mention that this gives Selena the 'Luna' skill... and guess who she's named after (or better yet, what her name in the Japanese version was)? Ah, stealth puns, how I adore ye...

In all seriousness, this pairing also makes Siegbert a pretty balanced unit, so he fits the mold of Paladin being a fairly balanced class perfectly. And then there's the fact that both he and Xander can get Sol for further tanking purposes.

I have this pairing on my current Rev file and I'm pretty happy with it.

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xander can always buddy seal with laslow for bow knight though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Well that's not really practical for me since Laslow's already so busy supporting with both Azura and Keaton, on top of training to get to level 15, so he can't afford to be in Xander's pocket for long enough to get A+. But again that's more of a very nice side-benefit, the main bonus is giving Xander some much-needed res and speed.

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