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Looking for action-RPGs similar to the Tales of games for the PS3


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The Star Ocean franchise is decently similar, Action-RPG combat and you can cancel your attacks into each other and if you're good enough you can solo stuff, so pretty much its the closest thing to Tales I can recommend (that I can think of right now).

My personal favorite of the franchise is for the PS2, its called Star Ocean Till The End of Time, there are 4 other games in the series as well.

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Eternal Sonata is somewhat Tales like in style. Its visuals are similar and it is action orientated in its own way.

Its not the best rpg out there though. The combat is fun and the game has a lot of charm, but its a very flawed game as well. It has lots and lots of filler and the plot is not very inspired. I heard they added a lot of stuff to make the game better for the ps3 version, but I don't know if that fixes all problems.

Edited by Sasori
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Eternal Sonata is somewhat Tales like in style. Its visuals are similar and it is action orientated in its own way.

Its not the best rpg out there though. The combat is fun and the game has a lot of charm, but its a very flawed game as well. It has lots and lots of filler and the plot is not very inspired. I heard they added a lot of stuff to make the game better for the ps3 version, but I don't know if that fixes all problems.

I'd honestly say the plot is inspired, just poorly executed beyond belief.

The combat has potential it's just really unpolished. It's definitely a bargain bin game. If you can get it for like $15 it's pretty good. Anything more and I'd say it's not worth it. The PS3 version does not fix all of the problems I can vouch for that. I never played the original game, and there were a lot of problems with the PS3 version.

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