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Assistance with Pairings


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Here are the list of my Gen 1 pairings:

Sigurd x Deirdre(Required)

Quan x Ethlyn(Required)

Jamke x Adean

Dew x Ayra

Noish x Raquesis

Claud x Sylvia

Lewyn x Ferry

Lex/Azel x Tailto

Holyn x Briggid







Now, I would like to hear everyone's opinions on these pairings and if they are not found optimal to you, possibly recommend a better pairing to me. I could really use help on who to pair Tailto with, since I would like her to be paired with Lex or Azel. Same goes for Noish and Raquesis. I don't know if this pairing is good or bad, since I have heard both from multiple sources. Also possibly considering Azel for Raquesis, so Nanna will have some magic.

​Alright, thanks for the help everyone. I think My final pairings will be:

Sigurd x Deirdre

Quan x Ethlyn

Midayle x Adean

Holyn x Ayra

Noish x Raquesis(I would like this one to remain the same for personal reasons, and since no one called it blatantly bad.)

Claud x Sylvia

Lex x Tailto(Give a little uniqueness to the pairings)

Dew x Briggid(In regards to the grossness with my prior pairing with Dew, my headcanon is Dew is a lot older and taller than his portrait leads on.)

Edited by 1japanfan
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Having both Jamke and Noish paired with non pursuit mothers can be rather unfavorable since there is only 1 pursuit ring. I wouldn't recommend Lex x Tailto unless you know what you are doing, it's a very strong pairing but it requires exploiting the wrath+vantage combo and if you aren't careful the units could easily wind up dead. Dew isn't really good for Ayra, they get sol sword but it interferes with Astra which is a much better skill. Lex, Noish, and Jamke are more in tune with what she is looking for.

Edited by Valkama
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Noish/Ayra and Jamke/Ayra are much better than Dew/Ayra, but keep in mind the latter pairing doesn't give Ulster a sword (unless Jamke kills a boss that drops a sword; I once did this pairing and Jamke killed the second boss of Chapter 3 which dropped a silver blade he could pass down).

Lex/Tiltyu is fine, but you'd probably be better off if you paired her with Azel instead. Midayle/Adean is an option, as well, if you'd want to do Jamke/Ayra instead. You'd still get the brave bow and Lester wouldn't need the pursuit ring. That way Noish, if paired with Raquesis, can pass it down instead.

Sigurd x Deirdre(Required)
Quan x Ethlyn(Required)
Midayle x Adean
Jamke x Ayra
Noish x Raquesis
Claud x Sylvia
Lewyn x Ferry
Azel x Tailto
Holyn x Briggid
Edited by Zeems
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People's points about Dew's Sol are understandable, but I still think it's a great pairing overall (though pairing Dew with Brigged is better overall (Faval getting Bargain is worth is). But if you choose to pair Dew with Brigged, I'll recommend one of Lex, Noish and Jamke with Ayra. Noish can pass swords, but Jamke and Lex have to pick up swords from dead enemies.

Midir > Jamke, due to passing Pursuit and the growths being better for doubling, Charge and dodging.

Beowolf is a great pairing for Lachesis, much more than Noish, so I'd choose that.

While I really like Azel/Tiltyu (Tailto), Levin/Tiltyu is also highly recommended. I'd stick with Azel/Tiltyu in this case, as you've clearly decided on your Levin pair.

I'm going to show two examples here, and you can tweak from what was already said by everyone:

Aideen/Midir (if Midir's still alive, and you're willing to pair them)

Ayra/Jamke (make sure to pick up at least one of the swords from chapter 3 if you pair him or Lex with Ayra)





Aideen/Jamke (Lester will want Pursuit Ring)






Tiltyu/Lex (no tomes for Arthur, keep in mind)

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Midir/Beo vs Jamke/Noish imo comes down to the pursuit ring. If you have pursuit covered on Tailto's kids and Raquesis's kids then I see no reason to not do Jamke. At the same time if you have pursuit on Aideen's kids instead of Raquesis's kids Noish is a tiny bit better than Beo although Beo does have some advantages in Speed and pursuit on Nanna. That's pretty much how Noish and Jamke work, they are pretty powerful dad's held back by their lack of pursuit.

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Jamke x Aideen

I'd personally go for Midir myself, since he passes down Pursuit; but it doesn't matter too much. There's not exactly a ton of competition for the Pursuit Ring, and Jamke DOES give Continue and Charge, so...do as you please.

Dew x Ayra

First of all, that's just plain creepy. And secondly...Sol Sword gets in the way of Meteor Sword, and Ayra's kids are strong enough to not need Bargain. If you DO pair Dew with anybody (disregarding any creepiness factors), I'd pair him with Brigid. Bargain on your Gen 2 thief is REALLY neat, as it allows her to clear the Arena and give Gold to your other units far more easily.

Noish x Raquesis

Hmm...I would've just gone with Beowulf, since that's easier and arguably better...but it doesn't matter none. Delmud isn't one of those units you'll be using too often anyway, and Nanna is a staff unit.

Claud x Sylvia

That's...possible full sibling incest. Other than that, it's a decent enough choice. Lex is arguably better because of Elite + Ambush (used to great effect with the Sleep Sword), but whatever.

Lewyn x Ferry

Pretty standard pairing. I usually use Claude instead, since Holsety is best on Arthur, but you DO get a REALLY awesome Sety this way!

Lex/Azel x Tailto


I dunno about Lex, man. I've HEARD that this pairing can be pretty decent, but I found it to be incredibly aggravating. Wrath SOUNDS good on paper...but then you look at the Magic Tiltyu's kids end up with, and wince. I could barely kill anything with them, even WITH Wrath on! Azel's pretty decent; Levin's better, but it doesn't matter none.

Holyn x Briggid

A VERY decent pairing, ESPECIALLY if you've gotten 100 Kills on a Hero Sword like I usually do...but that's not necessary. Even a plain ol' Hero Sword is a pretty great thing to have, and Faval gets like...what, 175% HP from it? Pretty awesome.

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I found that the following pairings end up giving the strongest overall gen 2 children, in terms of combat:

Aideen x Midir

Aira x Jamka -> Skasaha won't inherit Swords but he really doesn't need them that badly, his starting swords + skills are good enough for Ch.6

Lachesis x Beowulf

Fury x Noish

Sylvia x Claude -> Sylvia can be paired up with anybody but x Claude is fast and passes down Valkyrie and S-Level staves to the otherwise useless Corple

Tiltyu x Levin

Briggid x Holyn

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In my current run I do pretty much the same pairings as mentioned in the above post except that I'll go for Raquesis x Finn or Alec, because both have a second personal skill besides pursuit. Alec's nihil is very helpful because both children are mounted. Finn's prayer is also nice to get.

I also prefer Lex or Dew for Ayra, because Lex gives paragon and nice strength and defense to his children while Dew gives sol. Jamke's charge isn't really good on an unit who mainly attacks from melee range like Ayra's children will do. Jamke's only good support options are Aideen or Briggid. However Midir x Aideen is the obvious choice because it'll give Lester a free brave bow.

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Beowulf passes down Charge which is much more useful than Nihil and Fin is just better left unpaired.

Jamka passes down Charge and Continue to both children. Charge is perfectly fine on a melee unit -especially one with Pursuit, Continue and Astra- and much better than Elite on units that don't really struggle to make Exp. Dew's Sol interferes with Astra which is quite bad. Jamka x Aira >>> Lex x Aira > Dew x Aira;

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Whoops... forgot about Beowulf's charge.

This skill killed him in my previus run.

In general I prefer charge on mages and bow users instead of melee units who take the risk to get attacked more without being able to counterattack.

Also Larcei learns continue automatically when becomes a swordmaster.

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While passing continue on to Larcei is redundant due to her promotion it isn't for Ulster who doesn't get it on promotion. Ayra should be paired with Jamuka or Noish, and pair Lachesis with Beowulf as he gives Delmud and Nana pursuit. Everyone else you have listed is fine, though pair Azel with Tiltyu instead of Lex, Lex can be good but its a gimmick pairing that can be tricky to work with.

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Vantage + Wrath is a deadly combo... but keep in mind that Arthur wouldn't start with any inherited tomes iirc.

Also only units with pursuit (Ayra, Erin) can really benefit from a pairing with Lex.

Well, not any inherited tomes.

Shoot... forgot this little important word.

Also was referring to Tiltyu's tomes in the case of Arthur.

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Vantage + Wrath is a deadly combo... but keep in mind that Arthur wouldn't start with any tomes iirc.

Also only units with pursuit (Ayra, Erin) can really benefit from a pairing with Lex.

Well, not any inherited tomes. They'll still gonna join your army with a basic weapon at least, which in Arthur's case, is a Wind tome!

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Lex x Tiltyu is the only way to make Tinny really usable and Lex!Arthur might be a gimmick, but it's a fun one. Azel x Tiltyu on the other hand is just lame and doesn't give you anything interesting. Azel!Arthur is just your average mage and Azel!Tinny is still worthless. If you don't pair up Tiltyu with Levin, pair her up with Lex imo.

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Also only units with pursuit (Ayra, Erin) can really benefit from a pairing with Lex.

Lex is beneficial is pretty much every pairing. Elite is that good. His worst pairing is probably Aideen but even that isn't bad.

Lex x Tiltyu is the only way to make Tinny really usable.

Not really. Tinny can staff pretty well if you get her promoted. A pairing like Claud!Tinny gives her A rank staves and Arthur is still pretty good if he gets the pursuit ring. Azel also isn't too shabby for Tinny. Unlike Tailto who can't do anything, Tinny's ability to staff is very helpful especially around endgame. Of course the best Tinny is still probably Linda who has Elite and a good Magic growth along with starting with A thunder. Lex!Tinny has a pretty terrible magic growth so even though she reaches staff rank faster she is ultimately less effective with it.

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Lex!Tinny is the only iteration of hers that can reasonably promote after the Ch.9 arena and start working as a staffbot. After that Corple/Sharlow can do whatever she can do so there's no point in the extra effort of using her just to have an addition staffbot between her, Corple and Sety/Hawk [and even Fee if you did Fury x Claude]. Linda is still better than all of them though I guess Claude!Tinny deserves some more credit for being able to use the reserve staff after promoting.

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Jamke x Adean

Midir would be more preferable, since Lester will inherit Pursuit. But Jamke's not a bad choice, as he can pass down Adept and Charge. Both will also get the Brave Bow, so yeah, don't worry about losing it.

Dew x Ayra

Ayra's kids are literally immopsible to screw, so pair her up with anyone, as her kids will still turn out great. But the best choices would be: Holyn, who gives the Brave Sword to Ayra (if not paired), which can be passed down to one of her kids, and having minor Odo blood will result in the kids getting major Odo blood (they can basically use Balmung now). He also gives Luna to both kids. Lex, who passes down Elite and his Neir blood also makes the kids even greater. However, Ulster won't inherit anything from Lex unless he gets a sword by killing some enemy. Lex also give Ayra a Brave Sword (if they're not paired)

Noish is also good. The kids will have Charge and Critical, and since they already have Nihil, Pursuit and Astra, they will turn out to be beasts, with probably the most skills.However, Dew is not a bad choice, as he gives the skills Sol and Bargain to the kids. Sol would be useful, as it is a skill for sword units, however Bargain won't be much useful as the kids would easily gain money by just murdering everyone, and thus they don't need half price for anything, really.

Noish x Raquesis

Beowulf would be a better choice, as he passes down both Pursuit and Charge. Nanna would also become more of a fighter, although she gets a low mag growth so...

Claud x Sylvia

It's the best possible pairing for Sylvia, so yeah go for it.

Lewyn x Ferry

Also the best possible pairing for Ferry. Ced will be the ultimate beast with Holsety, and Fee will also be pretty good.

Lex/Azel x Tailto

Usually Lewyn's the best father for Tailto's kids, mainly because Arthur gets Holsety and Tinny can use Tornado later on. However, Azel is not a bad choice, as he passes on Pursuit, unlike Lewyn. The kids will also have high Mag, and with Pursuit, might ORKO enemies. It's also much easier to pair them. With Lex, the kids will gain Elite and Ambush, but Arthur won't inherit anything from him. I haven't tried this pairing before, so I don't know how the kids do battle wise.

Holyn x Briggid

I haven't tried this pairing before but...Patty will have a higher Sword rank so she can use the Hero Sword, and become quite the fighter. And I can assume Faval's good too. I usually go with Dew x Briggid, since Faval can inherit Bargain, thus repairing his bow becomes less costly. Patty also gains Sol, so yeah.

So, yes, all your pairings are good, although Raquesis would have been better off with Beowulf.

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Nanna always has a low MAG growth unless her dad is Azel, which then turns it into a mediocre one.

Beowulf/Raquesis is the best pairing for both Delmud and Nanna, but I'd say go for Noish/Raquesis if Noish is passing down the pursuit ring.

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