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A month ago, I had only heard about Fire Emblem in passing. Now, I'm basically obsessed


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I generally am not fond of it, but I don't think the people there were ever particularly asshole-ish. They seem like a bunch of 15 year olds that post memes and enjoy Camilla's boobs. I think the fandom's been worse though.

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I generally am not fond of it, but I don't think the people there were ever particularly asshole-ish. They seem like a bunch of 15 year olds that post memes and enjoy Camilla's boobs. I think the fandom's been worse though.

Try going in there as a newcomer whose only experience is the 3DS games, and who's currently learning the ropes on Normal/Casual. Tell me how that goes. To those of us that have played FE since forever, Normal/Casual seems way too easy. To someone that doesn't have the weapon triangle memorized/knows to check for enemy equipment and ranges/understands how the various stats influence everything, something like Normal/Casual isn't exactly easy. For comparison, the subs I hang out in are games which I am a complete and utter scrub in (which. . .is basically everything that isn't a RPG). They don't mind that I'm terrible at it.

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To be honest, it was quite a bit worse than that in the past (on this forum and others) if it's about as bad as you're telling me, and not specific to /r/fireemblem either. It seems like either /r/fireemblem soaked up the cancer (though like 90% of the posts I see on there are shitposts or fanart) or I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Edited by Lord Raven
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For someone who's familiar with the series, I think they'd be fine in the Fire Emblem subforum. For someone who's new, I wouldn't recommend it. Regardless, I'd recommend a LOT of lurking first.

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Um, I'm curious what the context was? Because I've seen people downvoted for being assholes pretty often, probably more often than people being downvoted for being genuinely nice. It's quite possible that you're in the wrong part of reddit, because not all subs are created equal.

I was in the Amiibo part. And yeah I'm sure people naturally get downvoted for being assholes, but I was hardly being an asshole is what I'm saying, yet I was treated like the most horrible person ever.

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Listen, I get where you're coming from and understand why you'd have the idea that I assume you have, but I've told others about what happened and shown them the post and they agreed that people overreacted towards it.

I would show you the post as well, but it was so long ago that I'd never be able to find it. It was during all the Amiibo hype and I was using Reddit to follow releases and restocks and stuff.

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Listen, I get where you're coming from and understand why you'd have the idea that I assume you have, but I've told others about what happened and shown them the post and they agreed that people overreacted towards it.

I would show you the post as well, but it was so long ago that I'd never be able to find it. It was during all the Amiibo hype and I was using Reddit to follow releases and restocks and stuff.

Then you should probably be more careful with how you say things or what agree with people on, because it's clear you were in the wrong place on reddit or you were saying something in a weird way. You can also find old posts through your reddit username pretty easily, so unless you deleted your account then I have no idea. I also don't necessarily trust the people you've shown, because most of the time it at least makes sense why someone would get fervently downvoted.

You only get heavily downvoted

- If you post literally anything in a Donald Trump sub that isn't fellating Trump

- If you go against the commonly held opinion of the sub

- If someone gets there first and shitposts, that dictates the flow of the thread

- If you aren't listening to people

- If you say something that is spammy

- If you say stuff that is low quality (petty rants like what your rant sounded like is included)

- If you aren't listening to people when they tell you something and respond ad nauseum

- Soapboxing

Take a moment to reflect if what you were saying fulfills a combination of those criteria. It can be fickle at points, but this is fairly consistent.

For someone who's familiar with the series, I think they'd be fine in the Fire Emblem subforum. For someone who's new, I wouldn't recommend it. Regardless, I'd recommend a LOT of lurking first.

The thing is that I don't think places like the SF Fire Emblem boards (outside of maybe the 3DS ones idk I don't post there much) are much different. People always expect a basic degree of knowledge when lurking into things and talking on end, and they get snippy if someone waltzes in with complete ignorance of some of the game tutorials. I mean, in general 90% of the FE sub is shitposts, so you don't really even need to know the basics to join in. My issue with the FE subreddit is shitposts and fanart taking over and a lot of the users being very very young on average, but being douchebags is not something I've heard is common aside from people like Chiki existing there and actually making really shitty posts.

EDIT: having that said, OP isn't exactly an innocent user based on some basic lurking. I'm not going to repeat some of the stuff I've read him saying, but they called his post out rightfully - for being a low effort, one sentence image post trying to get link karma. Besides, I didn't see anything too egregious, other than OP not denying that he was being a douche. I wouldn't put too much stock into reddit being full of assholes coming from him.

Edited by Lord Raven
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You'd have to show me the post lol cause knowing you I have an idea of what you probably said and I can imagine how you might've gotten mass downvoted.

Huh. I don't post on Reddit but I vaguely remember Ana talking about that event here on the forums. It was probably on the general amiibo thread.
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