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The Dark Side of International Vacations

Water Mage

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So, let me talk about something rather personal and perhaps a little disgusting.

I'm currently enjoying my first trip to Europe, and I've experiencing many interesting, beautiful and wonderful things, but I was also introduced to the Dark Side of Vacations, the Sourge Trips, the Plague of Holidays:

Vacation Constipation.

God, it's the worst thing ever! Seriously, it's tormenting me! I can barely enjoy myself because of it!

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Too much cheese?

I've often had the opposite problem, where I'll get diarrhea pretty badly.

Nah, I think it's mostly my internal clock that hasn't ajusted yet.

And I was thinking, Vacation Constipation and Diarrhea it's something that people should talk more. I mean, very few people seems to know what it actually is. Sure, it makes might be embarrassing and disgusting, but it's still important.

Rezzy, as someone in the medical field, that you think people should be "taught" and "warned" about how traveling to another country can your bowel movements and how it disrupts the entire chain of mouth-to-anus digestive functions?

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Nah, I think it's mostly my internal clock that hasn't ajusted yet.

And I was thinking, Vacation Constipation and Diarrhea it's something that people should talk more. I mean, very few people seems to know what it actually is. Sure, it makes might be embarrassing and disgusting, but it's still important.

Rezzy, as someone in the medical field, that you think people should be "taught" and "warned" about how traveling to another country can your bowel movements and how it disrupts the entire chain of mouth-to-anus digestive functions?

Jet lag can affect the digestive system for sure, or just interrupting your sleep cycle in general can do it. If I have to wake up too early, I usually have pretty loose bowel movements in the morning. It affects everybody to different degrees.

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Aw man, that sucks.

I never get this kind of problem when I travel (and I'm pretty glad).

Just go for Berries! Lots of them!

Hope, you'll get better.

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The problem with International Vacations is that they are fiendish vactions that encourage the plague of International Bolshevism in your vacation. You need to take a good Monarchist vacation instead. Maybe then you won't get constipation.

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The problem with International Vacations is that they are fiendish vactions that encourage the plague of International Bolshevism in your vacation. You need to take a good Monarchist vacation instead. Maybe then you won't get constipation.

You know, I'm from Brazil, and I'm currently having my vacation on Portugal, who were that settled a monarchy in Brazil. So, in a way this is a Monarchist vacation...and yet I still had constipation!



Monarchy has betrayed me!

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You know, I'm from Brazil, and I'm currently having my vacation on Portugal, who were that settled a monarchy in Brazil. So, in a way this is a Monarchist vacation...and yet I still had constipation!



Monarchy has betrayed me!

Nah, monarchy would have betrayed you if the vile Republican traitors hadn't abolished Portugal's monarchy in 1910. Unfortunately, or fortunately if you're a "don't want Monarchism to be implicated in causing constipation" kind of guy, it was.
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A bit of an update for those who are interested, and it may be a bit weird and disgusting, but it's too incredible for me to not share it:

I finally managed to "let it all out", but that's not what incredible. What's really unbelievable it's where it happened.

You see, in this family trip, we are visiting to countries, Portugal and Spain.

Today is our second day in Madrid, and we decided to visit historical places, and it was in one of those historical places where it finally happened. My bowels finally decided to cooperate with me.

But in what place it happened?

The Royal Palace of Madrid.

Yes, you're read that right, I had to take a shit in The Royal Palace of Madrid. Normally they don't allow tourists to go to the bathroom during the tour, but apparently, all of our three tour guides had the same problem when they visited the US once, so they sympathized and took pity on me, and allowed me to use staff bathroom.

You know, maybe Blah the prussian was right about monarchy...

And sorry if it is too much info, but it's one of those things that so unbelievable that I had to share it with others.

Edited by Water Mage
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You know, maybe Blah the prussian was right about monarchy...

But then you'll just be a serf, tied to the land, and you'll never get a vacation.

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But then you'll just be a serf, tied to the land, and you'll never get a vacation.

Oh, please. Historically, monarchies have been forces of emancipation for the serfs as a means to break the power of the nobility. Plus, they would have been allowed to take a dump.

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That owns and you will treasure that anecdote/personal trivia forever.

Funny thing is, that was the first thing that will came to my mind when I entered the bathroom.

And when you think about, I've sat upon the throne of spanish royalty. Not official one, but a throne nonetheless.

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Funny thing is, that was the first thing that will came to my mind when I entered the bathroom.

And when you think about, I've sat upon the throne of spanish royalty. Not official one, but a throne nonetheless.

Wait, was that the King's bathroom or the tour bathroom? If the former congratulations, and I guess I have a new, incredibly sad life goal.
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Wait, was that the King's bathroom or the tour bathroom? If the former congratulations, and I guess I have a new, incredibly sad life goal.

Just the bathroom of the staff members.

But bathrooms have their own kind of throne if you what I mean.

And why it is a sad life goal? Using the bathroom of a historical royal palace, regardless of which bathroom it is, it's something worth bragging about!

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Just the bathroom of the staff members.

But bathrooms have their own kind of throne if you what I mean.

And why it is a sad life goal? Using the bathroom of a historical royal palace, regardless of which bathroom it is, it's something worth bragging about!

I don't know, it just doesn't seem like something I'd put on my resume.
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Funny thing is, that was the first thing that will came to my mind when I entered the bathroom.

And when you think about, I've sat upon the throne of spanish royalty. Not official one, but a throne nonetheless.

I can't vouch for its validity, but I read that Louis XIV made people pay for the privilege of watching him poop, but knowing him, it wouldn't surprise me.

Wait, was that the King's bathroom or the tour bathroom? If the former congratulations, and I guess I have a new, incredibly sad life goal.

blah, taking a shit on royalty would be the last thing I'd expect from you, for shame.

I've never really noticed issues with not being able to use the bathroom when I went to Europe, but granted, it was a decade ago. I did have to pay to use the bathroom, sometimes, though.

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I can't vouch for its validity, but I read that Louis XIV made people pay for the privilege of watching him poop, but knowing him, it wouldn't surprise me.

Honestly, that could still today.

I'm pretty sure that some people today would pay to see their favorite celebrities poop.

blah, taking a shit on royalty would be the last thing I'd expect from you, for shame.

I've never really noticed issues with not being able to use the bathroom when I went to Europe, but granted, it was a decade ago. I did have to pay to use the bathroom, sometimes, though.

I had to pay to use the bathroom as well, and that pissed me of so much!

I understand their point, but hasn't these people heard of emergencies?! When nature calls, you gotta go!

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