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question about making friends in college/university


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it's best to avoid business fraternities like Pi Kappa Alpha

join a social fraternity

Whats the difference?

That being said, I am part of the MALES Chapter at my university, which apparently is like a fraternity, but not, if that means anything

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it's best to avoid business fraternities like Pi Alpha

join a social fraternity

pike is a social fraternity

you're thinking kappa alpha psi LOL

Whats the difference?

That being said, I am part of the MALES Chapter at my university, which apparently is like a fraternity, but not, if that means anything

social fraternities are like the ones you immediately think of when you think of greek life and partying and stuff. obviously all of them volunteer and have like workshops and stuff but that's not like the crux of what they do.

professional fraternities like kappa alpha psi (business), alpha phi omega (community service), alpha psi omega (theater arts), pi alpha (chemistry graduate students), etc. are co-ed organizations that identify themselves by greek letters and usually have a greater focus that they work towards other than just partying with whatever leftover money they have after their primary events

if you're at umass lowell, your MALES thing (according to this website i found lol) sounds like the latter

Edited by Austin
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I'm like a super introvert, so I didn't even consider wanting to get into a sorority/fraternity. Plus, they tended to have bad reputations one way or another. One sorority was full of whores, and another was stuck-up girls, and another was partiers.

I am a member of Phi Beta Kappa, which I think classifies itself as a scholastic fraternity, though.

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"Wow wasn't that an interesting discussion on Freytag's principles of the drama? Hey [fellow student], what do you think of what Freytag offers as a contemporary update on the principles of Aristotle’s Poetics? I think, he offers more to the discussion in terms of story structure, rather than the tropes and archetypes that Aristotle offers in the Poetics, most obviously seen in the construction of the Five Parts and Three Crises of the Drama, where Freytag’s pyramid attempts the sweeping task of discussion story structure as a whole instead of characters and story elements as seen above. Let's continue this conversation over lunch!"


"Literally fuck [professor] and his stupid fucking tests I hope he dies in a fire like hey [fellow student] did you not understand anything on that quiz? what the FUCK. Do you want to drink your sorrows with us and maybe study for the next one together?"

wow your humanities classes must have fucking sucked, who hurt you?

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wow your humanities classes must have fucking sucked, who hurt you?

theater studies majors senior seminar: aesthetics and criticism, fall 2016.

death incarnate

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What did you think of what Freytag offers as a contemporary update on the principles of Aristotle’s Poetics? Did you find he offers more to the discussion in terms of story structure, rather than the tropes and archetypes that Aristotle offers in the Poetics, most obviously seen in the construction of the Five Parts and Three Crises of the Drama, where Freytag’s pyramid attempts the sweeping task of discussion story structure as a whole instead of characters and story elements as seen above?

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What did you think of what Freytag offers as a contemporary update on the principles of Aristotle’s Poetics? Did you find he offers more to the discussion in terms of story structure, rather than the tropes and archetypes that Aristotle offers in the Poetics, most obviously seen in the construction of the Five Parts and Three Crises of the Drama, where Freytag’s pyramid attempts the sweeping task of discussion story structure as a whole instead of characters and story elements as seen above?

Freytag discusses the laws according to which great plays are composed, supplementing the rules of Aristotle’s Poetics and referring to the works of Shakespeare, Lessing, Goethe, and Schiller. He proposes that the events of the drama must be selected for dramatic effectiveness: there must be a link between emotion, character, and action, with the events proceeding directly from choices characters make that reflect their deepest inner feelings and conflicts: nothing casual, nothing incidental can drive the drama; Freytag’s drama is character-centered and action-driven, with action that can be seen and heard onstage (not limited to purely internal changes). He emphasizes the necessity of probability, magnitude, and progressive interest in the actions chosen, and discusses the nature of the “κάθαρσις” or emotional renewal effected by tragedy—the action must build to a deeply-felt climax.

"In every part of the drama, both tendencies of dramatic life appear, each incessantly challenging the other to its best in play and counterplay; but in general, also, the action of the drama and the grouping of characters is, through these tendencies, in two parts . . . In an action, through characters, by means of words, tones, gestures, the drama presents those soul-processes which man experience, from the flashing up of an idea, to passionate desire and to a deed, as well as those inward emotions which are excited by his own deeds and those of others.”

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i think keeping an open mind and having patience is key. my first solid friend group started this year through a friend i made freshmen year on the first day of school who i live with now. my first two years i thought my friends should like the same things as me but thats completely wrong. everyone in my current circle is his/her own character and i really do wish i realized that earlier. i consider myself introverted too but i've made a lot of friends just sitting down next to someone i want to befriend in lecture and chatting them up. had my fair share of awkward silences freshmen but i limit this to the beginning of the semester now so that i know at least one person in the class. but you gotta try not to come off as a creep and really read the person's body language.

@frats: im kinda iffy on them. im not going to judge brothers because i got into a great deal of frat parties without paying because i knew brothers, but the current friend group i have is scattered across campus and we have a group of friends living of campus. we usually head over to that house on weekends and party and its like a frat party except i know everyone and i dont have to make new friends every time because its our circle. and the best part is that we do shit together sober as well, and its not awkward seeing them on campus like it would be when you met someone at a frat party (IMO). what i have now is essentially a frat without the hazing/monthly fee, and its definitely not uncommon.

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I made friends because my less stranger-aversive, less hermit-y friends from high school makes friends more easily and I mooch off them lol

Clubs and even just small-sized major-related classes do help, though. I was in the computer science honors program so there's a bunch of classes of size no larger than 25 where I see a bunch of the same people for many classes together (also: this curriculum can be tough so studying together is a thing) and I'm still good friends with some of them now even after graduation

This might be a bit harder if you're undecided on your major or hate it, but it worked in my favor since I enjoy working in my field

But I did have the good fortune (bad fortune for some if you really didn't like high school?) to go to uni with a lot of people from high school and two of them are some of my closest friends so lol

although re: clubs I also have had people who I didn't really want to be friends with be really persistent in socializing with me and my group, similar interests doesn't guaranteed i'll actually like the person

Edited by Thor Odinson
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fraternities are totally fucking alien concepts to people outside the us and even to some people inside the us and the fucking baffle me and occasionally kind of creep me out. i'm sure you had a good experience with them but from an outsider perspective it's this fucking weird, idiosyncratic thing

edit: as for the topic: op i know it sounds trite but just chat up people you sit next to about whatever. you'll find probably most people aren't against having a conversation with a relative stranger.

Edited by fuccboi
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