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Weapons and Special Moves


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You guys recall how the characters in Hyrule Warriors could use different weapons and had some special moves, right? Link could use stuff like the Fire Rod and Spin Attack, for instance.

FE characters definitely have more potential here with the skill system and lots of weapons already being things there. Many skills can easily translate to special moves in a Warriors game. So what skills and weapons do you want characters to have?

Ike obviously needs Aether as his special move. It's been his trademark all his existence, and his Aether animation is even now used as a possible standard attack in Fates. As for his weapons, Ragnell would be a given, but I think he also needs Urvan and maybe one or two more other weapons. He even has Urvan in Codename Steam, so it definitely makes sense.

I think Ryoma should get clubs in addition to his katanas, since if I recall, there's a Ryoma's Club in Fates. I'm not sure he has a skill that would fit as his special move, but I'd love for it to involve all that electricity pouring out of Raijinto! At least, when he uses Raijinto.

For Robin, Ignis is the obvious skill choice there.

Corrin should get one of his/her dragon-related skills. Both Avatars could get a pile of different weapons, honestly.

Chrom...um, no idea since Aether is already Ike's... Maybe that spiraling attack from the one Awakening cutscene? But Lucina also uses it, so I dunno... Unless she's a clone of her father, I suppose. And his second weapon should obviously be lances. For a possible third, maybe bows since Lucina gets one in Codename Steam?


Edited by Anacybele
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for weapons i don't think lords should start off with their iconic weapons, with exceptions being chrom and possibly corrin. it could ether be a level 3-4 weapon of that variant, or be a special weapon gotten from key story events.


having a special attack in the idea of astra would be neat. alot of swift sword strikes if you will.

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2 minutes ago, Elieson said:

i wonder how Aether would translate into a mass-targeting attack. Maybe the ground slam part creates an expanding quake?

subsequently, it could also be a move geared towards targeting specific enemies, like we see in some of the moves of Girahim and Midna in HW

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Hm... assuming weapons is three ranks from weakest to most powerful like in HW, I could see something like this on some characters:


  1. Falchion
  2. Rapier
  3. Exalted Falchion


  1. Thunder
  2. Elthunder (or Arcthunder)
  3. Thoron

Or maybe:

  1. Thunder
  2. Thoron
  3. Mjölnir
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28 minutes ago, Elieson said:

i wonder how Aether would translate into a mass-targeting attack. Maybe the ground slam part creates an expanding quake?

Something like

(around 3:17) would probably be fine - it could also extend him further into the air on activation to look more like Aether.
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Incidentally, I have one more thing on my mind: the various skills may become passive skills tied to a weapon, or get worked into their moveset in a way: I could definitely see Ike have Aether as his Musou for example where launches stunned enemies into the air, then slams them down into the ground and knocking them and surrounding enemies away. At the same time, I could see skills like Robin's Ignis be a passive skill, bound to a weapon or some other thing for instance, and the skill starts activating at random as you're comboing an enemy (and you could tell it's been activated because Robin is surrounded by technicolor fire) and as long as it's activated (by keeping up combos), Robin could apply some of his strength to his magic stat and/or the opposite depending on whether the attack is physical or magical (and whether the game actually has Strength and Magic stats that they can go off of).

And if the Skill stat is included, it could increase the chance of activating the skill and how long it would take after your last attack before it deactivates.

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2 hours ago, Thany said:

having a special attack in the idea of astra would be neat. alot of swift sword strikes if you will

Actually, if anything I'd like Astra to manifest as "multi-strikes" (think Zhou Tai); basically, one slash of the weapon does multiple hits. I always thought it would've been cool if, instead of the unit doing five attacks in a row, the mainline games just used the "uninterrupted follow up attack that doesn't kill" animation and then quickly applied each individual hit.

I've actually been thinking that the weapon triangle could be around, what with DW8 already having one in function. As such, I think characters should be able to carry secondary weapons that they can switch to, which would necessitate generic movesets. Chrom and Xander could switch to lances, Robin could switch to a sword (I kinda doubt Levin Sword shenanigans are going to be around, what with the Raijinto existing), and...

3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I think Ryoma should get clubs in addition to his katanas, since if I recall, there's a Ryoma's Club in Fates

...This. I actually genuinely hadn't thought about that; clubs would make sense for Ryoma. Though, it would be hard to assign either a sword, axe, or lance to certain characters. Maybe everyone can pack either of the three as a back-up, with an affinity bonus for one in particular?

I'm also convinced that there will be a unique player avatar for the game... instead of having a unique weapon type, maybe instead have them get an affinity bonus from every weapon and musou attacks centered around one in particular (that you choose upon creation)? I'm thinking way too much about this.

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