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I don't really care, especially since male-exclusive skills are garbo, but if I did, Hp + 5, Despoil, or maybe Gamble are what I'd have her inherit.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Axefaire and Rally Strength are easily the best male exclusive skills.

If you're not going to be grinding a whole lot, then Despoil (free gold is still free gold) if you really want a male-exclusive skill on her; If not, Ignis and or Veteran so that you can have those skills on her right away.

Having another unit with access to every class is the selling point.

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Axefaire if you plan on grinding and making Severa into an axe-using class like Hero.

In a no-grind setting, the child should always inherit Veteran from the avatar for easier level-ups (the only exception being if Morgan actually starts off as a Tactician upon recruitment).

Rally Strength isn't worthwhile since any child character has more potential than just being a mere Rallybot and you can use Logbook avatars or DLC Katarina and Palla for that same purpose. HP +5, Zeal, and Gamble are meh (effects are largely too small to matter). Despoil isn't worthwhile since Leif's Blade weapon exists (and Severa should be able to use it at base) especially if combined with Armsthrift, Galeforce, and Limit Break. Counter isn't useful if you've been grinding a lot and is only really useful on enemy units (such as AI Streetpass teams). Wrath requires being at below 50% HP to have any effect and a V/V (Vantage+Vengeance) build doesn't always need Wrath to be successful.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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