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You're the worst anime ever.

Bo-bobo is simply about an afroed man and his quest to save the people from the Margarita Empire. (if you want to be specific about names and whatnot) However, logic is not strong in this anime/manga. Gender bending, things popping out of Bo-bobo's afro, and Beauty, the loli of the show, freaking out happens quite frequently. Obvously, it isn't something to be taken seriously, which is why it is awesome. It is also the source of my main name, Kintenbo. He is a Bo-bobo fusion, consisting of Bo-bobo, Jelly Jiggler, and Halekulani.

When did that happen in the animae? The Kintenbo part, I mean.

Also, don't forget to stop trains with you bare hands to save doggies.


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When did that happen in the animae? The Kintenbo part, I mean.

Also, don't forget to stop trains with you bare hands to save doggies.


It never happened in the anime. It stopped in the middle of the whole Hydrate invading. If it just went through a few more episodes, he would have made an anime appearance. He only got to appear in the manga. In fact, the anime wasn't even close to finishing the first part of Bo-bobo.

There are many spoilers:

Such as Bo-bobo's 4 siblings, Softon being Beauty's brother, many other Bo-bobo fusions, and the final battle between Bo-bobo and his brother, Bi-bibi. Then after that, Shinsetsu Bo-bobo comes to be, with new characters and such.

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Why the heck was the show canceled? I watched it.

It was cancelled in Japan because it was too random for the japanese. However, I believe Bobobo actually got decent ratings in the US- They just ran out of episodes to run.

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