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What are you most excited to see in SoV?

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I've been looking around the SoV thread, and while I'm seeing a lot of interesting threads, I'm also seeing a lot of negativity and pessimism.

While I completely understand how people can be nervous about avatars, or gameplay, or even changes to the story, I want to mainly see what people are excited to see from the game.

I'm insanely excited for this game, and I'm avoiding fears until they're confirmed by trailers.

So until they show an avatar, or show pair-up, I'm not going to worry about it.

But what are you guys excited to see in SoV?

I think the thing I'm most excited about is the dungeon crawling.  Something only really included in Gaiden that could be interesting on the 3ds.

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24 minutes ago, CWGameplay said:

I think the thing I'm most excited about is the dungeon crawling.  Something only really included in Gaiden that could be interesting on the 3ds.

This is also what I'm most excited about! They have a change to do something really cool with it, and I just love the possibility of controlling FE characters in a 3D space. Let's hope they knock that out of the park!

I also think at this point I'm just excited to see the new character designs after loving what they have done with alm/celica/boey/saber. Can't forget the music, too! Gaiden already had one of the best OST's of any FE imo, and the re-arranges so far are phenomenal.

TBH, just about everything I see about this game makes me very very excited, and it has a real chance to contend for my favorite FE if it keeps it up.

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I honestly don't see why people are concerned about Avatars.

There's literally nothing behind it, although the Efi character we saw before could be one, as the white hair and somewhat gender neutral name (I believe) could be an indicator. If it's so, let's hope they don't get too much special treatment. But I still think its waaaaay too soon to be seriously concerned over the prospect of an avatar.

Anyways, to the main topic, I'm mostly just glad this exists. Overall, I'm most happy about seeing a certain Pegasus  Knight come back again, plus those free-roaming dungeons look really cool.

Edited by Almerson
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Alright, so I haven't been on here in a while and look what I missed out on. THE REVEAL OF GAIDEN REMAKE!!! HOLY DAMN!!! OH MY GOD!!!

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to Palla and Est having some voices. Oh and playing a version of Gaiden that isn't too dated for my own tastes.

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I'm ready to see the redesigns of the cast and see who changed drastically. I like that it's a smaller cast of characters this time around, because I hate having tons of characters sit on the bench.

I'm also excited for the game mechanics as well, since, it's the only Fire Emblem that features dungeon crawling, HP-based magic (no tomes), and sidequests.

And I'm curious to see if they made improvements where it was needed: more story, more character development (they didn't have support conversations), actual growth rates, actual drop rates (not that 0.014% BS), and not have any repeated maps. 

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34 minutes ago, AsherCrane said:

I'm personally really interested in the replacement to tomes, however they end up working. Boey using that lightning without a tome looked awesome!

In the original, mages learned spells as they gained levels and it costs a small amount of HP to cast a spell, so they could be using the original mechanic for this game. I think it's interesting, and really explains why mages uses tomes and staves in the first place, so their HP won't be drained.

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7 hours ago, AsherCrane said:

I'm personally really interested in the replacement to tomes, however they end up working. Boey using that lightning without a tome looked awesome!

The way tomes worked in Gaiden was something I really enjoyed about it

I played Gaiden but couldn't get too into it, if only because of the outdated graphics, but one thing I loved about it was some of the gameplay mechanics

Along with dungeon crawling I'm excited to see if the Gaiden magic system makes a return.

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-Silque's rescue as Alm is her knight and Shining Armor.

-Celica and Alm's relationship.

-The Pegasi Triplet's' return.

-Luka's watchful eye over things.

-Kliff kicking major ass.

-Clair giving her true love in the ending.

-Python kicking some serious ass.

-Celica being naive as ever and waiting for the unfortunate part around the *snip*

-Mae teasing Boey as they are childhood friends.

-Genny being loyal to Celica as she serves in Nomah's monastery.

-Waiting for Saber to help Celica cross the seas as she is very naive as much as Erika's level.

-Balbo seeking revenge for his entire family being slaughtered.

-Leon serving to help his brother, Balbo.

-The Sisters looking for Est as she is one stupid bitch.

-Jesse's confinement for trying to aid Est. Yes. That is always the price for helping her out. She left Abel for cryin out loud.

-Always slaughtering Deen as I always recruit my favorite character in the game next to Silque. (Sonia)

-Having Est and the Pegasus sisters become gods on the battlefield and hoping more than anything that they don't have the arrow weaknesses in.




Edited by PuffPuff
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50 minutes ago, PuffPuff said:

-Silque's rescue as Alm is her knight and Shining Armor.

-Celica and Alm's relationship.

-The Pegasi Triplet's' return.

-Luka's watchful eye over things.

-Kliff kicking major ass.

-Clair giving her true love in the ending.

-Python kicking some serious ass.

-Celica being naive as ever and waiting for the unfortunate part around the *snip*

-Mae teasing Boey as they are childhood friends.

-Genny being loyal to Celica as she serves in Nomah's monastery.

-Waiting for Saber to help Celica cross the seas as she is very naive as much as Erika's level.

-Balbo seeking revenge for his entire family being slaughtered.

-Leon serving to help his brother, Balbo.

-The Sisters looking for Est as she is one stupid bitch.

-Jesse's confinement for trying to aid Est. Yes. That is always the price for helping her out. She left Abel for cryin out loud.

-Always slaughtering Deen as I always recruit my favorite character in the game next to Silque. (Sonia)

-Having Est and the Pegasus sisters become gods on the battlefield and hoping more than anything that they don't have the arrow weaknesses in.

Basically all of this, but also:

-The updated graphics and designs

-Just Alm and Celica

-The best villager/mage ever, Kliff

-Alm and Celica


-Mathilda and the destruction she will cause with a certain lance

-Tatianna and Zeke

-Did I mention Alm and Celica, cause I really like Alm and Celica

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Tbh I just want to see Duma vs Alm. Not because I want to know what Duma looks like or something like that, but because in the original NES version It was quite the intense and epic battle for me, so I really can't wait to see it again with updated graphic and, most importantly, music.

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Spells and loot, hopefully with some fun new additions.

Dungeon crawling has the potential to be really good, but it might also turn out to be frustrating; I don't want a repeat of Rigel Castle's underground and guess what holes I should fall into in order to progress - on a timer of sorts, no less.

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Dungeons, overworld map, and towns. I love exploration in games, no matter how limited. That in Fire Emblem is a dream come true. That and loot. I would love the ability to find special loot in places. It's why I love games like Skyrim or Oblivion. Nothing better than finding a random cave or set of ruins that has some crazy weapon or set of armor.

Edited by Tolvir
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Towns and dungeons.

I know in Gaiden they were really limited, but there's so much potential there that it makes me excited to see how far they take it. Towns were you can learn about the world, interact with your party members, and maybe even take on sidequests (basically an explorable barracks) would be a dream come true.

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46 minutes ago, Book Bro said:

Towns and dungeons.

I know in Gaiden they were really limited, but there's so much potential there that it makes me excited to see how far they take it. Towns were you can learn about the world, interact with your party members, and maybe even take on sidequests (basically an explorable barracks) would be a dream come true.

Huh, I never thought about interacting with your party members in town, actually. It would be a great way to implement supports or base conversations (or town conversations, I suppose).

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As someone who spawned much of that negativity and pessimism you talked about I now look at gaiden very differently. Yes supports and stuff would be nice but I'm pretty this remake is for gaiden fans mostly so it's up to them what the game should have not casuals like me. If they don't want supports and stuff in then so be it.

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6 hours ago, PuffPuff said:

-Silque's rescue as Alm is her knight and Shining Armor.

-Celica and Alm's relationship.

-The Pegasi Triplet's' return.

-Luka's watchful eye over things.

-Kliff kicking major ass.

-Clair giving her true love in the ending.

-Python kicking some serious ass.

-Celica being naive as ever and waiting for the unfortunate part around the *snip*

-Mae teasing Boey as they are childhood friends.

-Genny being loyal to Celica as she serves in Nomah's monastery.

-Waiting for Saber to help Celica cross the seas as she is very naive as much as Erika's level.

-Balbo seeking revenge for his entire family being slaughtered.

-Leon serving to help his brother, Balbo.

-The Sisters looking for Est as she is one stupid bitch.

-Jesse's confinement for trying to aid Est. Yes. That is always the price for helping her out. She left Abel for cryin out loud.

-Always slaughtering Deen as I always recruit my favorite character in the game next to Silque. (Sonia)

-Having Est and the Pegasus sisters become gods on the battlefield and hoping more than anything that they don't have the arrow weaknesses in.




Just reading that put a smile to my face...

Well, what is already a given is that the art and the music will be fantastic, so I'm obviously excited about that.

I also have high hope about Sonia's character. Her background is quite interresting, but revealing everything about a character in its ending was a trend back there.

ANd fighting Rudolf.

This trailer really was quite promising in lots of aspects (Alm and Cellica, and the dungeons.)

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-I want the towns to at least be as fully featured as the towns in Shining Force.

-I'm excited for Gaiden to get an actual story.

-I'm also excited for the very real possibility that hit rates won't be a fucking Skinner's Box.  Gaiden hit rates are so stupid, it's ridiculous.

-The characters getting actual art work is nice.  Can't wait to see what Matilda looks like, and having some more Camus OA is always nice.

-Speaking of the characters, it'll be great for them to finally get some development.

-Some rebalancing is in order.  Hopefully everyone is useful and they don't make mounts OP (mounts, Falconknights notwithstanding, were balanced in OG Gaiden).

-Multiple difficulties and what they'll end up doing with them will be cool as well.

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  1. Experiencing a story lost to time, with every line voiced, no less!
  2. Hearing those beautiful remixes, especially Land of Sorrow!
  3. Meeting, what is to me, a new cast of characters.
  4. Getting those amiibo. They look so damn cool!
  5. Dungeon crawling! Looks fun and developed in the trailer, and it's certainly something I've never seen before in a Fire Emblem game.
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-The art style and how characters will change from their original artwork (It's always fun to see how people/ideas evolve over the years)

-Nostalgic feeling. I haven't played Gaiden, but I'm really happy there's going to be a remake of an older FE game on 3DS. I need a break from Awakening/Fates' quirks and pair-up systems and a return to good old Fire Emblem. (No offense to FE13/14. I like em, but they're just so different to me)

-The plot. Again, haven't played Gaiden so I dunno how it was in the story department, but either way I'm excited to experience the now updated story of Echoes. (Wonder if it'll beat PoR/RD for me. Probs not, but I can hope)

Those are all the things I can think of right now. The nostalgic feeling so far is my biggest attraction to the game and the main thing driving me to buy it. 

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